Raein - Lost City Arc User


  • Thanks for the advice :D
  • You obviously have no idea what your doing, and have no idea about skills/ weapons for BM's. Before posting on the forum, PLEASE look at other posts. There are countless builds on here, it doesnt take long to find them.
  • I could be wrong, but I believe elements only pretain to magic attacks and, since we have no magic attacks, BM's don't have elements. The choice of which element to use against a BM doesn't really matter, unless you know what magical resists the player has and which is the lowest and will therefore take the most damage…
  • Thanks guys that helped :D I think I might go with adding a bit of vit mixed in to even myself out a bit. b:victory
  • Hmm I don't know about polearm, but as far as I have discovered (lvl 32 axe BM) I don't really rely on skills, having a wide range of damage is kind of like using a skill, when I get a good spike I can do about as much as a basic skill. From what I've read before though on other guides, lower level BM's are supposed to be…
  • Yup, just as Tiger said, find out how much str/ dex/ vit you need for your level depending on the build you want to use (probably go with 5str/ 3 dex 2 vit), then just try to get your points there as you level. Depending on how you did your stats, you might not be able to use axes at your level for awhile (axes need a lot…
  • There are soooooo many guides on the internet, even this forum explaining how to pick and which ones are good for what, actually, theres another topic posted only a few below yours asking the exact same question... read the stikies posted above your thread.
  • That is absolutely awesome! Thanks! b:victory
  • Thanks :D Very encouraging b:pleased And dsmer, you may not want to skill spam o.O once you start getting higher into the 1x levels, you wont be able to keep it up, you should get used to using straight attacks.
  • Thats a relief, thanks guys :D And I do have 6 str, 5 one level, then one the next :)
  • Strength by far, you need at least 6str every 2 levels to use axes at your level.
  • Perhaps you need to calm down before you start posting xD that's my 'word of advice' for you. Yes, you may need 6 str, but the build I gave is balanced for PVP, so that you have enough Vit to survive, while you may need to wait the odd level to get that new equipment. There are countless builds on the internet, I simply…
  • It depends on what weapon you're using. If you want straight one on one, go with sword, if you want to handle mobs of melee people in TW try axe or polearm, and if you want to sneak behind the enemy lines and beat up squishy mages, use fist. As for skills, there are pretty few that are useless for the BM (the first skill…
  • Wow O.o Thats a pretty complicated way to do armour xD but if it works, why not? Also, crafting armor makes the best armour by far, I almost never find any decent armour on the ground.
  • So shadow, you're doing a 4 str 3 dex build? How is it, having to wait until you can add strength to equip new items? And is having so much dexterity keeping you alive enough? (P.S. I'm a girl ;P)
  • If you want to trade with yourself legally, do what I do. I find an area where no one will ever look, and just drop off my items there, then I switch characters and pick them up, no bid deal. My favourite place is behind a couple building in Etherblade, next to that cosmetic NPC, the one that gives you make overs, no one…
  • No Blademaster should EVER use light armour! The added magical deffence and resistance is not even close to a fair trade off for the physical deffence you get from heavy. You have official permission to laugh and ridicule any BM you see wearing light armour xD As for stats, your right, that build is one of the best,…
  • I had a problem with choosing recently as well, so hopefully I can help. Basically there is axe/hammer, spear, fist and sword. Each one has a different purpose. Axe/Hammer: Great for TW and probably the easiest to level. Eventually they get AOE skills that attack in a circle around the character, so, easier to kill mobs.…
  • (And, in general, Wraith creatures drop them frequently, wraiths being skeletons and creatures that look dark or black)