question about "necro"ing

Rubles - Heavens Tear
Rubles - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Off-Topic Discussion
mods hate it, forum hores hate it, and alwasy seem to want to tell you never to necro old threads..

so one goes about and posts a topic... turns out its already been covered and they get yelled at by said 'forum hores' and mods to "USE TEH SeARCH! NOOB" which i dont get.. because if they used the search, and found information and wanted to add to that archive of information they also get yelled at..

so why do forum **** and mods dislike when people add information to the growing source of data we already have? isnt that counter productive? instead they rather have to tell people to 'use the search' and have multible threads all asking the same thing, that could have been avoided if the 'old thread' that has the data was available..

to me it just dosent make sense.. and people that constantly yell "DONT NECRO" are retarted, because they are doing the same thing as the 'necro-er' by posting in that thread to begin with..
in fact they are even worse, because 9 times outa 10 the post that bumps it to new has information in it, while the forum **** just is bickering and trying to boost his/her postcount.

so people.. if you want to stunt your learning, and limit the amount of information that is available to you, by al means, be close minded and yell at people for adding to the database..

or you can be open to information of all timeframes..

i mean seriously just because mathmatics and physics were discovered long ago, dose that mean you shouldnt learn it.. ? would you tell Einstien DONT NECRO OLD THREADS if he had a new formula for the world to use and wanted to post it with his old one?

think about it....
Post edited by Rubles - Heavens Tear on


  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I tend not to close the threads if the reply is constructive. However, if it's a question, or just plain spam, thread's gone.
  • dvorak
    dvorak Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    personally i don't really mind thread-necroing as long as there is a valid reason for doing so.

    what raises eyebrows are when threads are necro'd for no apparent reason.

    If you can justify necroing old threads to raise valid points, issues or concerns feel free to do so, haters be damned. Just tell them dvorak said 'its cool!' b:victory

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  • Rubles - Heavens Tear
    Rubles - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you guys rock, ill behonest, part of this minor hostility isnt for mods/gms at all, moreso the people who believe they have 'mod like' powers just because they are the first to post "no necro" on a old thread.

    thanks =)

    and i put this in OT obvoiusly because its pretty pointless, just trying to figure out the mindset of forum ****'s i just really will never understand em
  • Zhoelle - Sanctuary
    Zhoelle - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I agree and support the GM's responses - it clears up the "necro" issue.
  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I tried to find the oldest thread I could in some forums here, and It was sent to the lower depths or closed or something.b:chuckle

    That's the bad necro, if you have something to add or answering a question in there left unanswered, then by all means necro away.
    In that case if someone has a problem with it, tell them .. Edited to be nice. :)
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i mean seriously just because mathmatics and physics were discovered long ago, dose that mean you shouldnt learn it.. ? would you tell Einstien DONT NECRO OLD THREADS if he had a new formula for the world to use and wanted to post it with his old one?
    Hahah, i loledb:laugh
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