Popsouteggs - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Ugh finally ty ty If its of any use I went thru each setting as post said turn off all, I did these one by one trying after each was turned off and it didn't work until I changed distance to low and it let me on right after that ^.^!
  • Aoe is correct, if you know your stuff about MMORPG's you would know that 95% of them have "gold sellers" It starts easy, they have money from other games. Gold selling or item seller on some older games has been around since 1995 with Diablo. It is illegal to the game not actually illegal..because there is a loop hole in…
  • what is name of this quest cuz i had it at early level but trashed cuz couldn't find any hay but now im higher level and know where to find hay so i need this quest again xD Also at silver pool by heavens tear u can kill the golems/antelopes there and hay will drop on occasion
  • un believeable, i gave up after killing like 80 ancient evils and came back today killed 1 and got it..
  • I hope you understand just because it was said "months ago" doesn't mean they scraped it and said **** it..it takes alot of time and coding to add a whole new race and skills into an already released game as the dev's don't want some major exploits to happen because of new races...look thru rpg history...when massive…
  • i think level 3-5 is fine at around 50 to have it at, its not all that bad for pve maybe it is kinda useless for pvp aside from hitting tanks with it but i have mine at 2 right now and i only use it on metal and wood mobs or one of those increased life mob its not a "DONT GET IT!!!" skill its more of a "balance its level…
  • No it stops them but everyday it seems theres atleast 1 new spammer or more and plus like 2 posts above says "Only helps if you are willing to Blacklist the 10 other people talking to them" like an hour ago some guy spammed forever......like every 25-45 sec lol Personally I think there should be like a cool down on tele's…
  • thats silly considering the time u spend to get coins unless u just be wack and go charge that zen, i dont see why peeps who spend so much time grinding just buy 1000 teles and spam 24/7..thats dumb..i can understand the guys who say something like every 10-15 mins but the ones who make WC there personal chat room is…
  • Its a memory leak in the client from last patch..and theres nothing you can do to fix it on your end unless you block off elementclient.exe from the rest of ur virtual memory by sandboxing or vmware just wait pw dev's will probably be releasing a fix within the next few days as they are aware of the issue
  • I have had the same problem even with my cpu being custom built for some reason since genie patch the game after being left on for a few hours idle saps all the virtual memory and uses almost 60% of my full ram which shouldn't be happening..for now i've found a solution to keep this from happening by sandboxing it but its…
  • wouldn't the same apply to a forum troller who has almost 1K post in less then a month? u know u might be a higher lvl if u didnt spend all your days in the forums silly as far as the reward of being lvl 100...well i think being even level 93+ is its own reward seeing as how much time this game takes, other then the skills…
  • idk but i think it affects ur crit %, i didnt know spells could miss b:shocked