Archer replaced by Assassin?



  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Archer vs. Sin? You have got to be joking. I'll admit Sin does have nice spells, ie. Wolf Emblem and Shadow Walk, but Sin would never be able to replace Archer's role in PWI. Just take a Sin to a Rebirth instead of an Archer and see how long you last.

    As nice as the classes get, everyone has their own spot in-game.

    This thread is almost as ridiculous as the one about Psychic replacing Wizard. b:chuckle

    As for PvP, I'll be happy to fight any Sin up for a bit of fun. b:laugh
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    are you serious? all the skills i posted are just the skills that will make get rid of any kitting range mobs may do. they were not posted in any order as if it was in a combo... and wtf your worried about chi? sins have a near endless supply of chi especially after lvl 59. tackling+RDS alone is enought to EASILY get 2 sparks and you can do it on every mob or ever other mob. that opens up for any sparking u want to do on each mob. and your still talking as if HP/def is a problem with grinding... any HP/def issues u had as a sin ended at the 2x and early 3x lvls. after that it only gets better and better. right now im still only getting hit once or twice by mobs and this is without focus mind on. and blood paint is starting to heal me for decent amounts aswell.

    force steal is a 90 sec cooldown but stealth is a 6sec cooldown. if forced stealth is on cooldown then use regular stealth. learn how the stealths work with each other.

    honestly wtf is up with all these ppl posting random BS about sins? all you have to do is look at there skills and see range mobs wont effect them much.

    yes...enjoy sinking a mp pot a mob with your epic awsome combos

    and stealth be a MP sink at lower levels...

    better idea? let mob kite 2 times chi up 2 spark and kill?

    b:surrender never said they weren't easily controlable just that they're a pain i sink about 1/2 a mp bar into each runner in any given FB/BH

    and ranged map mobs =/= ranged in instances those are the real up 1/2 a MP bar a pop

    and PVP wise yes you can just tele into their face (thus this is about pve?)
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ok, so I've read over most of your responses (I didn't have time to read all of them), and I've concluded the following.

    -Archers own at long range using their bows
    -Archers suck at close range however they can still do damage
    -Assassins own at close range using their daggers
    -Assassins suck at long range however they can still do damage

    So pretty much I guess the classes have their own places and Assassins really are pretty useless at long range with bows, just as Archers are at close range. I think I see my mistakes.b:surrender

    EDIT: But what if an Assassin and Archer with equal equipment for their level fight each other? There's got to be a winner O.O

    the winner will be the better player. there is no "final" answer to this arguement. assassins obviously have the advantage of stealth, but i've seen some pro archers my level knock us out of stealth with aoes and WTFPWN us, but overall it depends on the player and how fast they react to each situation.
  • Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    yes...enjoy sinking a mp pot a mob with your epic awsome combos

    and stealth be a MP sink at lower levels...

    better idea? let mob kite 2 times chi up 2 spark and kill?

    b:surrender never said they weren't easily controlable just that they're a pain i sink about 1/2 a mp bar into each runner in any given FB/BH

    and ranged map mobs =/= ranged in instances those are the real up 1/2 a MP bar a pop

    and PVP wise yes you can just tele into their face (thus this is about pve?)

    i loled. i guess u dont know what focus powders are. i havent bought a mp pot in ages
  • Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i loled. i guess u dont know what focus powders are. i havent bought a mp pot in ages

    b:pleased mp charms > powders > pots
  • Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wizards pwn all.
    all are pwned by wizards.


    nuff said.
    "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
  • Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i 4 hit a wizzard 30 lvls higher then me. no joke. of course that wiz was fail so i guess he dont count

    and yes mp charms work as well =o
  • Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lol of course you can 4 hit a wizard, but 30 lvl higherb:shocked i call hax on u >.<

    But in all honesty, I really do not know why this thread is still going.

    Every class has its benefits in a squad.
    When you say Assassins are replacing Archers, then you are either:

    A) out of your mind and need a slap to bring you back from lala land.
    B) you want to make a place for Assassins to not feel left out, which again your delusional because Assassins are a great thing to have in a squad
    C) You are all of the above which clearly indicates your lack of knowledge and completely clueless primary organ we call a brain.

    And regarding the matter of making clueless comments on Fist BMs and Assassins and comparing Both their DPs.

    It is a matter of "Last Man Standing" in which the BM wins.

    on the other hand, Demon and Sage+ 79 skills for Assassins have not yet come out which rules out the whole comparison IMHO.

