epiphany Arc User


  • Only 131K for me. b:sad
  • If I'm not mistaken, there is only 1 frog pet, and if you want a fighting frog, make sure it is not an all-class pet before purchasing.
  • Pet skills can only be upgraded at certain levels, so you'll have to hold off on it until it's time.
  • Dexterity is completely useless for a mage venomancer because magic attacks never miss.
  • The max level for all-class pets are level 1. They cannot fight. Their only purpose is to look cute and make you look cool.
  • Don't worry about the water pet-- there aren't that many water quests early on. Just tame a water pet close to your level to use for whichever water quest you have and ditch it after wards. At level 80-something you can tame the heavenly fish (or whatever it is called in this version)-- that pet will be your main water…
  • You can have skills from both trees. Keep in mind that later in game you will be dealing with a lot of bosses and will need the fox-form curses to aid in your party's attack. Also, in territory war, a fox's main job is to debuff werebeasts using the fox-form curses.
  • Correct. And mobs that cannot be tamed will not have the smiley face next to their names (when you click on them).
  • At Mrs. Zoologist. If you're looking to get a new skill for your pet, you will have to buy the pet skill book first before you can teach your pet. Also keep in mind that teaching your pet(s) a new skill(s) or next level of a skill will cost you SP.
  • Correct. At lower levels, mobs are still doing only physical damage to you so magic defense is quite useless at this stage, IMHO.
  • You can purchase new skills for your pet(s) but are limited to having only 4 skills per pet.
  • They spawn 12 hours after they were last tamed or killed.
  • Just add enough dexterity and strength for your armor; the rest into magic and 1 point into vitality every now and then when you can spare a point. You can check out how many points you need for dex/str/magic by checking out the merchants.
  • A pain? It's not everyday that you fight a boss.
  • I followed the cookie crumbs. =D
  • Venomancers are fast levelers until lvl 60 or so and then it's all downhill from there.
  • Venomancers is the only class that can tame pets. The Untamed can transform to their animal form at level 9 after having completed the cultivation for that level.
  • I don't see how this can be viewed as illegal.
  • Land pets cannot attack in water, so if that is what you were trying to do then that's why. Also, pets have a tendency to unsummon themselves if you (the owner) have run too far up ahead. In one of the other versions of PW, there were some landscape glitches that would cause your pet to automatically unsummon itself if you…
  • The petite sawfly's high damage output makes it a good pet for air PvP.
  • They typically spawn at or near the same location each time. The red areas is where they can roam to if not tamed immediately after spawning.
  • This is how it works: Pets caught and raised from a lower level will have much better stats (and poorer skills) than one from the same family that is of a higher original level when caught. On the other hand, pets that are of a higher original level when caught will have better skills (but poorer stats) than lower level…
  • Both are great at higher levels-- it just depends on how you play them. I have a lvl 8x WF on another server and whether I can survive PK/TW depends solely on how I play. If you know how to debuff, when to nuke and which pet to use in each situation then there's really nothing to stop you from pwning anyone and everyone in…
  • Pets cannot be buffed, period. You can heal your pet, and other venos can heal your pet but that is all you can do.
  • I haven't played this version yet, so I'm not familiar with the terms you guys use here, but having come from another version of PW, here is my take: Nukers, DDs (damage dealers), Glass Canons, or whatever you want to call them, are INT (magic/mana) based. These are the ones that will do the most damage out of the two. If…
  • There are 4 things that may be prohibiting you from getting that skill: 1. You have not reached the required cultivation level. 2. You do not have the required prerequisite skill(s). 3. You do not have enough money. 4. You do not have enough skill points.
  • Like demise said, get yourself a scorpion. They may not be aesthetically pleasing but at higher levels, they deal massive damage.
  • Wahhhh... I think the fire salamanders are cute.
  • Pets raised from lower levels will have better stats, but pets caught at higher levels will have better skills.
  • As far as battle pets are concerned, there are 2 legendary pets, Hercules and Phoenix, which can only be bought from the item mall.