dreamknight Arc User


  • Well i played PerfectWorld abit back an im actualy downloading it right now an I am a massive Roleplay person Ill be more then happy to start over an roleplay with you, I actualy myself would like to because I myself find it very hard to find anyone to roleplay with an when i do its some fairly young horny male or female.…
  • well we certainly would be happy to have another wizrd. Especially if he is an adult that can except the help we offer in fb's, Bosses, and HH not to mention TW.
  • I being a 32 yr old mature and at times adult member of The Empire have to say that I appreciate the effort that Blazeofglory goes to in order to insure that all members are mature, even at the expence of her leveling. I for one would like to say thank you for providing us with a drama free guild, and for your swift…
  • Yes....It is sooo nice and peaceful in the guild now that the drama ridden people are gone. This is how I always imaged a guild should be like. Good work Blazeofglory and I no I speak for alot of the guild when i say that. So come join 1 of the top guilds on Heavens Tear were equality is prevelent, honesty is respected and…
  • I had the exact same peoblem from pw-my server over to here..I installed the east asian lanuage pack and i can now play the game and alt tab out and back in
  • In response to the original poster...9/27 a little after 11am that was before the Elysium tw. Am i correct? You called The Empire out then pick a territory ALL the way north east of The Empire territories? U had the option of attacking our territory..Empty words mean nothing and jelousy will get u nowhere. Your very own…
  • Still 1 slot left just checked...
  • Id like to add something here, The Empire is pretty well known and Blaze tries to keep a respectfull image but This guild Elysium has been attacking us both verbally, literally, and phycologically. 2 nights ago we guild wared them and crushed them..we r tired of all their immature nonsense. They r just a bunch of random…
  • Yes..id like to join your guild...im helpful and friendly and i want to be part of the best and biggest guild on the server. I am a lvl 68 barb with a low lvl cleric only 40+ can both come to the empire? i have partied with you many times and its time for me to join an empire and not just another guild.
  • What a bunch of bull that poster is. 2 nites ago i was at the arens and there where 33 Empire's there and no 1 was red or pink named. And that nite i watched as some of the Radiance members OK'ed a white named Empire. It was 1 empire verses 3 Radiances. The empire people came back at them in force and 1 shotted a guy named…
  • Well i must say the Closed Beta i have gotten to se the people who will be in theguild and i must say this guild will be going really far, also the fact that they are organized vary well.
  • Hey i am in this guild my self and i mut say everyone one gets anything they want done then and there unlike this Rage guy i sware he is just trying to be a jurk by getting more posts to out run the greatest guild ever. (LostDream)