ShadowX - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Your idea is nice and all, but you do realize that encouraging weaker guilds to bid will actually make it easier to defend? 3 of the strongest guilds attacking simultaneously is the only thing that actually puts "pressure" on the defense. Having to defend three times against two easily dispatched weaker guilds+1 strong…
  • I think Arawin did great in the vid. He used heal when his teammate was hurt and nearby (he wasn't healing a catabarb so there's no one to spam heal). Unlike some clerics, he was smart enough to actually used silent seal (freeze) instead of chromatic seal (sleep) on key targets like catabarbs. And he put his insane 90…
  • I know this is a pretty late response, but I felt I just had to share this. b:chuckle
  • If you actually read my post and comprehended it, you would have realized I am not talking about reducing max hp anywhere in the post. I even gave specific examples of what I'm referring to. I'm referring to the spell that removes a % of your hp which is like an attack, by percentage based. The tiger on monday's event…
  • For some reason, I'm not the least bit surprised. b:surrender
  • I chose lv100 because you don't really get access to -interval gear till TT99 and nirvana pants at 100. Also, it won't really affect pvp because the % I'm thinking about will be in the single digits, making it better just to use a regular damage spell. (possibly it can counter barb invoke but the damage will still be too…
  • Since you can't mention its name, maybe you could post what rank in which category the game is? b:thanks
  • Before considering rank armor, First think about this: What is your hp? What are your defenses? What is left to remedy the +30 atk jones blessing in pvp? Now: What is now the price of dragon orbs in coins? in gold? Finally: How much harder do rank weapons hit? (TT99+7<unrefined R8 weapon; with r8, I hit 5k noncrit,…
  • Imo, the gameplay on this server is too simple to draw any type serious discussions. -You won't see many experienced players in this server as opposed to the older servers. -Since this is a PvE server, PvP outside of TW is rare. -New players quickly level through tb quest, pq, and FC, ending up poor/inexperienced/unskilled…
  • After you drop something better than those wrists for me, you can kill me all you want. ...I'll have some time to go pking with/vs. you this Saturday morning. b:thanks
  • for the bm v sin: Rib strike.
  • Lol, he didn't **** whatsoever, he's got 4 APS as a fist bm (not even 5). If a GM asks I could provide the names of both the GM that banned him and the bm. But for now I need help with the 2 questions above.
  • He *can't* submit a ticket though since the account is banned. Do I/the squad submit tickets for him then?
  • I had 3-4 DQs drop yesterday as well, how are your drops today?
  • 1. Why don't you try searching and find a useful, RECENT thread for me then. If double drops changed after today's update, I can reasonably expect to see a thread in the first two pages. 2. I am not going out of my way to count every mob and the drops either. Which is why I'm asking for people's experience (today) with the…
  • 1. I know it should end on the 14th, that is why I posted this thread this. 2. I've only averaged 180k per hour from 2 hours grinding at spiders. And I haven't seen more than 2 item drops, while, with double drops, seeing 4 DQ's drop from one mob was not uncommon. I am also seeing a lot more no drops not to mention coin…
  • It's actually better to go uncharmed, especially with wiz heal. You won't die, but the magic spike+wrong wiz heal timing will give u unnecessary ticks.
  • Barrage does not reach either. Most of the arrows are just animation but do not reach that high either. Please test out the aoe and how high it reaches before saying it will hit. Kyoshi, get your head out of your **** and actually read before trying to flamebait. Then maybe you would have noticed stuff I already mentioned.…
  • Only way to get awareness pots atm is from Dreamweaver so only those guild members have the access and the power to distribute it. -The "line" doesn't stop at the bm stun cloud; not everyone is grouped on the ground right next to the bms. -I said anti-immobilization *+ tranq orb or domain* -I'm not suggesting the sin be…
  • I guess all I am asking about is if there is an aoe that can reach an assassin up in the *air* above the catapult. b:surrender I'm not saying the sin will be there on the ground like a normal barb puller does in TW. She didn't position herself above the catapult in the vid either, something that's part of what I'm asking…
  • Read more carefully please: 1. If you look at you can see you can run far enough from the catapult to avoid the aoe. -this is different from your experience as a catapuller because most bms will go up to stun *you*, not a catapult that is at a decent distance from you. 2. If this…
  • I've flown over bm stun clouds in that little passage at the base walls. The stun/zhen can still reach if you're in jumping range but it's not anything like a ball. I noticed that zhen's reach further out, but again, the aoe effect has acted more like a thick piece of pie than a ball in my experience.
  • That's only around us though. Wizzy zhen has a big radius like a circle but doesn't reach very far up, same with bm roar. I thought the archer barrage that reaches so high up was always just an animation and doesn't really go that far either. b:surrender
  • b:shocked Have you tested out staying afloat above the catapult and away from towers? (or with ppl distracting towers).
  • The things i don't know are: 1. high up you can fly above a stationary catapult. -However, there is a glitch where you can fly over the walls while pulling a catapult, and it'll follow through the wall, so you can fly fairly high and still have the catapult. 2. whether the catapult being attacked counts towards the sin…