The Empire - Heavens Tear's competitive faction



  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    meh Achika is just kidding around. Ciel users are freaking cheaters. Brandino is probably the best Ciel user I have played and his mixups are pretty nuts. I'm not that great with Hisui. I usually use Hisui/Kohaku with kohaku prime. I'm really not fond of the hiero in between my hisui changeups... grrrr
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Snow_claw - Heavens Tear
    Snow_claw - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lazor wrote: »
    Hi every 1...let me 1st direct myself to Snopwclaw.. If u think u got what it takes to fit into The Empire Contact Blazeofglory in game. At lvl 20 you r already behind most of the guild altho we could help u, how would u be helping us? But i did like ur post.

    I know my level is not that of where it needs to be for most guilds, but I don't settle for less.
    I bring experience: I know how organized groups of players work. I usually am well known on a server for tanking abilities. I love doing it.

    I like to push the limits of groups and Raids, just to see how far we can go.

    I am dedicated, I have sat and fought the same mob for countless hours just trying to figure the damn thing out. I have been part of guilds that have fallen to 3-4players and risen right back up to a strong force.

    Most importantly, I bring another Panda.
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited September 2008
    I know my level is not that of where it needs to be for most guilds, but I don't settle for less.
    I bring experience: I know how organized groups of players work. I usually am well known on a server for tanking abilities. I love doing it.

    I like to push the limits of groups and Raids, just to see how far we can go.

    I am dedicated, I have sat and fought the same mob for countless hours just trying to figure the damn thing out. I have been part of guilds that have fallen to 3-4players and risen right back up to a strong force.

    Most importantly, I bring another Panda.

    Looking forward to putting u into The Empire..i think that there is always exceptions to every rule..hoping u r 1 of them...Contact me
  • monoftalm
    monoftalm Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    did anyone played archlord :D

    I am new to this game I am lvl 14 xD

    I have 75 lvl knight in Archlord - Monoftalmus


    How can I be a member here :)))
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    it should all be in my first post :D
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • chichiri
    chichiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Awesome! I come back from being on vacation for about a week and get a warm welcome to being kicked from my clan. Thanks a bunch Empire!
    Misuzu - Heavens Tear
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    oh no! you should speak to blazz or bladeofglory. actually i was on a business trip for a week too. prior to leaving long term and if you're behind in levels you must leave a msg with blazz or blade. they will give you a title called '1wk' to remind themselves not to kick u.

    however i do admit the leaders are being more strict on players lvling up now...
    anyways i hope theres no hard feelings :cool:
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • chichiri
    chichiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    oh no! you should speak to blazz or bladeofglory. actually i was on a business trip for a week too. prior to leaving long term and if you're behind in levels you must leave a msg with blazz or blade. they will give you a title called '1wk' to remind themselves not to kick u.

    however i do admit the leaders are being more strict on players lvling up now...
    anyways i hope theres no hard feelings :cool:

    I did, and all I got was a "Did you tell anyone?" response. No invite back, no sorry, no nothing.
    Misuzu - Heavens Tear
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    Absences - The guild will keep track of your leveling. Even though you are encouraged to level up to xx you need not feel pressured. Just announce your absences (things happen in real life we know) beforehand so your static level does not translate to intended inactivity.

    yea if you told the leaders beforehand it would probably be different.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • chichiri
    chichiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    yea if you told the leaders beforehand it would probably be different.

    Well its too late for that now isnt? I think they updated the leave of absense policy after I left. lol, oh well.
    Misuzu - Heavens Tear
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited September 2008
    I asked Blazz about that poster and he was not told..neither was i. Had we been told we would of put a mark next to his name and not kicked. He did not ask to come back. Several people who were let go contacted us and asked to come back, and thier back . We do not want to no personal things about u but if u dont say anything as to why u suddenly stopped playing, then we think u r inactive, got tired of playing, lvling became to hard and u left the game etc etc etc.
    At least we dont kick for killing bunnies...
  • chichiri
    chichiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lol, Don't assume so fast that I'm a guy, lol! Why would I be so eager to come back when I was kicked so quickly, nor was even asked to come back.
    Misuzu - Heavens Tear
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited September 2008
    chichiri wrote: »
    lol, Don't assume so fast that I'm a guy, lol! Why would I be so eager to come back when I was kicked so quickly, nor was even asked to come back.

