_Nettuno_ - Harshlands Arc User


  • I'm asking because a guy told me that yes, psy are good but absolutly need the r9. In all videos i seen the seeker was in r8 (the gear i'm planning to have, absolutly no more than that) and was pretty good
  • So in the end ornaments should be all phy def. sorry never been in a TW cause the timezone :) what can you tell me about the seeker (from what u seen), are they good in TW?
  • Ok,took some time to try the chars (even if low levels) i choosed psy as magical class (for some reasons i like it more than wiz/mystic). Now got another problem: checking the seeker section i found some videos about pvp and look pretty nice, the damage it's high (almost as a magical class, but whit lower cooldown), able…
  • phy orns like cube necklace and warsong belt? i wish but are really too expensive...
  • Thanks everyone for the reaply...now i really don't know what to choose...maybe this can help, i'll post my idea of gear (for sure will not be more than this): r8 chest,legs and weapon. refine not higher than +7/+8 wraithgate -6% chann cape or cape of elite leather (if psy) OHT -6% (if not more,but don't think) necklace…
  • Thanks all feedbacks, right now i'm oriented to a sage wizard, but not still sure, so keep on write :-D I don't see the effect in absorb soul (AS should be that) in ecatomb, can you explain better please? :-)
  • Was thinking about it, but the new char will be on another account (so i'll not be abe to use account stash) and that's why i choosed a magical class, A LOT CHEAPER than an interval char.
  • If the mystic in my squad is the only healer M U S T buff everyone, otherwise will get a kick and probably a pk. If is 2nd healer is his choice. Really don't understand why ppl complain about the cost, 600x3 (1,8k per run) coins look pretty cheap to me, it's like i could say "no, i don't want to attack because i don't want…
  • Left pwi some months ago since almost no pvp-rpk on harshland, but this video make me want to play again lol. How is the situation now? Are people more active?
  • As Hudini said in this game there are some meeting places to pk but on LC u'll always find more ppl, i checked in differents hours of the day, LC is almost aways full of pker. Check the map, there are 8 factions right now whit territories, we have just 3. In LC simply i see more "will to fight", they join to that server…
  • Bah,if i ever rereoll on another server that one will be LC, the simply reason is that i really like pvp-pk. :-) Now my question is: why start again on a new pvp server? The main fun of a pvp server is...the pk! So you should choose the most crowed server, not a new whit a very little population whit full of "secondary"…
  • I have to disagree, i have an assassin lvl 80 in LC and prices are *not* lower. The price of the tokens - golds (items got from cash shopping - boutique currency) it's higher but the price of the TT mats it's lower, so LC can be good if you plan to use more real life money but in HL tokens - golds are cheaper and TT mats…
  • Becomed demon today, all i can say is "amazing", the damage output is simply great. Whit a low lvl int gear (rank 4 chest + TT80 daggers) i can do 2 att/s, the bosses don't last 2/3 sparks usually. My "tanking" ability is raised a lot thanks to the attack speed+bloodpaint, done some bosses (even in TT) whit a cleric friend…
  • do you really care about good or evil in game...?
  • Well i'm far from 5 att/s but all i can say is that a smart, cool blooded player, can pk anything (ar almost) using the assassin. Well many talk about the bm's stun resist (don't remember the name, sorry): when i duel someone and i see the "wing icon" under his/her name i go stealth while the countdown of the duel (usually…
  • So pre-99 sage is better on soloing bosses and ofter 99 demon could be better? Or am i wrong?
  • Ok i don't understand,it wasn't already so? Not just for demon, but for sage too (this was said like 1 month ago,3 spark end the stealth)
  • Sorry i don't get it,please explain me. will the new update: 1)force you outside the stealth if you use the 3 spark while stealthed 2)or will you lose the bonus 500% and attack speed if you go stealth after the spark? (like a pury from bonuses)
  • *i don't know how to quote part of the post,so i'll copy and paste* ""cape = -.05 tome = -.05 TT 99 LA boot + glove = -.15 interval TT 99 HA necklace + belt = -.05 rank 8 = -.1 nirv pants = -.05 niv dagger = -.15"" -Very good equip,i'm saving (and i'll kill myself in TT) to have it. Don't know, pwdatabase say the nirvana…
  • I'm not so good in math but demon chill of the deep has a speed reduction of 70%,not 100% and nirvana daggers *can* reach -0.15 Yes,this may become a big,big BIG waste of crystals and coins (i don't think will be so easy to have 3 -0.05 on 3 addons lol) but as said demon is the expensive path so...enjoy b:laugh
  • Well, i don't think that sage can't, i simply think that when sage will be useless. Let me explain better: u run TT to make money to buy items/mats/equip. Once u'll have all ur int gear run TT will be pointless, u'll not need money anymore lol. Demon can solo TT from the lvl 90, just whit bloodpaint+demon spark and full…
  • To be honest i belive that demon endgame assassin is much more powerful than a sage assassin: demon damage output+more stun lenght is able to kill anyone, or near that. (are a metter of seconds but whit 5 attks/second you can take down a player in 2-3 seconds easly) Ralentless courage: yes,can take a sage assassin to 5…
  • *sorry was away for a while and wasn't able to answer* Well,i found these items you all talk about on pwedatabase and checked at TT forges in game to be sure and ashura's boots, lionheart necklace and lionheart belt are whitout the interval bonus: http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/items/15016…
  • 30$ for the wings b:pleased
  • What u write explain more how the interval work but i still don't get how many attack(s) i will get whit a -0.1 or a -0.05 (sorry i'm feeling a little dumb b:surrender )
  • mmm well, it say 1,43 from 1,33..it's always 1 attack and half (almost)/ second...why ppl use so much money to get these itmes and have a so small bonus? Or simply em i missing something? Thank you again b:bye
  • I really hope it's an error... Another question, this time about wolf emblem: It say (sage version) Duration is increased up to 30 minutes. Cooldown is reduced to 8 seconds. The max critical damage increasing effect is decreased by 20% Well, the "damage increasing is decreased BY (not TO) 20%", that mean a damage amplify…
  • According to ecatomb the lvl 11 bloodpaint has a lower duration, is drastically lowered to 60 seconds...is that right or was an error, can anyone confirm it? Cause if it really right i'll probably keep it at lvl 10 or simply...i'll not raise it from lvl 1 Thank you
  • Thank you, than i could (at least) dearm about a nirvana dagger :-P Make more than a TT100 it's impossible for me, just one will be hard like hell :-P Thank you all for the answers b:pleased b:bye
  • But if it fail (giving +3% or +4%) i must try whit another TT100 and 230 crystals,right? i'll not be able to simply do the recast till i'll get the addon i want?