Xx_Kaoru_xX - Raging Tide Arc User


  • I've played other classes....but bm seems to be a good choice (if you dont want to be a veno) You can even solo bosses pretty well if you get party buffs first (defence buffs and bloodpaint) With a decently geared bm you can solo bosses pretty decently with little pots if you have bloodpaint buff from a sin b:pleased I use…
  • I smell a lawsuit b:shocked seriously though kinda on topic... i hate when stores go around the tax laws.... had one mini mart near my house that would always charge tax on candy. (I have sweet issues) >___> b:sad
  • Necro b:bye and if you want to know a price....just look up current gold prices and guesstimate.
  • lol why would anyone ask for easier pet leveling? b:bye there are already mobs you can grind with your pet for max pet exp that die in one hit... b:chuckle
  • Nirvana for me please...... b:sad
  • i've used the cash shop for my perfect hammer and a few charms... the money i have made is through playing the game or guild donations to help pay for recruiting methods such as telecoustics and helping get guild members well equipped... i dont cash shop to lvl or do anything that i dont need, and rarely have used it…
  • you mean those people who work hard ingame to farm, merchant, grind their way instead of pulling out a credit card and blowing everything on shiny mounts? Most people i know that DONT charge zen, are usually the ones that have the most amount of coin at once, because they know how to spend it and make it last. There are…
  • Well what do you mean by failing? Lots of fighting between members? Members leaving? b:thanks
  • probably the bh29 i was helping with the other day >,< Ummm i got called in during the middle of one... the group was at the boss and there was a squad wipe, and i was asked to come and help, so i agreed to. So we get to the boss and the cleric asks who is tanking? I said i will.... i was a lvl 60 fist bm....compared to…
  • I'm going to have to say that maybe the BM's in your server were the top players out of all those who played... because sins and bm's on Raging Tide server are always fighting with top places, mixed in with other classes as well.... yet from your results all the sins were at the bottom of the scores...... b:bye *edit* also…
  • BH 59 b:sad Nobody wants to do it unless its wined... i like killing the mobs honestly b:bye
  • Nope... Im using a crappy laptop with wireless connection... just turn down the settings and gamma and run your veno tails off b:laugh *edit* sorry for being unclear, by fast enough, i meant running or flying speed. If you can get to each of the npc's quick enough, you should easily make the top 20 for your class. ^^;
  • Okay... you dont need to have any gear whatsoever to do great in this event... if you can be fast enough that is >___> if you're below lvl 70 or maybe 80, go for the running quests DONT do the nein beast quests until all the running is over!! Just by doing the running around quests and being fast enough, you can easily get…