    But DPS wise, in this time, Fist BMs win hands down due to their ability to demon spark, but will be a different matter once demon spark comes out for the new classes.

    Please do understand that when you want to compare between two classes, it should be constructive criticism, not a witch hunt.
    Every class has a purpose in a squad and that is it.

    On a side note, seriously guys?! debating how an Assassin will win against an Archer and the opposite?
    Sorry but that is just idiotic, u can talk about strategies all night on the forums, but it all comes down to a fight, yes you may talk about a strategy, but only to learn from each other, not an in forum fight between who wins, bring those strategies in game, not on the forums because it is useless.

    I can say " Force of will, Undine strike, Soporific Whisper, Sandstorm = Death to any Assasin"

    And you will counter this by stating that a smart Assassin will teleport to me, stun me etc.

    And i will counter that, thus making this whole debate useless and reeks of childish behavior.

    /thread (for realb:surrender)

    Edit: typos and stuff >.<
    "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i loled. i guess u dont know what focus powders are. i havent bought a mp pot in ages

    use em to aoe grind lol and my cleric pops that stuff like candyb:chuckle

    herbs still take time to mine that could be spend grinding or purchased for roughly a k each

    and the fact remains your still noming MP to do that and creating an unnessecary cost
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    u obviously have no idea what these skills are and what they do.

    Tackling slash 4.5 Meters

    Throat cut Range Melee

    Head hunt [4.5 meters

    Shadow jump 30.0 Meters

    Shadow teleport 35.0 Meters

    wind push double speed at 10 secs

    maze steps double speed at 10 secs

    knife throw 35.0 Meters

    from these skills alone its obvious sins wont have no trouble at all dealing with range mobs like most of the other close range physical classes have trouble with.

    now giodia u obviously dont even know what a sin is since u never even got one to lvl 1. now stfu and gtfo with the tide bashing. u do it every chance u get when u have no idea on what the classes are even capable of. get a clue on what they can do and then start bashing. cuz atleast then ull be bashing about things that actually makes freaking sense instead of making up random and untrue **** to bash on.

    Almost every skill you have listed requires you to get into melee range and get in fast with exception of dagger throw with cd of 15 seconds.

    We do not need to 'teleport' to the mob, therefore wasting time. Mobs never touch us, therefore not wasting time and coins as well.

    Perhaps, all these aren't so random human waste that I have posted.

    Instead of posting like an angry emo kid, should you go out and get a life? You do not sound very mature with your language and certainly makes you look like a 13 year old. b:chuckle

    FYI, my sin is now lvl 20.

    Edit: With MP regen gears, with combos like Normal Shots *2 + Knockback (34.2 MP) + Normal shots till dead, I'm not using much MP at all.

    Nom on more focus powder to get your combos.

    Now do you see the fundamental differences and advantage that range may have? Wasting combos (MP) on PVE isn't cost-efficient at all.
  • Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Almost every skill you have listed requires you to get into melee range and get in fast with exception of dagger throw with cd of 15 seconds.

    We do not need to 'teleport' to the mob, therefore wasting time. Mobs never touch us, therefore not wasting time and coins as well.

    Perhaps, all these aren't so random human waste that I have posted.

    Instead of posting like an angry emo kid, should you go out and get a life? You do not sound very mature with your language and certainly makes you look like a 13 year old. b:chuckle

    FYI, my sin is now lvl 20.

    Edit: With MP regen gears, with combos like Normal Shots *2 + Knockback (34.2 MP) + Normal shots till dead, I'm not using much MP at all.

    Nom on more focus powder to get your combos.

    Now do you see the fundamental differences and advantage that range may have? Wasting combos (MP) on PVE isn't cost-efficient at all.


    thats the entire point when ur going up against a ranged kitting mob like a archer mob or a magic mob... u need skills to keep that kitting mob in place and all of those skills will keep them in place and prevent them from kitting and some will even prevent them from atking.

    its nice you finnaly made a sin, but it seems u still have no clue on what your talking about. and like i said, i havent bought a single pot for a very very very long time. and when i did buy them it was at very minimal ammounts. i may have bought a total of 1 stack of MP pots for my entire time as an assassin. i mainly use focus powders and the MP charms id get from quests. id also use the MP pots i would pick up off the ground from a drop instead of going and buying them off a NPC...

    teleporting to a mob from 30-35 meters away helps u get to a mob alot faster then u would otherwise... once u do u can use a root skill like tackling slash if its a kiting mob. if it s not a ranged mob then u still can get to a mob alot faster then u would other wise.

