
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    This? http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/9894/lolh.jpg
    lvl 70+ can actually get away/ have brains to realise that we can come back at a later time.

    Simpsons did it.

    [replace with Conqueror]
  • vbarbie
    vbarbie Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The REAL question is.. Why the hell to get your asses in SP in the first place if you don't have quests there? Again, WHY THE NEED to go and do your little pk parties right in the DOOR INTO QUEST ROOMS for the lower levels?? HUH now don't come and write your BS. Freaking High school traumatized Nerds.
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Can you PK in Cave of Sadistic Glee ?, if so there ya go then... oohh wait you might bump into lvl 8x and 9x questing there and get ya asses handed to you.Much safer to Pk in lvl 30's area.. Pfft PvP carebears hiding in SP b:chuckle

    -_- I'm the leader of a PKK guild. I only kill red names. So no, my opinion does not have anything to do with a need for killing lowbies, but even if it did, who the hell cares. It is a Pvp server. We go on the server for Pvp. Maybe some of us want to kill lowbies. Maybe some of us want to challenge people higher than us. Some of us like myself want to kill anyone else who kills.
    It doesn't matter.
    It is a Pvp server.
    Go play on PvE (which you do) if you don't like it.
    There are solutions to getting through.
    This rule was a mistake that should be corrected.

    SP is the best for the lazy ppl who dont reali want to do anything. And i mean if u guys on PvP servers didnt harass low lvls all the time this wouldnt have been a problem

    vbarbie wrote: »
    The REAL question is.. Why the hell to get your asses in SP in the first place if you don't have quests there? Again, WHY THE NEED to go and do your little pk parties right in the DOOR INTO QUEST ROOMS for the lower levels?? HUH now don't come and write your BS. Freaking High school traumatized Nerds.

    Obviously you haven't bothered to read the whole thread or you would know.
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    It is a Pvp server. We go on the server for Pvp. Maybe some of us want to kill lowbies. Maybe some of us want to challenge people higher than us. Some of us like myself want to kill anyone else who kills.

    You forgot people who like to kill anything that moves.
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • Cholla - Harshlands
    Cholla - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Correction. I got banned for ... After the day ban was lifted and i filled numerous tickets, one of the gm's through live chat apologized. It was a mistake ...

    If you were banned because of a mistake, then you were not banned for any other thing which makes sense.

    I suppose maybe there must be a slim chance that if you avoid secret passage that you will prevent a GM from making mistakes, but ... I do not think that this thread was about that kind of issue.
  • WhitePuma - Lost City
    WhitePuma - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The only reason pking in the SP is bannable, is because it stops people from doing their quest, which causes some to get upset, causing others to quit, causing loss of profit. If you just go in there and pk a few reds, thats fine, but to camp there for hours constantly killing anybody that goes in, is when its annoying for alot of people.
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The only reason pking in the SP is bannable, is because it stops people from doing their quest, which causes some to get upset, causing others to quit, causing loss of profit. If you just go in there and pk a few reds, thats fine, but to camp there for hours constantly killing anybody that goes in, is when its annoying for alot of people.

    Yes but from what I understand people are being banned just for PKing a little bit in there, not for camping the place for 3 hours.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    People who get banned tend to want to tell their story in a way that downplays their own actions, if someone is claiming to have been banned for "nothing" or for "PKing one person" they are most likely not giving you the whole story.
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    People who get banned tend to want to tell their story in a way that downplays their own actions, if someone is claiming to have been banned for "nothing" or for "PKing one person" they are most likely not giving you the whole story.

    Spoons, could you give us/me any sort of official ruling?
    I don't fully understand what will get me banned in there.

    I always go in there to find PKers to kill (I like playing the good guy and defending the lowbies when I can. I'd even grab myself a ton of event pots, a charm, and some powders). I didn't however believe that these PKers were doing something terribly wrong. They're playing the game like everyone else.

    Them not being there cuts out on a little bit of my fun.
    So.. what I am asking is:

    How much is too much?
    What will get you the ban/in trouble?
    and if you can tell me, What incident (no names) caused the sudden need for this new rule? I hardly think that this is the worst it has been. We've been okay until now.

    EDIT: and thankyou for responding.
  • Khalfani - Harshlands
    Khalfani - Harshlands Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    They're playing the game like everyone else.

    "THEY'RE" playing the game. Everyone else can't.

    I don't get PKed much anymore since I can actually fend for myself. But I remember myself being PKed far too many times trying to get my quests at the Heavens Tear. I couldn't get my quests or turn it in because of campers.

