Yanou - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • No, there's no conflict in posting the same ones here. Competition will go on as per normal in the other one. There's a very good chance I may end up using the some of the material here eventually since I'm looking for references to practice new skills and styles with.
  • -Double request- I have intermediate skills on GIMP, but I want to know how Kyna hacks photoshop and makes it pro.
  • Hm.. I was considering something like it too at the time of writing but figured it was too early to categorize it as of yet. I guess it can't hurt though and it'd give people ideas of what subjects they can submit. In about a week or two's time I'll be getting a new computer and re-downloading PWI client onto and will be…
  • What's the name of the armour top you're wearing there, Nasoni? I don't believe I've seen it before. Is that rank armour or something? Also on another note, if anyone is unsure of the screenshot requirements, I'd like to make this post a guideline of what's ideal for me. However all the other previous entries also meet the…
  • Well the competition is tough as it is from what I see already. Very much liking this. Still might give it another day or two to allow for more potential entries. If no more enter by that stage I believe I'll wrap it up and judge the existing entries. So everyone might want to get their alt entries in within the next two…
  • +1 For possessing brain and going the step further to use it. You should be proud.
  • I hated it too and still do, as an oldie who played since release. But meh, what are you going to do? Like someone else said who I can't be bothered to quote, it's just how things are now. Perfect world went down this path and it is really showing no signs of turning around. At least you still do have the option of…
  • Meh, well. I started a topic for it anyway, but as to whether people would contribute to it is another question. http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1141421
  • Wow Hazumi, good job on the links and lines. I love the hair texture although for some reason I can't but think of the blue alien jedi girls from Star Wars when I see it. I blame the hairstyle. :P I had a look through those links and it's awesome to see the leaps and bounds in skill level the artists have made. So long as…
  • HELLYESVICTORYDANCE Er.. I mean. I would love it if your ended up colouring either. I wanted to request a sort of trade too. If you would be happy to colour Reikara to her true character colours, I'll do lines for any character of your choice, clothing or armour or whatever, after my little competition is over on the forum…
  • I wanted to update with a newer example I just finished. This is what I mean by editing some finer features to your taste. With this Tideborn, I customized her tattoos, armour top and gave her earrings.
  • Yes, there's no requirements that all the pieces of the armour have to match. You can mix various ones to your taste, I just need to be able see the details. Whatever armour your character is wearing will be drawn. If the pieces clash and overlap in game, I will find a way to fix it when I draw it so it looks natural. Same…
  • Thanks Shelley. :) Tried a Tideborn in the same style without tracing. Some facial mistakes, don't like her cheekbone, sticks out way too much. Neck and chest need to be larger in proportion to her head, other than that I am pleased with how it turned out and how I was more or less able to replicate the same style without…
  • I guess I should explain it a little better. There's two reasons I requested armour only. One is to make it fairer for everyone, since not everyone can always afford the cash shop goodies to stand out from the crowd. The second is that like I stated, I enjoy drawing the detailed armour, as it makes characters seem that…
  • Well actually I have no problems at all with multiple entries from contestants, so long as it doesn't get to any ridiculous number lol. I mean I don't have any real problems with drawing level 1 armour if people want to make a newb to enter with, however the idea is that I'm judging based on the amount of effort you put…
  • Well depending on my schedule I may run this competition more than once. These exercises actually help me put some of the methods I'm learning from my own course into practice. That asides, I love drawing for PWI due to amount of effort the developers and players put into the aesthetics, even though I don't enjoy playing…
  • Hi ChaoticShelley, I'm limeball, post-making a character and using it's avatar. Unfortunately that was the actual size of the drawing sorry. :/
  • "Reikara" lines. My pc killed itself and I fixed it however I don't have the client downloaded or the screenshots saved to provide the original picture of which the armour was drawn from. However she's wearing the "Dialectician's Smoking Jacket" which is a level 90 arcane armour top and level 90 green TT arcane pants. The…
  • Thanks all for the comments. I remember seeing you around a lot on the forums too, Silvychar. Argh, tell me about it Kyna. I made a few promises here that RL made me **** up on and unable to deliver which have been nagging at me since forever. Now I won a scholarship for an internationally recognized art course and I'm…