    Sorry didnt mean to refer to u as a guy. And yes u r right..we did not ask u back.
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited September 2008
    The Empire has limited slots left and we r looking for wizards and archers that are extremely active and who want to TW. Plz be mature. There are many older people in The Empire (ages go all the way to age 68) so we dont want kids. Plz be a team player and have an "i got ur back attitude"

    No more Venos, Barbs or clerics we truly have enough of those classes.
  • dreamknight
    dreamknight Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Id like to add something here, The Empire is pretty well known and Blaze tries to keep a respectfull image but This guild Elysium has been attacking us both verbally, literally, and phycologically. 2 nights ago we guild wared them and crushed them..we r tired of all their immature nonsense. They r just a bunch of random Pkers with no 1 left to pk becoz most of us turned blue after the war so we can lvl and not be bothered.

    If ur looking for respect, decency, adult talk, honesty, helpful, organized guild that actually has rules and abides by them contact an Empire member. We are a no pk guild unless provoked.
  • juicie
    juicie Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Here a tale from an outsider...I am only lvl 16 and a casual gamer. I have talked to the evolution guild and was abruptly cut of by Julz, I talked to Radiance and Kitty cat was nice but after she found out my lvl the conversation just stopped. Elysium guild told me to "STFU and go away". I noticed that all the big guilds r pretty egotisical and arragant except for The Empire..I had a 45 min convo with Blazeofglory even after he found out i was lvl 16, we continued to talk. Very nice guild and has the right mixture for a continued success. I did not join this guild due to the lvl requirement but have nothing bad to say about them at all. The power that corrupts peeps does not seem to be getting to The Empire..very refreshing to see.

    A side note: I met them at the guild war with that nasty guild called was the 1st time i ever saw a big fight like that. Elysium couldnt even get out the door in the town. The Empire crushed them over and over again. I counted 2 weapon drops and a pair of pants dropped from Elysium guild. 1 of the weapons was a bright glowy green. After being treated so badly by Elysium i couldnt help but cheer for The Empire..."STFU and go away" was 1 of the nicer things Elysium said to me. Fina the leader of elysium guild has the english education to talk a good game on world chat but is not so nice. She represents a low life pk guild of kids imho.

    All this is from a spectators point of view and my conversations with the guilds. As for me...I am a casual gamer and i dont think i would fit into the empire but they r really nice people in there. Nothing like the "server" rumors.
  • Fina - Heavens Tear
    Fina - Heavens Tear Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Id like to add something here, The Empire is pretty well known and Blaze tries to keep a respectfull image but This guild Elysium has been attacking us both verbally, literally, and phycologically. 2 nights ago we guild wared them and crushed them..we r tired of all their immature nonsense. They r just a bunch of random Pkers with no 1 left to pk becoz most of us turned blue after the war so we can lvl and not be bothered.

    If ur looking for respect, decency, adult talk, honesty, helpful, organized guild that actually has rules and abides by them contact an Empire member. We are a no pk guild unless provoked.

    Yes, you "crushed" "Elysium" because it was what, 15 vs 5 people?
    First off, don't say you crushed our GUILD crushed some of the PLAYERS...not the GUILD. Just because a few players got killed doesn't mean you killed the entire guild.

    Yea, it's the people in Elysium who attacked you and started it. And you gathered together and killed them. Why is that a big deal? Isn't that just what PK is about? So some people killed some other people....your point is...?

    Also, stop telling people you get a FEW HH weapons from us. You got ONE HH from ONE of our members. Not two HHs, not three HH HH weapon. Do you need to really spread lies to make yourselves look good? Aren't you the biggest and 'strongest' faction on the server? If you are then why do you need to go around spreading lies to make yourselves look better?

