Rubles - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • you guys rock, ill behonest, part of this minor hostility isnt for mods/gms at all, moreso the people who believe they have 'mod like' powers just because they are the first to post "no necro" on a old thread. thanks =) and i put this in OT obvoiusly because its pretty pointless, just trying to figure out the mindset of…
  • tear, you do realize that you are just as bad as the person bumping old threads.. if you really believed that bumping old threads is bad, you should just let them die, and not continue to post "necro is agaisnt rules" because all your doing is adding to the uselessness of the bumped thread. its obvious all your doing is…
  • very well could be that 'hes' on his period.. apprently he pretends to be a girl in many other ways.. Feito, i understand periods are no joke.. but when its comming from a guy, it sure the hell is! hahaha
  • b:spitb:spit hahahahahahahahahahaha, i still laugh every time i see your name on a post in the forums.
  • without us low levels your precious server would die.. so double think that.. would you really enjoy a server with noone but you in it? might was well be tom hanks in that dumb movie where hes on the island by himself. as much as you hate lowbie.. we populate, fund, and keep the server alive. if you shun us you precious…
  • heavens tear is quite a watse really.. theres better places to play.. i took my char only to 30's before swaping to a real server. dont bother here, the over the top ghey drama comming from people with no life is beyond stupid, and actually getting to high level on HT would mean your playing with the worst kind of people..…
  • worthless union and pointless drama come to mind.. defected actually fits your personality too well.. and contrary to your belief, no that is not a compliment..
  • put on a dress, dance around likea fairy for a bit, im sure thatll make you feel better, and maybe youll have better manners on the forums here. hahahahahahahahaha hahaahhaaha *still lauging at the pic you posted*
  • HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA this makes your previous posts even funnier then i could have ever imagined.. thankyou for the laugh.. hahahaha
  • and that makes you cool how? makes you a crossdresser.. to each his own.. well no.. in your case 'to each its own' dressing in drag.. haha, youre a tool
  • ill be honest, i have to agree, it takes what was orginally a nice looking game, both graphicly and atmosphericly, and turns it into a little petter pan mmo. "lets all get bright pink flowery genies!!".. PWI has had a good look to it for a long time, but this tosses it over the top, its more cartoony then Flyff.. i mean…
  • i feel obligated to correct you. what you are comparing are 2 tottaly diffrent pet linages. there are different types of wolves that dont share the same stat growth at all. the wolf at lvl 2 is in the 'Wolf1' catagory. while the windstar wolf at lvl43 is a diffrent breed of wolf known as 'Wolf3' comparing their stats is…
  • there isnt a penalty to decomposing, i already decomposed 3 genies on my alts to send the xp cubes to my main. the problem is that the ratio of 'xp cube' points to real 'genie xp' is diffrent from 'spirit' to 'genie xp'. the precent you see at the bottom of the EXP infuse window tells you how much genie xp you get per 1pt…
  • Hi Hi! im not nearly high enough to be in a power guild, but i met with Foxx_trott, and MysticVeno the other day, had to be 2 of the very nicest people i know. also another member, Teraru has been leveling a alt with me (my first char). i wish all of RoadKill the best of luck this weekend, and i wish there was something i…