Skill changes

gatts87 Posts: 61 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Is it possible to delete or change the level of skills you have? I've made some dumb choices on skills and I'd like to fix them if possible. If there is a way, do you get your spirit points you spent back?
Post edited by gatts87 on


  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Afraid not, if you get a skill, you're stuck with it, there's no way to get the SP back.
  • gatts87
    gatts87 Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Whats the point in that? I'm sure I'm not the only one to make mistakes then forced to start over. Also I'd have to wait 7 days to use my chars name again :(... These reasons are why I dislike pw: no skill resets/char deletion takes 7 days/stat resets are in small chunks not just completely reset.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    youll get plenty of spirit at higher lvls, those low lvl mistakes are genrally no biggie(unless its one of the few skills that are best used at lvl 1)
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You realize that coins and spirit are (nearly) infinite?
    Im level 82 and i have over 30 skills on max level, even those that people call as "useless".
  • Dollet - Sanctuary
    Dollet - Sanctuary Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    It encourages you to make good choices? Not everyone who makes a mistake feels the need to start over either. They learn from it and move on.

    Character deletion takes 7 days so that hackers can't log onto your account and destroy everything you've worked on. Or let's say someone hits their delete button accidently. I think it's an excellent security measure.
  • Coviana - Sanctuary
    Coviana - Sanctuary Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    On my first Cleric, when I was just learning the skills and wanted to try some experimenting on my own, rather than just reading forums and automatically doing what everyone else did.

    My goal was a full healer/support cleric, so I skipped the attack skills, leaving Plume Shot and that Cyclone attack at Level 1. Since this was before I learned of the inefficiency of the Blessing of Purehearted, I kept it, my other two heals, and my buffs all up to date.

    I very quickly discovered that my build was effectively impossible to solo with, so I always ended up needing a squad for even level-appropriate quest mobs. When I was lucky, I could get a squad to help, but most people at lower levels are more interested in soloing (for reasons discussed in . By about 15% into Lv32, I was out of quests, and still unable to effectively solo grind.

    Since I couldn't effectively solo anything level-appropriate, and I was still frequently having a hard time finding people willing to squad up with me, I decided to try to 'fix' my build by raising Plume Shot a few levels, hoping it would enable me to solo a bit better. I didn't have enough spirit to bring it up to a useful level, and now my heals and buffs have fallen behind as well - so I'm ineffective as a solo, AND ineffective as a support cleric.

    Are there any recommendations for fixing this build, please, since at this level, spirit is most definitely NOT unlimited, and, in fact, quite a scarce commodity? I'm starting to suspect that it might be faster to just restart a new character without raising Blessing of Pureheart than it would be to grind enough spirit to fix it.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    My goal was a full healer/support cleric, so I skipped the attack skills, leaving Plume Shot and that Cyclone attack at Level 1. Since this was before I learned of the inefficiency of the Blessing of Purehearted, I kept it, my other two heals, and my buffs all up to date.

    Hate to say it, but chalk it up as a learning experience and start over. Level 32 sounds high, but in the grand scheme of things is pretty low. You will level much quicker your second time through. I think I managed 1-20 in a weekend on my second character. (Edit for the confused: My main is a veno, I picked my barb icon as my avatar since I'm a guy)

    And yeah, they should sticky in bold letters in the Cleric forum that Ironheart is the only decent heal.
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    gatts87 wrote: »
    These reasons are why I dislike pw:

    First of all, what are you doing in a game you don't like?! If I were to dislike PW, I would just uninstall the whole game, not just deleting my character.

    Then, about the skill issue, I think it's a good thing that you have to set priorities on which skill to learn. I just got through lvl 30-40, which is a SP problem phase (at least for a barb). I really had to choose the essential skills, and leave the rest.

    I might have learned some skills I hardly ever use, but in some situations they come out very handy. To give you an example: Devour. I never really use it, because it's expensive and makes me use focuspowder/manapots like mad. Then I got in fb39 with just a cleric and a veno. The veno, higher lvl than me, was tanking with her pet and needed to heal it a lot. So basicly, we were doing the fb without a damage dealer, since the damage was me and the veno's hercules. I can tell you, I never thought devour could be so usefull, while just before I would have traded it for another skill if possible.
    And there are other skills, that seem useless, untill you have to kill some particular mob. Just experiment on how to use your skills.
  • Coviana - Sanctuary
    Coviana - Sanctuary Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hate to say it, but chalk it up as a learning experience and start over. Level 32 sounds high, but in the grand scheme of things is pretty low. You will level much quicker your second time through. I think I managed 1-20 in a weekend on my second character.

    Thanks... Probably not worth it for me then, since i usually only play a few hours per week on the weekends, so it would take far too long. Maybe I'll get back to the game eventually... dunno... feeling very discouraged with the game now.
  • gatts87
    gatts87 Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I just think people should have a choice to reset skills and that resetting stats should be a less costly experience. Perhaps add two new items to the cash shop, reset all stats and reset all skills items. Would make people who messed up or that want to try new setups feel better. Plus the company will make a profit so it benefits them as well.
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have never played a cleric so I have no cleric specific clues. However, you can level up just fine fighting lower leveled opponents, and doing dragon quests and stuff like that. Dragon quests will include some fighting but lower leveled dragon quests will require lower leveled fighting.

    Also, the spring festival event is great for gaining spirit. You can earn about 22,000 spirit/day, if you participate. You do not need to fight, but you will need to fly for an hour or two. You can find some guides using search.

    Also, the snake island race can give you another 3000 spirit per day without having to kill anything (or 3200 spirit/day if you wait 10 days and turn your badges into a sign).

    Also, you can offer your services for people running FBs. Your heals do not have to be perfect for lower leveled FBs.

    And if you are having problems with a quest and you need some damage, /whisper me and see if I have some time to help you out! I will not be much use for you against bosses, but I can help with most other quests.
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Coviana, I wouldn't start all over again if I were you. Like Fleuri said, there are lots of ways to gain SP without fighting. I'm sure your healing skills are good enough for at least fb19. Just spend some time there and help with the call to duty.
    Also, you can try to wisper me if you need a tank. That makes 2 poeple willing to help you out.
  • BearHunter - Sanctuary
    BearHunter - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yes don't delete it. Put it into your "drawer" and create another one using your experiences. You'll see she levels much faster since you know what's coming. Once in a while take out the first "experimental char" an ask for squads (you can ask friends you will meet while playing the better version of your char) doing maybe a quest or 2 in day if you feel like it. And then one day you have breakthrough getting attack skills up to your self sustaining level. That's what I'd do.

    And btw by this time your 2nd and best and strongest char is running into dire difficulties of getting necessary mats for crafting. And now you can put your lower char into effect and farm all you can.

    So something good can come out of it after all