    Also, our guild is not a BUNCH of random PKers. There are SOME random PKers. What's the problem? It's a PvP optional server. Why are you playing with a white name if you don't want to PK or get PKed? In other words...don't complain if you get PKed when you're playing with a white name...if you really don't like PKing please switch to a blue name. That is what it's THERE for.

    juicie wrote: »
    Here a tale from an outsider...I am only lvl 16 and a casual gamer. I have talked to the evolution guild and was abruptly cut of by Julz, I talked to Radiance and Kitty cat was nice but after she found out my lvl the conversation just stopped. Elysium guild told me to "STFU and go away". I noticed that all the big guilds r pretty egotisical and arragant except for The Empire..I had a 45 min convo with Blazeofglory even after he found out i was lvl 16, we continued to talk. Very nice guild and has the right mixture for a continued success. I did not join this guild due to the lvl requirement but have nothing bad to say about them at all. The power that corrupts peeps does not seem to be getting to The Empire..very refreshing to see.

    A side note: I met them at the guild war with that nasty guild called was the 1st time i ever saw a big fight like that. Elysium couldnt even get out the door in the town. The Empire crushed them over and over again. I counted 2 weapon drops and a pair of pants dropped from Elysium guild. 1 of the weapons was a bright glowy green. After being treated so badly by Elysium i couldnt help but cheer for The Empire..."STFU and go away" was 1 of the nicer things Elysium said to me. Fina the leader of elysium guild has the english education to talk a good game on world chat but is not so nice. She represents a low life pk guild of kids imho.

    All this is from a spectators point of view and my conversations with the guilds. As for me...I am a casual gamer and i dont think i would fit into the empire but they r really nice people in there. Nothing like the "server" rumors.

    Okay let's clear some things up here. First of all I don't know who told you to STFU and go away. That is rediculous and no one that I let into this guild would say that to a random person. So unless you have a screenshot to prove it or provide me with a name so I can speak to said person I take that as a complete lie. Thanks.

    Never spoke with Julz from Evolution but imp they are extremely nice and friendly people.
    KittyKat is a complete jerk and a fool. I left her guild because when I joined she tried to force me to turn my name blue, even though I told her I wouldn't randomly PK anyone. I hate it when leaders are hardly ever active or speak in guild chat other than to order their members around to do things they would rather not do. Sorry KittyKat, I rather quit your guild than be forced to do something I don't want to. (But her aside, I like almost everyone else in Radiance and have many friends in that guild)

    "Fina the leader of elysium guild has the english education to talk a good game on world chat but is not so nice. She represents a low life pk guild of kids imho."

    Yes, let's clear this up too. First and foremost the only reason I am the leader is because I was randomly assigned the leader position. No one else wanted it and it was apparently decided I would be best for the was randomly given to me without me expecting it. So I am trying my BEST to run a guild and my own life and the same time.

    Secondly, have you ever met me? How do you know I am not so nice? That is quite a brazen statement to make. I TRY to remain fairly civil in game and be friendly with all the other guilds. I have FRIENDS in Empire, and even the leader, Blazz, told me that he has high respect for me (when there was the big Elysium vs Empire fight). A few Empire members consider me to be nice and civil. To hear that coming from the guild that HATES Elysium it must mean that I'm not really as mean and cruel as you think........

    I do not 'represent a low life pk guild of kids'. I don't represent anyone! I represent myself and they represent themselves...that's the end of it. If THEY want to PK then THEY PK. That is THEIR perogative, NOT mine.

    And to everyone who wants me to control my members, sorry, I can't put a leash on them. I do not have control over their actions...nor do I want to force them to do anything they don't want to do.

    Please understand this: Do not make a statement about Elsyium as a whole because of a few people's (what you might consider) foolish actions. And please do not make a statement about me or what kind of person I am just because I have the "Leader" title next to some letters above a character's name in a game that happens to be shared with about 70 other players. Just because we have letters above our character names doesn't mean we are all the same.

    I have already told the guild members SEVERAL times that if they want to play in PK mode (white name) then they need to be prepared for ALL the consequences that comes with it. I've already told them that I cannot always back them up or get involved in their fights. If they get PKed and lose and item or something they are not allowed to come crying to me. You know what I tell them? "Too bad for you. Don't like it? Turn your name blue and get on with your life" There...that's the solution.

    White name is meant for PK...nothing else. There is no difference in a white vs blue name other than the color and the PKed or be PKed. Unless that player has an extremely strong affinity for the color white...there is no other reason to play with a white name than to PK or be PKed.
    So I tell the same thing to anyone, not just my members: If you don't wanna PK or get PKed turn your name blue.

