batjack Arc User


  • no idea who batgirl is.. this is my main. Also.. your probably right, but this game does have many things going on that the malaysian servers do not have. The last time I check.. (when fairies came out) there were not fairies for everyone on the malaysian servers. so these developers can make there own changes if they want…
  • you will see lots of bids.. and yes, some from fake guilds, or sub guilds bidding. But when it comes down to the actual scheduling of TW. No guild has to fight more then three times in any give day. Even if you own 20 territories and all were bid against, only 3 have to be defended. Over a weekend, that might be 9 total.…
  • I think i found the cause.. my son decided to download a big torrent.. hard to play games with a computer is downloading video files
  • yea, server lag, you can also fly without wings, and if you do it right, fly underwater with your wings. but everyone will see your wings when flying.. and wont see them while your swimming.. only you see this effect
  • I left PW-MY becuase inflation caused all the prices to be so high, and I wont support off-game gold sellers. what it seems to be, PWI is starting off by making items more expensive to start with, making people want to buy gold offline just to buy stuff. Those that buy stuff from the mall, wil immediately start putting it…
  • PvP was origionaly put into games for players to solve online disputes.. over looting, Hunting areas, Ksing..etc etc Unfortunately, childish and immature children (age not considered) find that its fun to just PK someone,,the they run away and hide in safe zones. This is not was PvP was suppose to be like.
  • This has been a known bug in the game from closed beta of PW-MY. Dont know why it was never fixed. It is a problem that shouldn't be there. hopefully the programmers here can find and fix it
  • I see that now.. one is a white powder.. this is the one needed... the other is just a bluish icon... its just a merchant fodder item.
  • What you got is lucky, XTRAP is not the problem. None of my computers have XTRAP or any programs like it. I have even disabled my firewall, antivirus, and Spamware/adware software. None of that helps. Each just locks up at a different spot in the patching process
  • A little more light on the problem. I have 3 computers.. 2 with Windows XP, sp3, and one with Vista. All of the computers have patching problems.. but each one at a different place. One of the windows XP hangs up with at about 3%, the other XP stops with at about 1%. The Vista computer stops at…
  • Well, for closed and open beta, it is normal to have accounts wiped. But I have a concern with the Mall system being active in beta versions of games. They want us to test the game for bugs, yet in order to test the Mall, you have to spend real money to buy items. Now.. do the developers expect us to pay for "cubi" or its…
  • you bring up one serious issue. If they are going to do a charactor wipe, Why spend real money on mall items if your just going to lose it. I know this is beta and its for test purposes, but my money is to hard earned to be throwing it away with a charactor wipe. That is one reason there was not charactor wipe in the EN-MY…
  • I hope this is really true, It was the outside gold that came into the server that ruined the economy.
  • one of the ways to stop this type of corruptions, is to remove the limit on how many guilds can attack any one guild. ie.. at the moment, only 3 guilds can attack in a given day. On PW-MY warlord can defend there massive territory if they only defend 3 attacks. but if they had to defend 10 attacks or 15 it makes it much…