Upgrades for the older classes!

Ryukasensei - Dreamweaver
Ryukasensei - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Suggestion Box
I think that the added Tideborn race seem to, in many ways overpower the older classes and some of the roles for the older classes are either being erased or hard to maintain. I find as a barb, it has become significantly hard to keep aggro from the new classes as they deal vast amounts of damage which others will struggle to match. No matter what is tired they steal aggro and this cause problems for more than just barbs. If aggro starts flying all over the place the clerics job becomes a lot harder and in turn could lead to deaths, at worst a total squad wipe, which is no fun for anyone. With the damage that some characters do there is now way of keeping aggro for long enough if at all. The new classes are helpful yes, but overpowered. I Find that higher level Assassins for example can solo high level instances with ease whereas classes of the same level would struggle, if possible at all to solo.
I find lots of people have stopped playing classes such as barbs because of the difficulties sometimes faced, which is to the demise of all classes when they need a barb to be able to tank something, but there aren't any to do so. I also find that even though barbs are the tanks of the game, they have poor magic resistance which deems them almost useless when faced against magical based opponents, which due to their poor magic res, they are unable to efficiently tank!

I have based most of this around the barbarian class as it is the one i have had the most experience with but i have no doubt that other 'older classes' have similar problems of their own which in my eyes could simply be fixed by the addition of a few new skills or attributes. For example better aggro skills for barbs.

With the addition of the new race in February im sure there will be more issues that will arise on the same subject. I am thoroughly looking foreword to release of the new race but from what i can make out, they may also turn out to overpower some of the older classes.
It seems that PWI is rushing forward with new things which is all good, but i think that there needs to be a halt, where we stop and look at older features of the game which may need to be improved to keep up with the ever rising standards.

Could i please get some feedback on what you, PWI think on this subject as well as others, as i would be very interested to hear other players as well as game designers views XD
Post edited by Ryukasensei - Dreamweaver on


  • Zaraxia - Dreamweaver
    Zaraxia - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I would love to see the original classes get upgrades. Yeah, I know I'm not that high of a level, but I still know about the imbalances between classes through observation and reading the forums. Things will probably just get worse if they keep adding new stuff without trying to keep the old relevant. I've been hearing a lot about how there's a shortage of Barbarians, Venomancers, and Clerics in particular, and I don't really think it needs explaining why that is.
  • ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver
    ThanosQRt - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,457 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I would love to see the original classes get upgrades. Yeah, I know I'm not that high of a level, but I still know about the imbalances between classes through observation and reading the forums. Things will probably just get worse if they keep adding new stuff without trying to keep the old relevant. I've been hearing a lot about how there's a shortage of Barbarians, Venomancers, and Clerics in particular, and I don't really think it needs explaining why that is.

    i dont think that there is a shortage of clerics/barbs; it's just that most squads need one so usually u just see lF barb/cleric. No idea about venos, a guess would be that they solo... but u dont really need a veno xd

    also, it's not the new classes; it's the -int mechaninc that makes tradition tanks, clerics and traditional DDs useless; these days a single person tank, DD and heal himself.

    when a person can solo the hardest boss in-game... well, there is imbalance xd