ToyKitteh - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • or this if you're still having trouble. :D Edit: read your mind.
  • and lmao that people don't know they have an inbox thanks to stupid core connect ROFL b:laugh
  • Private Messages: Unread 1, Total (unknown)^ here it's a link underneath Welcome, ToxehHeals - Sanctuary you last visited: Yesterday at (unknown) underneath your avatar in the upper right, but on the left side.
  • You can make it up more extreme than that but those are a really cute more HUMAN version - they don't make me check over my shoulder for the skinnyman.
  • Toxeh check your inbox. b:bye
  • It's actually not a .ini hax and the person that said that has obviously never attempted them. It *is* possible, I *could* do it, I can even make a test chara for ya to prove it. I may not APPROVE but if you REALLY want it, I can seriously do it for you.
  • But I'll make your chara look like it for a few mill. Just sign this contract that says I am not responsible for how many nasty comments you receive in game, banning for fear of hax, reports because you're creepy... etc, etc, etc...
  • omg nuu it's not, unless you're a pedophile who's also into LSD.
  • *gags, hangs self, undoes rope, smashes the creepy lookin thing in the face with a frying pan, hides in a corner* That thing is creepier than the zombie from the ring.
  • <,..,< I am SO not raging. I totally hope everyone and his mom wins a herc/nix ticket. I hope it RAINS herc tickets. Then mebbe I will finally get one X3
  • That would be convenient, but I think it's kind of unlikely because it's more of a 'when it happens' thing. They plan for it to be at a certain time but it is nearly always late or early or whatever. Unforeseeable circumstances sadly make this impossible, and LOL At Ice's sarcastic post.
  • It could also be a virus on your computer consuming all of your RAM. IF your cursor can move around freely but your chara cant it's probably your connection. Maybe you've gone over a bandwidth limit? Maybe someone is leeching off you? IF your mouse stops working too it is your system. Check it for viruses, use a disk…
  • what are you, new? Quick! Delete your post! We gotta keep this information -priviledged- or everyone will show up and try to kill/catch the rares and you'll have even LESS chance of catching one. Rule #1 of Gangsterdom: NEVER Give up game.
  • Unless you're Kantorek, who is both a barb/veno and and elf. -.- Have you seen his elf wings? *cries* o.O I wonder if the mount would be land/air combo....
  • b:shocked I don't even know what I would do. o.o; how much would they cost? Lol.
  • Afk for laundry- I hope Spoons will actually respond. It's a need - to - know dealio. Back in 5. No being mean on my threads! :P Be nice to each other while I'm gone and you all get cookies. A gold star to anyone who comes up with a good economy-boosting idea before I return.
  • lmfao! And yeah! Call spoons! Once and for all can you answer in plain english if it is WRONG for PLAYERS to play privately owned and operated versions of this game, that are non-profit? Plzktnx. I tried reading the legal jargon on the ToS and I went crosseyed. I don't think it tells players not to. Correct me if I am…
  • b:victory Nice post. Well written, well balanced, very nice. b:thanks So yeah, that is my main worry too, that the -other- items are really lame to obtain atm. I say it's because of Gold Prices, but it's not the whole answer, predictably. I'm only trying to get the focus to shift to solutions rather than reiterations of…
  • *drools* Delicious. Yeah it takes a helluvalong time but hey! Some of us have that in spades! Gives us other better things to look forward to. b:pleased Also- where does it say in ToS that it is illegal to play another privately funded, privately owned version of this game? O.o I haven't said I made it, I haven't given up…
  • In no way am I saying to STOP selling gold at the price it's being bought for. I'm saying let's STIMULATE by adding bonuses. Then maybe the little guys can play too. I just hate trying to explain everything and give up game to all the little peoples that need stuff. Organizing a Regular CS items Day or... idk SOMETHING...…
  • ROFLMAO!! <3 That's hilarious. xD
  • Dude, where were you on the day they passed out ears/eyes? This isn't a QQ thread. This is an IDEA thread. Get some IDEAS how to help people get what they need. So will you please stfu? People like you who think they know everything are really annoying to those of us who do. Neither did I say anywhere this game was gonna…
  • Not that you can really level much faster with the stuff... AND the Warsoul stuff is still tre baddass. *drool* But that's off topic sorry. It's ani-pack griping and I want to avoid that in this thread. This is more about ideas of ways to help low lvls get what they need. I totally agree that it is easy to make money, but…
  • Let us take a moment to remember this: Level caps raise. The "endgame" gear these people are getting... is not actually "endgame." If you try the private servers you will understand that what is coming out of the ani packs aint NOTHIN yet. These developers are GENIUS imho, and are gearing us up so we can level faster so…
  • Leave my crack smoking out of this.. >_>;; Also: You're a good man for spoiling your wife. b:pleased Also: I'm no noob, wanna see my high lvl chars? We can arrange a meeting in game if you PM me here. I'd love to PK your **** and teach you to respect a lady. Another thing: I -am- attracted to pretty little pixels on a…
  • Nuuuuuuu. >_< Another good point brought up was from Obsessed in the ani-thread. All the gold would go straight to the autobuyers. Probably all to one rich guy who has 1000 gold up waiting to be bought at 100k. -.- I'm tryin here. I really am just sad for the lowbies who are young with no cash of their own to get their…
  • Honestly my only real concern here is for the lowbies that are young and have no cash of their own. I just want them to be able to afford their gears/fash/charms that make the game so fun. A lot of people coming in to the game are like ...damn... this was really fun... now what do I do? Maybe instead of a 100k gold day...…
  • Meh. You're totally right. T_T;; I'm tryin here.
  • OMG +_+ I love your siggy. XDDDD And yush, I have a high lvl cleric and even through all my time.. I'm still slow. The worst is when you're way far behind and they left you fighting your own mob...... and you die. Then they have to wait for you to fly allllll the way back... -.- OH OH, OTHER WORST: TT. People "run" through…
  • Here here. Gettem Leeroy. b:angry