WhitePuma - Lost City Arc User


  • Ok, a few helpful post but most not....Keep em' coming.
  • Bawksy dont post random things, if your going to post dont make me waste my time reading this, at least write something that helps with the main topic.
  • The person who is higher level with better gear,wins. There are some end-game weapons that make pvp really easy for a few classes. A veno can own the most at lower levels, they don't need good gear at all, because a nix can own all.
  • The only reason pking in the SP is bannable, is because it stops people from doing their quest, which causes some to get upset, causing others to quit, causing loss of profit. If you just go in there and pk a few reds, thats fine, but to camp there for hours constantly killing anybody that goes in, is when its annoying for…
  • You NEVER need any mage, if possible, get it to 3. At lvl 70 with 3 mage, I have about 1.8k mp, which serves me fine for anything. Pure dex is ok, but a little vit also helps. Its good to go with a little vit until you get your end-game gear so you have some nice hp bonuses, and then switch back to pure dex. At 52 vit, I…
  • That managed to make it actually go slower, its down to about 14.9k/sec. Should I call my ISP and see if they can help at all?
  • Axes are the best against multiple enemies( TW, RB, and others). Alot of people say sword is the best there is in a 1v1 fight, which doesnt happen a ton any more, but its still a good choice. The best for bosses are fist. The insane DPS really helps throughout a long fight, and if you learn to use shadowless kick and time…
  • In PvP, the CV bow is the best there is. Its special( removes enemies positive debuffs) can be a real life-saver. If you are fighting a person with all positive buffs, thats a massive increase in the difficulty to kill them. The bow+12 , has 2100-2900 roughly attack, and that against an un-buffed enemy, you can probably…
  • Did the math, and to go back down to 5 vit, I would still have about 3.2k hp after equipment boost, which is still good, and the extra 70 dex will help alot. So, keep posting things to make me choose which way.
  • I want the best end-game build. I will be pking alot, and bosses alot. I like my amount of hp atm( almost 4k), but It seems like too much, considering my fist/sword 7x bm only has 3.8k.
  • This is pretty much a pointless thread. Its just a persons attempt at getting his class to be so overpowered. Archers are already excellent pkers, but your "ideas" would completely ruin the game for other people.
  • Can people stop saying warsoul....Warsoul is out of ANYBODIES price range. It cost way too much. The price of 1 warsoul wep+12, is pretty much = to full hh99 armor+8 all pieces, and a hh100 bow. The hh100 is nice, but quite costly also. Im going to go ahead and change my question to: Is the CV bow a good end-game bow for…
  • Ok, so I switched back to my archer for a few days, and have full hh70 gear, legendary lvl 69 legs, Thundercrack+3, and about 3.9k hp(unbuffed). I currently can completely destroy bm's my level that I get the jump on. If they get the jump on me, its a bit harder, but I still can manage to win most of the time. The only…
  • oops..had wrong name, its really WhitePuma, and Im buying for 2.5m cash, pm me, wont be on till later tonight.