Sawki - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Please see this thread, which is stickied on the forums.
  • From doing a little research, this item appears to have dropped somewhere in the Untamed's FB19. It's not listed on the PwDatabase, but after finding out it's other names, there were several listing for the alternated in the Wolf's Den, aka, Untamed FB19.
  • The glow you can get from socketing various stones/gems only applies to armor. To get get a blue glow on weapons it must be a 3 star item. As for green or gold, it must have a sold green star or a sold gold star. Adding gems of high level to weapons, you get swirls and sparkles for effects. As for your latter question: It…
  • Please do not necro threads that have had the primary questions answered.
  • You can switch to a new server at any time, but you cannot transfer characters, items or gold between the servers. You have to create a new character for a different server.
  • You don't get your rez spell until level 19. It is called 'Revive'. So you still need another 10 levels.
  • Usually those from Lost City server refer to Twilight Temple as HH because it used to be called Holy Hall on MY servers.
  • I'm not a trigger happy wizard... <.< On a more serious note, I do like this guild and find it quite fun, the people do make it worthwhile to stay and chat with. I've never had a problem with dungeon runs with our group, they are often quite fun and there is sometimes of goofing about in dungeons we know we can get away…
  • You need at least one level in both Pyroshell and Crown of Flames
  • You also need to have at least 1 level in the earlier fire skills as well. IE, Crown of Flames, Pyroshield, and Pyrogram.
  • You get Chi stones from decomposing Weapons and Armor. You need to decompose items at their respective sellers
  • There is a cleric skill called 'Purify' that is learned at level 29 that can get rid of poison and other debuffs, but other than that I think one just has to bear with the poison.
  • The Wizard is considered the main ranged magic damage dealer. They are considered a harder class to play because they can be less forgiving on the stats front compared to other classes and are often very squishy. The Barbarian is the main tank class of the game. The Barbs have a tiger form that has ample aggro/threat…
  • For your stats you appear to be adding too much strength, you should only be adding enough strength to wear the equipment at your level with the rest going into magic since it appears you are using a pure build. Also, when fighting mobs, it helps if you observer the area where monsters are before diving in so that you…
  • Canada uses M as well for millions, and if look here, you can see the official standard for millions has been M since 1960.
  • Uh, kk is not used as an abbreviation for millions, M is what is considered the norm for million of dollars, such as G being the norm for billions. I've never heard nor seen kk being used for short form in any type of number abbreviations.
  • 1. I believe if you use to keys at once you can go at an angle, otherwise I would just suggest rotating the camera to face in the direction you want to go. 2. In order to increase your inventory you have to use inventory stones from the Cash shop/Boutique. As for the Bank space, you should be able to expand the bank by one…
  • Also, just to be aware it costs about 10,000 coin per rank item, if I'm remembering correctly.
  • Please don't necro threads. And the spiritual adept ranking is your cultivation level, you'll get the quest for spirit adept ranking at level 9. Rankings are the same for all classes and races; and are acquired at all the same levels for cultivation.
  • You'll want to find the wizard trainer in Etherblade to find new skills, not the Elder of the city. You can find one near the waterfall in the North of town, or in a wide open space to the south of the teleport master.
  • I'd just suggest switching to the 9mag, 1str for now as your stats currently are fine, I'd suggest just stop putting points into vit as you don't get much from them. Once you get to a higher level though I would suggest looking into a Reset scroll to transfer points from your vit to mag stats. This is because for wizards…
  • I find Force of Will to be more effective than Will of the Phoenix when dealing with magic mobs because Force of Will will cancel any attacks they are currently channeling and make them run away. Useful for soloing. As for the ranged physical attackers(archers) either spell with work, Force of Will just has the advantage…
  • For new skills you need to go to the trainer in Plume City, you should find a cleric trainer near the pool under the tree, the trainer will have 'Cleric' in their name somewhere. As for stats, it depends on which type of cleric build you happen to be going for, I'll let other explain that better. If you want more cleric…
  • Actually, if you pick off the flowers first and use some life powder and pots you should be able to kill Florafang, she uses a ranged poison attack, I was able to kill her at that stage.
  • You might have to wait for the client to finish updating first, if it has, you should have a button that says 'Start' on the left side, click on that once it becomes available. After that you should get the game to launch in a new window or as a full screen, depending on your settings, you'll get a newsletter like option,…
  • No offense, but guild recruitment posts usually go to the 'Guild Banter' forum if you are seeking to recruit. The forums are here
  • On the EXP infuse page there is a space for you to place the cube just to the left of the choice listing of the what you want to infuse the Genie with. The cube should show up there and appear faded or greyed out in your inventory. Hope this helps.