Ulina - Lost City Arc User


  • ahh for sure, its like they dont want to lose that that .02% because my ress is maxed. they would rather let me die, wait for me to get back in instance, ress everyone else who died, and yet blame me. when the only thing i did was heal idiots who were getting attacked and hoping they knew to attack instead of keep running…
  • by reading that i think im going sage seems to have more of my benefits and loopholes i can work with
  • sometimes i will tp or fly across the map for a ress, i heal random people who are going to die while questing or what not, if someone asks for a buff i will, if they ask for help and if i have the time i will, occasionaly i will leave a full squad to help a friends squad who has just him and me, i will drop whatever im…
  • yea its very annoying that so many people just ask me to help them all the time sometimes i even have a queue of people to help (mostly friends to guildies) if its not one of them i will hardly help unless i get some sort of benefit
  • you should get it no matter what but dont lvl it unless you are serious about pvp otherwise getting your support skills will benefit your squad more its just how you play your character i have mines at lvl 1 just because im a support cleric
  • sounds like a fail squad all together really
  • at lvl 105 this build will have 210 dex added with 210 dex the crit chance is at about 11% thats not very high at all especially for a cleric whose attacks are rather slow sure with crits they will outdamage but thats the thing, THEY NEED TO CRIT otherwise their attack power and heals will be horrible now im not saying…
  • yes you can build a character any way you want but the reason there are different classes are for their specific role or way of playing them. not saying a cleric cant DD, but thats not its strong point and other classes do it better (hence saying if you want to DD make an archer). its like a wizard healing, just visa versa.
  • are you serious? this build has 2 mag every 2 lvls? heals/attacks will just fail
  • yes they are usefull for pvp and pve for pve you can debuff a boss for a faster kill which is very usefull in pvp you use it against certain builds, say you a pvping a BM you would cast elemental seal on them to lower their mag def and since they only do phys dmg it doesnt make a difference for you. so using the right…
  • theres guides for this but yeaa pve most damage but lowest survivability-9mag 1 str pve high damage somewhat better survivability- 8mag 1str 1vit (or however much vit you want) pvp decent damge higher crits and light armor for even defense- 6mag 2str 2 dex
  • in bh 51 we had a bm tank for wyvern ( i can easily heal through it ) but the other party members were dumb and didnt know a bm's aggro is a lot less than a barbs. so basically aggro went all over the place and i kept everyone alive except for a couple are chars (wiz and archer). i managed to keep everyone healed, ress the…
  • i have all 3 star gear so im good, but even then the extra vit i have added has saved me. im at 36 vit naked, i was told cleric should have a 50 vit base and with my build at cap i wil have 54 vit (if i want it)
  • this is a poor mans way (imo) to have some more hp and not lack healing and attacks since this is my first char and a cleric at that i dont have much coin to my name so refining and shards arent really in question but besides that should i just stop adding vit at all or what do you think?
  • for the most part i can kill about 2 mobs before my health is low and im a support cleric so i just wait till after they are dead to wellspring myself if i want to play it safe i will wellspring at half health if im planning on killing something that will take a while i will cast 1 IH before attacking