Zaraxia - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • God, yes, please do this. I'm discouraged from anything posted in the Suggestion Box getting any attention from the devs, ever, but at least giving us the option to block out the red spam would be just fantastic. Flooding the chat with advertisements doesn't make me want to buy anything, it makes me want to take a break…
  • If he's right about this, then yeah, the cleric would be the best candidate for it. But if it is realistic or possible to just give the buff to the entire squad, then that's even better. You never know what could happen in an instance run and that would make things a lot easier on the cleric, not having to risk letting the…
  • Hahah. But it really is aggravating to go through an entire survey only to not get anything for it because of something you couldn't control. Couldn't offers be labeled more clearly or not end up being a complete waste of time?
  • ^ Is not actually an iron waffle. Abandoned at birth by his parents, a wild colony of iron waffles discovered him and took him as one of their own, raising him until he too could brave the world as an honorary iron waffle.
  • I've honestly given up on doing any surveys for awhile because of this right here. I've done about 15 offers, and I got rewards for two of them, simply because I could not complete the rest of them. I either got redirected to a completely different survey when I was supposedly nearing the end, or it asked for me to buy…
  • I'm honestly impressed, this is pretty well thought out. Would love to see PWE put Draconians into the game. Players have been suggesting races for awhile now though, and so far, I haven't seen much response from the other side. Do the developers actually take race ideas into consideration?
  • I would love to see the original classes get upgrades. Yeah, I know I'm not that high of a level, but I still know about the imbalances between classes through observation and reading the forums. Things will probably just get worse if they keep adding new stuff without trying to keep the old relevant. I've been hearing a…
  • Man, that's pretty sad. I just started playing again after taking a break for awhile, and I remember when people were freaking out over how gold hit 500k each. I left a bit after the Tideborn expansion, did gold ever go down or has it just been climbing higher and higher this whole time? People were saying they'd go back…
  • Honestly, I'd love to see an increase in the amount of characters you can have in a guild name. Just 2 to 4 more would make a huge difference and would allow for a lot more creativity when coming up with a guild name.
  • I voted yes, I'd love to be able to turn into a wolf instead of a tiger. I'd also love to see some actual customization....It can't be THAT hard to give us the option to change our fur color :L
  • Thanks a lot, pressing level up worked :)