MrSig - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Sorry to double post, but even small things like maybe a fog bank or sandstorms in the desert regions would be nice too.
  • I concur. Having a changing environment would add much realism to the game. Now understanbably, we're not asking that Arch be suddenly be covered in 2 feet of snow. But having weather patterns such as rain would not be that difficult i would imagine. It gets boring grinding in the same area where's its raining forever. And…
  • I agree with Niteblade's idea. I"m sure those Wraith's are pretty unhappy about losing their territory. And let's face it.... there's a lot more of them than there are us.
  • Love this idea. And maybe if they attack larger cities, they might could hold certain districts. Like in arch, maybe they invade the west district first. OMG, could you imagine all the dead catshops lol? THAT would teach people to clog the streets lol.
  • lol... Amen b:thanks
  • I would like the pet pick-up system for all-class pets as long as they can not get the aggro from mobs.
  • That sounds exactly what she is talking about. But remember, we're not suppose to mention competing games like LC.
  • Personally I'd rather see the white wolf about the size of the Kirin really. I have a Nein.. and personally.. I think it's too big. It really just gets in the way. Now kirins are much more moderately sized and feasible to me.
  • I believe I know what you are talking about.. my graphics card has crashed several times since the genies were introduced. But there's nothing to be done about as far as I know but lower your graphics.
  • This might be what they meant when they mention "cross class", but instead of making new classes or races, why just allow any race to be any class? To me this would be easier to code, already have the moves and skills at hand. I've always wanted a blademaster barbarian. I love the untamed race but I don't want to HAVE to…