RedXL - Harshlands Arc User


  • I would pk both the bm and veno for stupidity, annoyance and border line psychotic. Seekers came 3yrs after the game began and sins came what 2? idiots....
  • I hope they make PVE harder, PVE everytime new gear comes out it becomes childs play. I miss the old days when achievements were actually looked at with pride not just somthing they just do out of boredom. This update is centered around venos and while I know they are scarce because Sins became the solo class but I think…
  • I vote you keep FC as is or mabe 70+i leveled 2 chars to 100 the normal way before i lvled fast the 3rd it took me months to achieve 100 because i couldnt play 24^7 i understand too many people power leveling but must take into account we all have lives outside of PWI and some of us cant afford to neglect it to a virtual…
  • Thanks for all the input im going with a psy for now wish me luck!!!!b:victory
  • Alright im rolling a psy and ill do mystic alternating whichever i prefer ill stick with but does anyone know which is more expensive? Ik psy are expensive because of refines but what about mystics? Which would be cheaper and about how much more cheaper or more expebsive then the other?
  • Do you HAVE to be R9 to be effectively endgane with them though?
  • Thanks for the input since it really didnt seem nobody would speak for you guys. But ill be honest ever since my bn got G16 as long i had chi even R9 mystics werent that big of a deal to handle. So how are they OP i wont lie. Thier support skills are amazing but how are they OP and would the pets really be all that in pvp?…
  • I remember wiz was char i rolled still have it at 85. They eere repetative lol. Not to.mention it felt like you were trapped as a high DD but the stuns kept you immoble till you were dead i mean at least psy can stun and silent not sure shrink useful if shadow tele,voidstep,or reckless rush in effect but mabe i was never…
  • Honestly i was going to male archer R9 geez i have to do the same with psy. Is the cost effecting factor really worth it? I mean every single psy i see has 10 (any good ones anyway) but is it trurly worth it? I guess i can pump $1500 for R9 but id like input,before i swipe my card thanks.
  • Problem when psy are REALLY expensive still finishing my phy acc 16 gears. But can a psy still excel with the budget i set out (500)? In all my phy char arpund 3k dollars tbh
  • Hey I have an account of a phy classes. BM,SIN,SEEKER,ARCHER. I'd like to make another account devoted to roling mag classes. Problem is I cant decide which is best for me, when i orginally began i had a wiz and didnt really enjpy the style too slow passed even with channel rings,nor did i enjoy the verbal abuse of clerics…
  • I demand that u fix this problem now... Not only we buy gold but get the charm ***** the hyper gone and we are screwed.... Please a fast solution to this problem
  • GM`s u earned a lot of money when packs where in disccount so please look into the problem of dcing is annoying while u run nirvana and TT