    Asking why it's not okay for people to over excessively kill people and prevent them from progressing is like asking why it's not okay to place a bucket of pigs blood on top of the stage of a rewarding ceremony and pour it over the winner when she least expects it. It's an act of D-Baggery and it's a waste of time and money because they can't do anything about it. It's okay for higher levels like you (and I'm getting there) because we can put up a fight. They can't and there aren't many PKKers to defend the whities.

    Edit: And apparently the importance of the SP in the characters progression is quite important. BH's are held there, so are FB's and some quests to kill the Dismal shade and whatnot. Can't do any of that because of them. Same goes for Heavens Tear, it's a crucial quest area. And I'm guessing that's why it's bannable. It's a huge stepping stone for whities. Some may be blue with white named helpers so the effect is still quite the same when PKers stop others.
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    "THEY'RE" playing the game. Everyone else can't.

    I don't get PKed much anymore since I can actually fend for myself. But I remember myself being PKed far too many times trying to get my quests at the Heavens Tear. I couldn't get my quests or turn it in because of campers.

    Asking why it's not okay for people to over excessively kill people and prevent them from progressing is like asking why it's not okay to place a bucket of pigs blood on top of the stage of a rewarding ceremony and pour it over the winner when she least expects it. It's an act of D-Baggery and it's a waste of time and money because they can't do anything about it. It's okay for higher levels like you (and I'm getting there) because we can put up a fight. They can't and there aren't many PKKers to defend the whities.

    I went through that same hell as a 3x. Most of us did.
    I was able to turn stuff in eventually. I would devise strategies like going to elevation 72 and dropping to the npc.I'd talk real fast, turn in/grab my quest, and then likely die as I tried to run away.

    I think it is just part of being in a PvP server honestly.
    I used the stone to get into Hall of Deception, and I could get past the Pkers when they were distracted by others in order to grab that chest in the back of SP.

    (Speed powders ftw)

    You obviously made it out okay too from what I can tell. The rule wasn't there when you were level 30.
  • Khalfani - Harshlands
    Khalfani - Harshlands Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    It was actually. My faction leader mentioned it, and I haven't come across any PKers in there until I got to my 40s when I did BHs.
    It was a pain. Nowadays I don't get bothered as much because I'm good at escaping (Whirlwind, Tangling Mire, Ice Occult FTW!). I remember how frustrating it was back then being 1 shotted.

    PvPers can get their fun. I just think there should be some PvP ethics really. Some ethics such as not killing anyone 50 levels below you. Stuff like that. But it's what everyone complains about really.

    It's like this PKer I met who shall remain unnamed (because of the rules) but his name rhymes with "Oh, ram me" has standards. He only PKs each person once in his camping trips. So that I can respect honestly.
  • Msmunholy - Lost City
    Msmunholy - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    msm ure not rpk'ing noobs are u?b:thanks

    lol na, but i just wanted to know y if i saw somone on kos or w/e in there i y cant kill them.

    cya IG yo
  • Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear
    Cernunnosx - Heavens Tear Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    PvPers can get their fun. I just think there should be some PvP ethics really. Some ethics such as not killing anyone 50 levels below you.

    Ethics go out the window when all people want to do is enlarge the size of their perchieved e-peen. (it only matters to them, no one else really care's)

    They want to act all powerful to new players, but would more than likely be the 1st to QQ if they were griefed by someone 20+ levels higher than them.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    If you want to have fun PVPing in SP, join a PVE server...... Ironic, eh?
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Msmunholy - Lost City
    Msmunholy - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    griefing has always ben bannable and idk y they would make it so that a certian aera is no pk. if peps do grief in there ban away but let the big boys and girls play not so nice together if they want too and enforce the rules u already have to keep game play fun dont add more.

    new laws/rules that wouldnt be needed if peps would just enforce existing one really get my goat!
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I'll try to clarify a bit for everyone here.

    The principal line of the ToS that I feel is the deciding factor regarding PK in SP is the following:

    "n) Take any action that disrupts the Service or that negatively affects or may prohibit other users from enjoying the Website, the Games or any other aspect of the Service."

    So basically, if you are PKing someone repeatedly, to the point where they are unable to play the game normally, that is probably a violation of the ToS.

    In this case, if any player is intentionally blocking off a region necessary for quest or game progression by PKing everyone who is trying to get through, then this could be considered a violation of the ToS.

    The main issue is "intent" though right? Think of it like this, if you are wandering around the world PKing everyone who you encounter, this is pretty much normal gameplay. If you decide, "Hey, I'm going to stay right here and kill every single person who comes by" you're setting yourself up for trouble if it is a place that people need to go.

    Of course, if you are a high level in a low level area this is more of a problem, as you have intentionally chosen a place where the average player population is too low to even stand a chance against you.

