TwentyThree - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Just to bring some "maths" in here.....last i checked, the last boss dropped two items (four during 2x), each item of which had: 55% chance for an uncanny, 35% for a rapture, and 10% for a mirage (or thereabouts, not sure on specifics). the odds of getting 4 raptures are: 0.35*0.35*0.35*0.35 = 0.15% If you got 4 raps in…
  • Ok I still don't get it. Trading coin for exp at 1:1 is still TERRIBLE. If you get it as a drop, you're better off selling it in AH and buying your way into mobs/heads. /still confused... Edit: I can't read, 1:10 Ratio is pretty good I suppose, but I never saw the FC gear selling for that cheap
  • Wait, I'm confused. you guys are seeming to imply that 400k exp for the cost of an FC green is a great deal....Last I checked, FC greens sold for 800k+. Granted, that was several months ago, but that price had been steady for a very long time (1 year+). Trading coin for experience 2:1 seems absolutely terrible. I get some…
  • Yeah, my math was based on flawed % chance of SS and GoF to proc, because higher proc rate = more dps that I take. I think I've decided to get R9 daggers after all. given that pwi hates real sales, I'll prob get the ring now and daggers next time General Summer sale rolls around. and then I'll be like all the other R9 sins…
  • Right, I understand what you guys have said. When I said "you can keep one mod and reroll the other two" I meant, if I were to get a -int add, I could keep that while I got 2 more random ones (1 unique). Either way, the math seems pretty bad for going the R8 recast route, even if damascene ores are abundant (and I read the…
  • Ah, good to know. But as I understand it, once I get either add on the R8 recast, I can keep the add and only reroll the other two, whereas nirvana is just a blind roll each time. Edit: Also, I guess I didn't realize odds for -int on R8 recast was so low, I thought it would be comparable to the G15. This sucks. I guess I…
  • Nerox's fists. /threadb:bye
  • Pretty much this, and even then it's only when you're soloing. When going with a squad, coordinating debuffs is far more important than a few percentage points of damage.
  • No, some classes have bonuses that FAR outweigh their downsides. Since you're a sin, I assume that either you already know this and are trolling, or you're an idiot. b:bye
  • Do you even know how trophy mode runs work? They really don't rely on APS, its more of a barb/bm duo thing. In any event, prices for trophy mode capes, like any other thing for sale in the history OF THE ENTIRE GAME EVER, demand and supply will determine prices, with outside influence from whomever decides boutique sales.…
  • I heard about an aps nerf rumor....2 years ago. I'm confident that it will happen, provided literally zero support for said rumor in 2 years. I'm insanely gullible, what's your excuseb:laugh
  • Usually I use Jones, but some bosses give me difficulty while soloing and I switch to O'Malley. Specifically: Minister in 3-2, runner boss and bird in Nirvana. I'm 5 aps, 9.7k hp, if anyone is curious.
  • I thought that in game-not-to-be-mentioned drops in instances were actual pieces of wearable gear; PWI has the whole "mat" system, where you do multiple runs of getting different materials to complete your gear. The only drops similar to "the other game" would be molds in FBs, which constitute a smaller and smaller portion…
  • Are "pixels" really that much less relevant than some carefully constructed blob of sheet metal, plastic, rubber, electronics and the like? What would you say grats to, a well designed ham sandwich?
  • I looked at the skills, and it seems like the argument is.....Demon Spark vs. Sage: Bloodpaint, Dagger Devotion, and Sage Spark. Any other skill has a very small difference between Sage and Demon versions, based mostly on preference. The only real exception I see is Chill of the Deep, which I think is a mediocre skill…