yeah that thing, and ahhh okies o=
good luck with that =]
archers have barrage? or did you just not read that when i typed it out? but i seriously can't be ****ed arguing with some little kid that enjoys pretending to be a fuzzy rodent online
. puncture wound kicks the **** out of other Dots but it is still a Dot
gtfo the sin forums, you don't even know what your ****ing skills do
defend what? I say sins don't have a decent damage dealing 59 skill, which they don't regardless of how much you like the the other sin skills doesn't change the fact their only 59 skill with weapon attack is headhunt and only adds +100% weapon damage I say losing defense and attack speed with CotD would be ****ing stupid,…
fixed for you =] I'm really over arguing about nothing here, seriously go back and read the argument we just had. It is pathetic. Any of your points I try to argue against you claim you were just joking. Any of your points that actually matter like claiming sins are OP I had already agreed with before we even started…
I hate both of you and your colored text that I can't quote properly ok shadow first uh huh, and? My first character was a wizard, I am well aware of their cast times people were saying there melee damage was similar not there skill damage and were are these daggers with berserk? uh huh, and? I never mentioned wizard seal…
all of them?
head hunt has a 30 second cool down genius
I like how you ignore the rest of my post =] and wow big whoop you can break out of stun, you'll just get sealed and immobilized, or slept or whatever
hey genius you can't use skills while your dead, so the cool down doesn't matter if you can't kill us before we kill you =] I'm too lazy to go thou all the genie skills but feel free to point out this amazing genie skill that makes you immune to stun, seal AND immobilize you think exists
how dumb can you make yourself look in one day? there is a skill called rib strike, you also have tackling slash, RDS, earthen rift I could go on and on but hey if you want to throw base physical damage +738.8 at a target then go ahead Rib strike may take twice as long to cast and channel than twin strike but the static…
Every cleric i ran 51 bh used bb on wryvern, see we didn't get rankar as a bh back when i played my sin, none of them ever had a problem o.O hell we never even asked the cleric simply cast IH on the tank then after the tank flesh reamed wryvern the clerics would set up BB and we would all go chop chop
Alright, finally got around to writing a bit more =] but um how do you add those foot and end notes o.O?
eh i don't really have much feedback to give, sorry I love your story and the way you can really show how your characters are feeling and I don't really know how you could improve it =[ Well maybe getting out two chapters a month instead of just one would be nice =P
It is more like 1-60ish that you can level without grinding with the new tide born quest chain that you can start at level 40.
please, please don't post when you don't even know what your own skills do =[ I was one of the first sins who visits these forums to reach 59 without oracles and i spent a lot of time messing around with power dash trying to understand if it was rage damage or crit rate and I am positive it is crit rate, a lot of people…
I never said it had to be as powerful as a wizards BIDS or BT again I never said sins should have skills as powerful as a wizards but seriously would a 200% weapon attack + static damage ulti be that bad to give a sin x.x You tell me to come up with a decent argument but then you call me a troll? make up your mind, trolls…
Yeah wizards can't Fow > spark > sleep > frenzy > sandstorm . . . There is a difference between complaining and you lot being **** with the stuff you want nerfed I have already admitted sins are OP and some changes should be made to them, but just because archers are gimped doesn't mean sins should be gimped too
lol . . . Read the archer forum lately =]? your 3 metal skills worth using have NO +% weapon damage your two melee skills have NO +% weapon damage I know you don't understand how much of a disadvantage this is at your level but maybe after you level a bit more you will understand. Have fun trying to kite a non-**** sin…
>.> . . . good for you, what do you want, a medal? MELEE = AUTO-ATTACKING No one said a fist bm can not out damage a barbs charm cool down, we are well aware that they can. But i said breaking a charm which as irritate said involves hitting the target when it is at 51% > 100% hp and killing it without even giving their…
x.x. . .OK i will try and dumb it down for you sleep lasts 5 seconds so unless force stealth takes over 5 seconds there will be just as much Q.Q 30 second and 60 second buffs are **** no matter what way you look at it you will Q.Q even more if we didn't lose attack speed on chill of the deep and just lose some of…
if any assassin gets to 59 and doesn't already know any of that then they really should go back to school x.x. . . but thank you for taking the time to write it all down, i'm sure some one might appreciate it
it is so ****ing funny when sins first came out all these archers were saying they can kill sins they prob and sins won't stand a chance, try and tell them sins are built to kill kiters and all they go is we can just stun/immobilize you and kill you from afar we have WoG can't immobilize us we'll just kite you our melee…
you want our force stealth removed our teleports range reduced for us not to be able to buff while in stealth AND you want us to lose defense when using chill of the deep? i can understand not wanting us to be able to spark while in stealth, but i believe our buffs should be given longer timers, otherwise the only time…
yup, melee attacks if your in his face of him magic attacks if your at range sometimes he uses magic even if your in his face thou and he stuns you sometimes aswell
you can solo all mobs you need for your quests with just plume shot and i didn't forget cyclone, i purposely left it out, i don't bother with it because of it's 3 second cool down, i find just holding done my plume shot button works just fine on increased defense mobs
uh the only attack skill you need to solo is plume shot o.O sure increased def mobs are annoying but i haven't had any problems plume shot iron heart blessing vanguard spirit magic shell Celestial guardian seal Spirits gift are the ones a cleric should max first regardless of what they plan to do imho, ijs