I gave up doing that thing looooong ago because that reason.
btw ,b:laugh1 hour should be enought to get 10~15 lvls
rly tks man b:thanksb:thanks
in-yo-face b:laughb:laughb:laugh
wth theres any other reason to play that isnt to have fun? b:laugh jk, i would need 98~99 to make something i have in mind possible,gonna study the damage taken by puting josd ,tks for responses =)
b:cry ty anyway
wow lots of players think they know how much cost a server( it cost to much ,QQ ,mimimi,blablabla sninfb:cry) GOOD IDEA BRO dont give up on what you like ,ppl have told you that and will keep telling you to(read above and after my post) i know how good was this game was,and im still looking for that feeling i had years ago…
i played in PWBR it was FULL of bugs so i came here to PWI,and i can say the arena was AWEOSOME!! factions on weekens used to stay there in the top of arena and send tele(costed like 100k ea = clean wc) calling other ppl to take them off there, then many ppl started gathering on safe area from arena and then CHAARGE .…
9 FOR SURE!!!! dont you see by her look what she wana do?b:dirty
prolly nada u.u'
mp charms to keep BB up so i can leave and take something to eat...b:victory
server pre tideborn ftw( no packs included)
sleepy ...
aah we are back =P turned out to be a problem in our city b:laugh
what lady bu...OMGOD WHY??b:sad
Tibia did it first... decades ago
Never gonna give you up... whos gonna be the number 1500?
no trolling...i was just expect someone to do the math for me and if i was lucky, pw calc links and sage/demon disscussions
PWE staff deleted this game from their HD the minute they got enought money to pay for Wow.they are prolly in Wow forum now asking things(and gettin an answer) ps :sory guys on the translator thing,i know u guys work hard and are pissed everyone else is playing another game =/
they usualy put 20% off...i have bought one already...not telling what i did to itb:shutup
why Mods dont tell us the servers statitics? even tibia does it
Sarcastic ^^b:bye
No u are wrong , ppl working for PWI consider the happiness of players the most important thing in their job. Some Mod will read this, tell others mods, who will tell GMs who are also think its a good thing and in the end it will be realised and pwi will have its place on history...
i want a pony, mom wont gimmeb:cry
i love to do it, ur argment is invalid.
i have been on privates , i thought i would see the past there, but then i saw g17,g18 itens and even a motorcycle as mounts(ops)
Once its implemented it have already worked, its suposed to SHOW people how the game was...
Unreal Tournament 2004 has some maps like that(Onslaught), second best kind of game imo,losing only to MMORPGs. there is MMORPG with a war like that?
Rubberbandis was proposital, they made it to make inmpossible to use speed hakers(not jump haks thou)