anonymousposter Arc User


  • Was referring to your past incarnation =]
  • The amount of tiger smileys in world chat has gone down since MansVisa and JonDoe do not spam them together anymore.
  • He falls under the attention ho category.
  • This lacks Daravon and some others.
  • Why is Brilliance so butthurt by Zoob:puzzled
  • So what is your next story going to be about? How two anonymous people on the forums threatened you and bullied you and did mean nasty things to you?
  • Yes, you will see players name in factions they are no longer in in the faction rosters. But it does keep accurate track of when people do join a faction on their page and in the faction's pages where it shows who has recently joined.
  • Where's the proof?
  • Who said that Vatican is currently playing in Zoo, and anyone could see this on his core connect? b:bye
  • LOL. We caught you lying. So why did you lie?
  • Screenies can be manipulated sure. But I had the link to Vatican's profile in case someone did not believe little ole me :)) And you made it everyone's business who reads the forums. Perhaps you should learn a lesson about speaking in a public place before you decide to lie about matters.
  • *whose And, I will add that you claimed that Vatican had a character in Zoo which was on the same account. Which both MansVisa and I have shown is not true. So why would anyone believe you have any recent information? Give it up. You have just been caught lying.
  • Now I will offer RT proof that Brilliance is lying about Vatican being in Zoo and still playing. Now that we got the facts straight. Why are you lying Brilliance?
  • Again you change the subject. Again you do not provide proof. You should really learn about making claims in public places without offering proof. Could it be that there is no proof in existence?
  • You're claim is not proven. Because you are not willing to post these supposed screenshots you have, or provide links. I do not know which threads you even refer to. PROVIDE THE LINKS AND SCREENSHOTS! Otherwise you should retract your claims. Where have I made one claim I will retaliate against you? Now you just sound…
  • The burden isn't on me to prove your claim. You are the one who is supposed to provide links, screenshots, and any other proof which you may have. From the looks of it, you are trying to change topics and not prove that which you have claimed. Which makes me wonder if you are just a puppet of Spell.
  • None of us made any claims without backing them up with evidence. So either provide the proof or retract your claim. Because all of us could start nasty and unfounded rumors if we wanted to.
  • Replies in red.
  • I doubt Ken cares as much as you do. You spend your whole life on these forums. Ken shows up once in a blue moon? Quit trying to make yourself look better at the expenses of others. You are still a sad little man.
  • Before you do that.... check catshops on your server. You may be able to buy one of those mounts for less coins than your gold is worth.
  • Fine. You cannot play with the SoCcerBALL, the crayons, and r6 +12 any longer.
  • Do ninja fools have nice crayons and SOCCERBALLS?heuaheuaheua
  • Yes. You are right. I want R6 +12, TT90 and Crayonstoo. JAJAJAJA
  • I heard QQme cannot kill the bosses to get the mats to recast b:laughb:cuteb:victory
  • Wah wah wah QQQQQ wah wah wah QQQQQQQ U people need to grow the hell up. If you are so butthurt just go instead of making all these crybaby threads. These forums look like daycare for two-year-olds.
  • You people make me laugh. No, I did not goon glitch. My highest level toon is nowhere close to being 105. The crux of all you guys' argument is that you are upset because people did not suffer a punishment sufficient to your standards so the game is broke. But if they ban every single person that did goons the servers…
  • You do realize that depopulating servers would kill off PWI all the same?And they did ban people. What do you people not understand by that? And people are leaving because the absurd amounts of time it takes to farm and get equipment more so than because people glitched to 105.
  • What could PWE do? Send 10000 GMs to observe what people were doing in instances so they could ban the abusers? There was no real way to police people. They did ban some abusers of the glitch. What would you like them to do? Perma ban everyone who ever tried goons? Because they would depopulate many of the servers. I do…
  • Stupid argument. China is the company with the programmers. Mistakes start there. Had China not made an exploitable boss then we would not have as many 105s running around. People leveled to 105 using the exploitable boss and broke the game balance themselves. Banning people would not restore much considering the…