question for a blade bm

bloodyorgazm Posts: 1 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Blademaster
i want to be a dual blade bm

this is my first time playin a bm so i need ur help and plz be helpful =]

wats better to use heavy or light armor i was thinkin light armor??

im diffently usin dual sword/blades

and for stats i was think 5str 3dex 2 vit every 2 lvls????

if there is aynything better to do plz tell me or is this a good stepup/build
Post edited by bloodyorgazm on


  • Petra - Harshlands
    Petra - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    There's no reason a BM of any kind should wear light armor...

    stick with heavy xD
  • Raein - Lost City
    Raein - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    No Blademaster should EVER use light armour! The added magical deffence and resistance is not even close to a fair trade off for the physical deffence you get from heavy. You have official permission to laugh and ridicule any BM you see wearing light armour xD

    As for stats, your right, that build is one of the best, safest, BM builds, it gives you enough strength and dexterity for you to use weapons and armor at your level without forgetting the crucial vitality.

    Oh, and Duel Swords FTW! XD
  • Shadowdragon - Harshlands
    Shadowdragon - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I read somewhere about a decent lightarmor and then fill with phys resist. What's your opinion on that? The bm said it worked wonders against wizards and clerics.
  • Shamino - Sanctuary
    Shamino - Sanctuary Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    A blademaster should always use heavy for the following reasons.

    1. High base physical defence (important for if you get debuffed by a veno while fighting) This is also important because in the next step we plan on leaving just the base physical resistance even after buffing ourself.

    2. Aura of the Golden bell (+60% phys Def) and alter marrow magical (-60% phys def +60% Magic Defence)

    Running both Aura of the golden bell and the -60% version of alter marrow magical gives you a free 60% increase to your magic resistance giving you higher physical AND magical resistance than a light armor build. If you use magical marrow as a LA class it will drop your phys res too much and you will be easy prey to physical classes heavy armor doesnt have that problem due to the much higher base resist.

    3. HP shards and refinement

    All armor should be socketed for HP and refined to give the most HP bonus you can afford per piece, using phys res shards in light armor will massively reduce your HP in battle which can be the difference between your charm/heiro ticking or dying in 1 shot to a powerful wizard.

    As you can see by each of the points above with heavy armor you will be significantly better off than a light armor BM due to the way our self buff skills work.
  • Seablue - Sanctuary
    Seablue - Sanctuary Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I think heavy armor also gives you more hp than light armor when you refine it. So yeah nice bonus.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I only use light armor when fighting pure mag mobs that do no physical atacks.

    Example of that are some of these types: pyrogoths*, shrunchkin* and spiders*.

    I also use light armor on FB29.

    *Some varieties of these ones are pure magical.
  • BearArm - Sanctuary
    BearArm - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    But some light armor designs look so cool. Don't you think man should wear his best in his own funeral?
  • Samsamsimply - Heavens Tear
    Samsamsimply - Heavens Tear Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Heavy, I view it this way, if I need the extra lil boost on my magical defense I am gonna use my alter marrow(stopped leveling at 3) most magical mobs that you face will resort to a physical attack once you get past the initial magical attack. As a BM your going to be fighting in close, and wearing light is just gonna get you beat up when they start hitting you with their Patk.

    As far as adding Pdef stones to light.....I would rather add HP stones to my heavy, The extra HP does not discriminate between Matk and Patk.

    It's nice in theory to carry two sets of armor for different situations, but reality is that can get very costly and at a price of diminishing returns.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009

    It's nice in theory to carry two sets of armor for different situations.

    Sometimes, I go even further. If the mob is physical but does 1 or two mag attacks during the fight. I change the chest from heavy to light when I see the mag rings on his feet in each case. I have both of my armor chests on hot keys. then I return to heavy armor after the attack.

    I guess that's just me.

    by the way, a good light armor you can get it from drops. Never buy it.
  • Raein - Lost City
    Raein - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Sometimes, I go even further. If the mob is physical but does 1 or two mag attacks during the fight. I change the chest from heavy to light when I see the mag rings on his feet in each case. I have both of my armor chests on hot keys. then I return to heavy armor after the attack.

    I guess that's just me.

    by the way, a good light armor you can get it from drops. Never buy it.

    Wow O.o Thats a pretty complicated way to do armour xD but if it works, why not? Also, crafting armor makes the best armour by far, I almost never find any decent armour on the ground.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Wow O.o Thats a pretty complicated way to do armour xD but if it works, why not? Also, crafting armor makes the best armour by far, I almost never find any decent armour on the ground.

    Crafting heavy armor or BM is worth it. Crafting light armor for BM is not.

    I don't think light armor is useles but his uses are limited. Spending cash on very good LA might not be worth unless you have extra cash for it.

    Personally, I don't buy heavy armor either (unless I find a good deal). Physical defence is way too good already for BM. I usually get 1 star armor from drops or friends find it and they give it to me.

    Regarding the switching armor, I don't think is complicated to do it at all (maybe that's just me, lol). Since you can use hot keys on the screen for it, same as your skills.

    Some mobs will do 2 mag attacks on you prior the fight is over (either you win or lose). For a Bm The first one should be blocked with "shadowless kick", For the second one, you can use aeolian blade or roar of the pride and switch to light armor.

    On the second attack there is no guarantee that aeolian or roar will block it. So, you should switch to light armor to take less damage on the hit.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Magic mobs can be troublesome. Your method seems to work for you but seems a bit to complicated for someone like me. I lay back in my chair and use my mouse for just about everything....

    I open on a magic mob with my Aeolian Strike. If i stun and cancel the attack great. If i don't oh well. I have the health and our heal spell (if i need it) I follow up with Draw Bleed and bash the mob to death with regular strikes. Its cost effective mana wise. And gets the job done. I use the same two attacks against melee mobs too. Except I reverse...DB then AS.

    When I need to go against a lot of magic mobs. I make it a point to try and party up. Makes it go faster. And I can get the experience and loot back by grinding on physical mobs latter on.

    And that's my take on PVE. You shouldn't need two sets of armor.


    And to the poster. Your build looks good. Just remember that at some point you may want to stop with vitality. But for now I wouldn't worry about it to much. And go Heavy armor. Your a warrior.

  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Magic mobs can be troublesome. Your method seems to work for you but seems a bit to complicated for someone like me. I lay back in my chair and use my mouse for just about everything....

    I open on a magic mob with my Aeolian Strike. If i stun and cancel the attack great. If i don't oh well. I have the health and our heal spell (if i need it) I follow up with Draw Bleed and bash the mob to death with regular strikes. Its cost effective mana wise. And gets the job done. I use the same two attacks against melee mobs too. Except I reverse...DB then AS.

    When I need to go against a lot of magic mobs. I make it a point to try and party up. Makes it go faster. And I can get the experience and loot back by grinding on physical mobs latter on.

    And that's my take on PVE. You shouldn't need two sets of armor.


    And to the poster. Your build looks good. Just remember that at some point you may want to stop with vitality. But for now I wouldn't worry about it to much. And go Heavy armor. Your a warrior.

    No complaints, that's what most do. BTW, I forgot to mention that I also switch weapons from fists to swords. LOL
  • Ragnoram - Heavens Tear
    Ragnoram - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    For the armour my friend, use heavey b:victory
  • onew1ngedangel
    onew1ngedangel Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    CAn u tell me wht is the best Stats build for BM with 1 sword only. or is it dual sword better?

    Thx in advance ;)