    and what makes you think u need to do ALL of the skills i mentioned? Tackling slash+melee is enought to root kitting mobs in place for 8 secs. and if u want u can add throat cut so u can seal them OR head hunt so u can stun them and they wont atk u for awhile. and doing tackling slash+throat cut or tackling slash+head hunt is in no way wasting MP... no where in that post did i say u have to use ALL of the skills. i mentioned them because all of those skills are there to counter act ranged kiting mobs in some way.

    honestly u rly need to learn how to play a class before u sprout BS.

    but to help you understand i will say it again.

    when going up against a kiting mob you Tackling slash+melee if u want to. u do NOT need to skill spam.

    2nd combo. Tackling slash+throatcut+melee. this will root the mob AND seal it while doing very good dmg at the same time. the mob will be sealed for x number of seconds unable to atk and unable to run away because it will be rooted from tackling slash.

    3rd combo. headhunt+tacklingslash+melee. again does great dmg while rooting and stunning the kiting mob in place. the mob will be stuned and unable to atk. when and if it becomes un stuned before u kill it it will be rooted in place and unable to kite u. u can also throw in RDS for some extra chi if u need some right before the mob dies.

    4th combo (for the guys that love to spark) tackling slash+spark erupt+melee. roots the mob in place and alows u to safely spark erupt without having to worry about the mob kitting u. if u need extra chi throw in a RDS right before the mob dies as a finisher. u can also do tackling+throatcut+sparkerupt+melee if you worried about the mob atking u while spark erupting... but i dont see why thats a issue since u should resist an atk when spark erupting but w/e...

    these are only 4 of many many combos u can use on a kiting mob. pick one.
  • Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    thats the entire point when ur going up against a ranged kitting mob like a archer mob or a magic mob... u need skills to keep that kitting mob in place and all of those skills will keep them in place and prevent them from kitting and some will even prevent them from atking.

    its nice you finnaly made a sin, but it seems u still have no clue on what your talking about. and like i said, i havent bought a single pot for a very very very long time. and when i did buy them it was at very minimal ammounts. i may have bought a total of 1 stack of MP pots for my entire time as an assassin. i mainly use focus powders and the MP charms id get from quests. id also use the MP pots i would pick up off the ground from a drop instead of going and buying them off a NPC...

    teleporting to a mob from 30-35 meters away helps u get to a mob alot faster then u would otherwise... once u do u can use a root skill like tackling slash if its a kiting mob. if it s not a ranged mob then u still can get to a mob alot faster then u would other wise.

    and what makes you think u need to do ALL of the skills i mentioned? Tackling slash+melee is enought to root kitting mobs in place for 8 secs. and if u want u can add throat cut so u can seal them OR head hunt so u can stun them and they wont atk u for awhile. and doing tackling slash+throat cut or tackling slash+head hunt is in no way wasting MP... no where in that post did i say u have to use ALL of the skills. i mentioned them because all of those skills are there to counter act ranged kiting mobs in some way.

    honestly u rly need to learn how to play a class before u sprout BS.

    but to help you understand i will say it again.

    when going up against a kiting mob you Tackling slash+melee if u want to. u do NOT need to skill spam.

    2nd combo. Tackling slash+throatcut+melee. this will root the mob AND seal it while doing very good dmg at the same time. the mob will be sealed for x number of seconds unable to atk and unable to run away because it will be rooted from tackling slash.

    3rd combo. headhunt+tacklingslash+melee. again does great dmg while rooting and stunning the kiting mob in place. the mob will be stuned and unable to atk. when and if it becomes un stuned before u kill it it will be rooted in place and unable to kite u. u can also throw in RDS for some extra chi if u need some right before the mob dies.

    4th combo (for the guys that love to spark) tackling slash+spark erupt+melee. roots the mob in place and alows u to safely spark erupt without having to worry about the mob kitting u. if u need extra chi throw in a RDS right before the mob dies as a finisher. u can also do tackling+throatcut+sparkerupt+melee if you worried about the mob atking u while spark erupting... but i dont see why thats a issue since u should resist an atk when spark erupting but w/e...

    these are only 4 of many many combos u can use on a kiting mob. pick one.

    how do you have that many skills at level 49? b:shocked
  • Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    how do you have that many skills at level 49? b:shocked

    uh cuz u get most of them at lvl 19 29 39 and 49? the only skill that i dont have and that i mentioned in those combos is head hunt... everything else u get pre lvl 59... and i have all of the pre lvl 59 skills...