    Keep in mind that no case is identical, and in all situations the GM who is responding to the ticket has the final decision on whether you are in violation of game rules

    tl;dr version: Don't camp a location if people need to go there. Don't camp players who are too low level to fight back.
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited October 2009
    better version of spoons' tl;dr:

    stop killing lowbies and learn to pk
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Oh yeah addition to that tl;dr: If you want to one shot lowbies, go kill oddfoots!
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I'll try to clarify a bit for everyone here.

    The principal line of the ToS that I feel is the deciding factor regarding PK in SP is the following:

    "n) Take any action that disrupts the Service or that negatively affects or may prohibit other users from enjoying the Website, the Games or any other aspect of the Service."

    So basically, if you are PKing someone repeatedly, to the point where they are unable to play the game normally, that is a violation of the ToS.

    In this case, if any player is intentionally blocking off a region necessary for quest or game progression by PKing everyone who is trying to get through, then this could be considered a violation of the ToS.

    The main issue is "intent" though right? Think of it like this, if you are wandering around the world PKing everyone who you encounter, this is pretty much normal gameplay. If you decide, "Hey, I'm going to stay right here and kill every single person who comes by" you're setting yourself up for trouble if it is a place that people need to go.

    Of course, if you are a high level in a low level area this is more of a problem, as you have intentionally chosen a place where the average player population is too low to even stand a chance against you.

    Keep in mind that no case is identical, and in all situations the GM who is responding to the ticket has the final decision on whether you are in violation of game rules

    tl;dr version: Don't camp a location too long if people need to go there. Don't camp players who are too low level to fight back.

    Thankyou Spoons b:thanks
    I got from that, that PKing people near your own level (or who don't need the quests there) should be alright (though it comes down to the decision of the GM who arrives there); and that PKing a lowbie in there isn't necessarily bannable unless you are doing it repetitively and preventing them from playing the game.

    Is that... close to correct?
  • Msmunholy - Lost City
    Msmunholy - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ty spoons that is kinda what i was getting at with this post.

    so the way i take it is

    DONT grief peps questing. other than that pk away

    and btw im not a rpker at all so if peps think i camped the sp to kill noobs from this post i dont do that at all. if im red there was a reason :)
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ty spoons that is kinda what i was getting at with this post.

    so the way i take it is

    DONT grief peps questing. other than that pk away

    and btw im not a rpker at all so if peps think i camped the sp to kill noobs from this post i dont do that at all. if im red there was a reason :)

    Well lets see...

    Knocks out SP, Hidden O, The Swamps, Some of the areas outside of Arch, Heavens Tear, Old Heavens Tear, Vally of the Scared, Sanc, World Quest Volumes.....etc.

    b:surrender /rerollLCtoPvE
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Well lets see...

    Knocks out SP, Hidden O, The Swamps, Some of the areas outside of Arch, Heavens Tear, Old Heavens Tear, Vally of the Scared.....etc.


    qft =/

  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    please note the use of the word "camp", if you're passing through then you're passing through
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    qft =/


    It is true....

    When I was a baby...I was pk'd EVERY 2 MINUTES IN ALL THESE AREAS!! People leveling now have it TOO EASY!!

    We survived...I understand killing ppl like 3 times in a row...but seriously make it a PvE server if this is the case!

    Quests are everywhere............

    Spoons ----> West Gate is Camped, Heaven's Tear is Camped, even High level locations such as Intrepid and Avalanche are camped.....*sigh* I can go on...but I guess I can "fly by" PK and move on....LOL...*runs from Spoons*
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    please note the use of the word "camp", if you're passing through then you;re passing through

    I understand the ruling and the reasoning behind it.
    I don't agree with it or like it any more though. =/
  • Msmunholy - Lost City
    Msmunholy - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    WEEEEEEE i made an active post, now i have something to do in class lmaob:victory
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    WEEEEEEE i made an active post, now i have something to do in class lmaob:victory

    PvP has always been a "topic of discussion."

    When I started playing I was naive to the PvP server thing...I picked up fast.

    But I will say it --> New players are whining more and more and more...those of us in higher levels SURVIVED!! You can do it b:victory

    If people did not want to deal with it then they can role a PvE server.

    To me it is like banning PK when a party is doing a World Boss...because it is interrupting their game-play.

    ** Logistics aside...I know the TOS...but there is a VERY ODD line in which players and GM's/Customer Service have to walk on...at what point does it become an issue on an open PvP server? Over-kill I get, but at the same time, cannot one define "over-kill" as a level 100 one-shotting a level 3x? It is a matter of definition....b:surrender
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Bear in mind that playing on a PVP server means that you acknowledge the risks. If you are actively participating in PK then it is likely that you are not being harassed.
  • Msmunholy - Lost City
    Msmunholy - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ima pk u in sp spoons b:chuckle
This discussion has been closed.