    Please don't complain about PK in a PvP optional server (I tell this to my members and everyone else) and please do not make such generalized statements about my personality or Elysium as a whole because of a few player's actions. Hate the player, not the guild.

    I read the forums when bored at work for the lulz.
  • Henrietta - Heavens Tear
    Henrietta - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    wow, whatever did we do to deserve this? thanks a lot for your approval juicie!
    you're doing us a great service by helping us attract like minded individuals to uphold our foundation. (whoa, I'm good)

    Sorry to hear about your experiences with the other guilds. Meh, Empire had its bad moments too in world chat. but anyways, those guilds are just misrepresented sometimes and I know most members there are pretty nice.

  • Henrietta - Heavens Tear
    Henrietta - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Fina, you're right about crushing the members and not the guild. Then perhaps you should give your own guild a lesson on how to curb their mouth on crushing the Empire as well. If you have not noticed, you even had someone "call out" to us in the pvp thread.

    It is not a big deal really. But can you guarantee that your members will not make it sound like they won the lottery on world chat every time they kill a few of our members? If not, then you will just have to accept this as individual behavior.

    So as a leader, u should know you cannot do the above nor would you have the interest to. Why prevent your own guild members from celebrating a victory to claim their pride? So perhaps this time its you who should just sit back and let the show play on
  • Fina - Heavens Tear
    Fina - Heavens Tear Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Fina, you're right about crushing the members and not the guild. Then perhaps you should give your own guild a lesson on how to curb their mouth on crushing the Empire as well. If you have not noticed, you even had someone "call out" to us in the pvp thread.

    It is not a big deal really. But can you guarantee that your members will not make it sound like they won the lottery on world chat every time they kill a few of our members? If not, then you will just have to accept this as individual behavior.

    So as a leader, u should know you cannot do the above nor would you have the interest to. Why prevent your own guild members from celebrating a victory to claim their pride? So perhaps this time its you who should just sit back and let the show play on

    Unfortunately I really can't control their actions. I can tell them over and over to act mature but it doesn't mean they are going to do it.

    So I just read the other post...I don't know why he makes a post like this...

    Anyway, if anyone wants to know how I feel on this subject any further just read my post in that thread....thanks.
    I read the forums when bored at work for the lulz.
  • Henrietta - Heavens Tear
    Henrietta - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    cool. lucky they have you as the pillar.

    /mini drama

    on with the recruiting!
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited September 2008
    Im not even going to answer Fina except to say..ITs your guild and u CAN control the members in it as you r the LEADER!!!!! Its very easy to do.. You have rules that they follow or u kick them..simple as that. Without rules choas accurs. And that is what your post is telling me...u have no control over ur own guild.

    I am not going to enter into a thread battle with u and pick apart your words as you have choosen to do because id be here all day. Surfice it to say you and your guild started this and the people in The Empire had enough!!! So yea we turned on white name just to pk u back. We will NOT take your bad mouthing us anymore!!!

    Get control of ur guild Fina...and do what a leader should be doing...LEAD!!!

    Let me clarify something: the word "your" I refer to your guild meaning Elysium. You represent them therefor its "your" guild.
  • Feraldreamz - Heavens Tear
    Feraldreamz - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    All this just makes me thankful that I'm unguilded :)
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited September 2008
    regretfully the poster who started this did it with good intentions i believe and that other guild jumped on this thread. As usual we defended ourselves...But u r right.. This is a recruiting thread and it has turned into a drama ridden thread. Since i kick out drama kings/queens we will let this all die. Our damage control Rep and myself will handle this from here on in.

    Thank you for helping me focus.
  • Helokin - Heavens Tear
    Helokin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The guild is all good... Structure and Order is at hand. The leaders look out for everyone...

    im never leaving... ^_^
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    deleted By Me~
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    These guys speak the truth. We didn't brainwash them or anything!
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited September 2008
    Welcome Dragons Guild To The Empire!!
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    deleted By Me~
  • Wargasm - Heavens Tear
    Wargasm - Heavens Tear Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    nice sig fina lol