Slearn - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Another thing I noticed - if it does bug and you can't complete it until the following week, don't take the same quest again immediately after you complete last week's. If you do it will bug at the same point again. To clear the bug you need to complete the quest and wait a week. Next week you can take the quest and it…
  • I've had that one too. My wife disconnected for a while and the quest would not continue. Strangely enough the following week when that quest happened again we were able to complete it. I am sure what you have seen is not an isolated incident.
  • Yes, a good belt: Get it now, it's for level 86.
  • The cube does have its share of problems and I certainly don't know them all. I haven't had the 100 second and bored rooms bug you saw. But I've seen others. A new one for me was in room 25, where you have to avoid the exploding hands; the green circles were displaced to one side so you had no idea where the safe spots…
  • You occasionally see the fire and water drops for sale in Immolation Camp at catshops. That might be your only way to proceed to the second quest if you have handed in the first one and can't find anyone who can help. It's unfortunate that a quest with a built-in failure exists, but it's been that way for a long time and I…
  • Thanks for the advice. My wife and I did the first 2 quests in the Valley Entrance chain without difficulty. It was even pleasant farming the mats for the Essence of Nature. We now have the Talisman of the Glade item to take us to the GreyHaired Man (A suffered soul quest) and didn't use it as per advice we read here. Also…
  • I have only ever had problems if I started a cube run just before server midnight. Got to the end and it didn't give a yellow shield for the reward.
  • 4 weeks wait so far. Maybe tonight will be the night!
  • Yes, there is a 4th room layout but the wiki guide only knows of 3. Also the room resets after approx 15 minutes, so you can both get killed halfway across a safe route and also know that if you wait long enough the room will eventually provide a straight path through.
  • 24 hours later and I tried again to do my CS or WQ. Same eror. But then in sheer pick-headedness, I tried again, and they both worked.
  • I started my World Quest and Crazy Stones before the TimeZone restart. I finished the CS before the restart but had to wait until after the restart to complete the WQ. After the restart, both CS and WQ were available again in the quest finder. And no, I haven't missed a day. But trying to take either quest again results in…
  • Whew. It just changed - that was a heck of a long time on one monster - stuck on pyro for the 70's and polearm for the 80's for ages.
  • Good points Darksylph. I hope those posts will help others get it right the first time through. 69 and above info are not easy to find in the forums. My first character, archer, messed it up totally. We didn't have enough tabs, didn't see the Wraith Hunter and found ourselves wondering why we couldn't finish. So when I…
  • Wraith's Gate (202020) isn't too bad, and you can do it at level 67 with help. (perhaps with a Veno, Cleric, DD and Tank) Just follow it in un-wined until you get to the Adawolfs. Along the way, kill all you see of the Captains, Sori's and Adawolfs, just making sure you get at least 10 of each. Then exit the instance and…
  • At level 70 you get a normal quest to talk to the Elder of Archosaur "paperclip for a villa" - you need to see the Elder before the Repeatable Quest will appear.
  • eatwithspoons: One thing I noticed about the wiki is that those links to quests that you mention don't appear to be on the wiki home page under quest guides. I noticed even the level 81-90 quests are there, but it's not on quest guides page either. The quest guides…
  • I submitted a problem ticket and was most satisfied with the responses. Not only was my issue addressed, but I was updated no less than 3 times on the progress and the outcome. Then there was the surveyI felt like I had just had my car serviced :) I have been involved in gaming and the computer industry for over 30 years…
  • I play with a good friend 5 nights per week US time. We each have 2 characters that are married ingame and we devote roughly equal time to both characters. Alreatha, the only kissing we want is from each other thank you very much, but the thought is good. I think the aims of this faction sound good - but then again a lot…
  • The reason I posted here was just maybe it would help to get to know people a bit before being invited to join a faction. If there aren't other factions that enjoy teaming up with other couples that read the forums, then we will continue to do what we are doing - talking to the people who respond to our calls to do bosses…
  • As I am doing the WQ tonight after the latest patch I am now landing beside each npc rather than on top and not having a problem. I have a funny idea that when we land on an npc (autopathing), the game thinks we are on the ground rather than on the head of the npc and messes up when we launch from on their head.
  • I am the husband involved here lol. If this was to work I'd suggest a password to access the spouse account that they could change if things went bad. Of course that could never happen to us. b:pleased
  • The errands only just appeared in our Find Quests list. Previously you found them when talking to the inventory manager and banker by accident. You don't need to do the errands ever. I've never bothered to do any of those errands. I've just used the Boutique to buy whatever inventory or bank space I've wanted. However,…
  • Thought occurred to me just now. When you are selling an equipped item, you have to drag it to your inventory before you can drag it to the vendor. Perhaps this concept could also be used to stop us unequpping to thin air. Idea for devs? Hey $30 is $30 and it could have been a bit worse with some of the new expensive…