click verify on the updater or try reinstalling the game and using the direct download button off this website. try turning your firewall off. Run it as administraitor. update your drivers on your computer, try virus scanning your computer.
ok on the updater click the "verify" button, that will help to make sure your files are updated right and not corrupt. if not run the game and change the compatibilty options by right clicking on the icon and selecting "properties". and try running as admin, that always seems to work for me most of the time.
ok make sure when you download it, use the direct download, and try running the installation as admin. oh yeah and make sure that when you download it, only be on 1 user on the computer -perferably the Administraitor account-, that usually helps.
when did u make your characters? because the ones in the closed beta were wiped.
forget what i said about my graphics card, i miss read the system requirements..XD
try to find the files by going to "my documents" and click on the downloads folder, thats where mine was. also have you tried running the installer as administraitor?
have you been able to plat before? or is this your 1st time.
try running it as admin. changing your firewall settings. scan for viruses make sure you meet the requirments.
you have to be the Venomancer race and you have to get the skill, or you can hatch an egg.
what OS are you using? try changing the compatibility optinons...
i have another question. Now when i go into Archsaur (mainly the west district) i have some bad lag, is it b/c of all the ppl who are there? or is it that i am using wireless? or both? i just need some suggestions on how to get rid of the lag. :D:eek::cool:
wow thats alot of money.
where did you download it from? do you meet the system requirements? Virus scan your computer Update drivers and update windows if possible. Run it as administraitor. Try re-installing it.
Did you use the direct download or the bit torrent? on the updater did you click verify? try that and if that doesnt work try virus scanning your computer.
i play this game and i live in America. you are not the only one..
First download the game. Install it, let it update and then choose a server then login using the info that you use to login on here(the website). then click the create button you see to the right side.
how much is that in real money?
where did you download it from. are you running it as administraitor. try updating windows, your drivers, etc.
i have the same graphics card and my options are: Terrain-all the way up V-sync- on tree,flowers,clouds-in the middle water- all the way down. distance-all the way up. but what i dont get is the system req. said a graphics card that had a 128mb was required to play and thats what mine has but i cant play it all the way…
what did you use to download the bit torrent or direct download?
well first off, if it takes that long to patch there might be something wrong with your internet connection. but anyway try running it as administraitor.
find the folder where you saved it.
ooo. oh. does anyone know if/when it will be?
every mmo ive played(which is ALOT!) u either use the point and click or the WASD buttons and the mouse to turn ur view... personally i can stand to use the arrow keys...
i have windows vista and it works fine, trying running it as administraior or updating to Windows Vista SP1. idk if that will work, just a thought.
trying running it as administraitor, that usually works.
i would think you could still play it as long as you speak english i think (and if you download it from this website), but im not sure. Yes the game is in open beta.
the servers are fine...geez ppl give them some slack, its not like they arent trying to fix them. the game was released here in the US not to long ago, its still gonna have some problems.
are you running it as administraitor?
download the game using the direct download button. and then when/if it gets done updating, click verify and i think that should help getting the game completely updated...if not then idk.