bibbibi Arc User


  • wish they'd make fists/claws only for bms, only noobs that can't play their class use fists, learn to play b:bye
  • Sins should get higher cooldown on shadow escape. Every few mins you see a sin poping out killing you and back to stealth before anyone can attack him Also wth is with the psys? even in black voodoo they got good defense =.= Made wizards pretty useless simply cause they got higher power and way faster attack. As far as i…
  • Are you getting so much lag in specific hours? If so then it's isp problem, call and tell him the hours your ping is high, have a ss with pingtest too just in case he asks. During rush hours, as far as an network technician told me, ISP fails to send the right ammount of power needed for a stable fast connection(not all,…
  • lmao needing level 100s and 5.0 DDs for it 3-1 is supposed to be for level 90- people farming their gear means NO level 100 NO 5.0 aps etc =.= If players want a super hard instance make Nirvana bosses spam that debuff that makes you attack slow, then 5.0 will be useless and so you got a time consuming boss<3 make it hit 3x…
  • lol some of these comments are funny. Non cash shoppers succeeding? where and when? Unless you mean old players that had the luck to play before the messed up patches there aren't any. If you want to be competive in this life time yes you need to spend real life money. If not you can always farm 24/7 for months till you…
  • agree with all these people, please fix the rubber-band thing =.= it's annoying in everything we do. Talking to npcs. PvE, PvP imagine pvping and the enemy drops from air to get stuck in mid air only to see him falling 100 times then. wtf o_o or, imagine you dropping and getting stuck instead ~_~ p.s almost had it in blood…
  • Please test it wearing TT80 armor set as it was ment to be. refines around +3 3-1 was ment to be farmed by level 90 people wearing 80 equips, farming for 90 set Seeing people around level 100 saying they completed it although it was hard means nothing, you're 100 ofcourse you're supposed to do it
  • to the ones wanting a challenge: 1. take off the gear you probably CSed your **** off to get. 2. take normal TT gear 3. Go to nirvana 500 times for a piece of gear TT isnt anywhere near to OP gear. Dont see why they needed to nerf it. Also TT never sold for much =.= So crappy reasons like getting rid of gold farmers doesnt…
  • DQ price reduced.. TW salary gone.. Cant even do HH now.. Forcing people to cashshop? Please put HH as it was -.- if venos wanna solo it so be it, they spent a lot for hercules anyway.We need a way to make money =.=
  • We all know pwi loves making money, hence why i said to make faction buffs buyable. Since all possible ways to make money ingame seems to have been nerfed most of faction leaders would probably spend some irl money to get them. OP how? people bot it anyway. This just makes it fair for the ones that actually wanna play…
  • From what i can tell people who agree with this TW change are the ones who never really attended TW.. or attended with a low lvl guild uncharmed, hard to enjoy it then For the rest of us who have enjoyed tw wars a lot and attended often, we know how bad this patch is for us. No TW salary=No charms for tw or any other TW…