    i had enought skill points to get them as well o.o.
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Instead of posting like an angry emo kid, should you go out and get a life? You do not sound very mature with your language and certainly makes you look like a 13 year old. b:chuckle

    your posts aren't exactly mature either you know?
    uh cuz u get most of them at lvl 19 29 39 and 49? the only skill that i dont have and that i mentioned in those combos is head hunt... everything else u get pre lvl 59... and i have all of the pre lvl 59 skills...

    i had enought skill points to get them as well o.o.

    yeah but will you have enough spirit to get all 6 of your 59 skills at 59 like i did >=]??
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    thats the entire point when ur going up against a ranged kitting mob like a archer mob or a magic mob... u need skills to keep that kitting mob in place and all of those skills will keep them in place and prevent them from kitting and some will even prevent them from atking.

    its nice you finnaly made a sin, but it seems u still have no clue on what your talking about. and like i said, i havent bought a single pot for a very very very long time. and when i did buy them it was at very minimal ammounts. i may have bought a total of 1 stack of MP pots for my entire time as an assassin. i mainly use focus powders and the MP charms id get from quests. id also use the MP pots i would pick up off the ground from a drop instead of going and buying them off a NPC...

    teleporting to a mob from 30-35 meters away helps u get to a mob alot faster then u would otherwise... once u do u can use a root skill like tackling slash if its a kiting mob. if it s not a ranged mob then u still can get to a mob alot faster then u would other wise.

    and what makes you think u need to do ALL of the skills i mentioned? Tackling slash+melee is enought to root kitting mobs in place for 8 secs. and if u want u can add throat cut so u can seal them OR head hunt so u can stun them and they wont atk u for awhile. and doing tackling slash+throat cut or tackling slash+head hunt is in no way wasting MP... no where in that post did i say u have to use ALL of the skills. i mentioned them because all of those skills are there to counter act ranged kiting mobs in some way.

    honestly u rly need to learn how to play a class before u sprout BS.

    but to help you understand i will say it again.

    when going up against a kiting mob you Tackling slash+melee if u want to. u do NOT need to skill spam.

    2nd combo. Tackling slash+throatcut+melee. this will root the mob AND seal it while doing very good dmg at the same time. the mob will be sealed for x number of seconds unable to atk and unable to run away because it will be rooted from tackling slash.

    3rd combo. headhunt+tacklingslash+melee. again does great dmg while rooting and stunning the kiting mob in place. the mob will be stuned and unable to atk. when and if it becomes un stuned before u kill it it will be rooted in place and unable to kite u. u can also throw in RDS for some extra chi if u need some right before the mob dies.

    4th combo (for the guys that love to spark) tackling slash+spark erupt+melee. roots the mob in place and alows u to safely spark erupt without having to worry about the mob kitting u. if u need extra chi throw in a RDS right before the mob dies as a finisher. u can also do tackling+throatcut+sparkerupt+melee if you worried about the mob atking u while spark erupting... but i dont see why thats a issue since u should resist an atk when spark erupting but w/e...

    these are only 4 of many many combos u can use on a kiting mob. pick one.

    or....let mob kite 2 time autoattack to death?

    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    or....let mob kite 2 time autoattack to death?


    why do that when the whole point is to not let them kite at all....?
  • Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you are gunna replace who now?

    bring yer **** sin it won't get a shot in

    i am lvl 74 pure dex archer with no vit shards but dex shards and i give you my word i will 2 shot you

    on the flipside i have made a sin and it is kinda cool

  • Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ok, so I've read over most of your responses (I didn't have time to read all of them), and I've concluded the following.

    -Archers own at long range using their bows
    -Archers suck at close range however they can still do damage
    -Assassins own at close range using their daggers
    -Assassins suck at long range however they can still do damage

    EDIT: But what if an Assassin and Archer with equal equipment for their level fight each other? There's got to be a winner O.O

    i killed a lvl 81 barb at close point blank range on my archer
    look lad sin vs archer is a no brainer its archer everytime
  • Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tell that to the people who are QQing over @ Archer forums about how sins are OP, archers don't stand a chance, yadda yadda.. ><

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying sins will replace archers or sins > archers, just.. jeez quit the QQ everyone just play the damn game and enjoy it! QQing only gives grief to yourself and everyone else who has to hear it x_x

    Not directed at you guys but at the general QQ TB are OP population.
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tell that to the people who are QQing over @ Archer forums about how sins are OP, archers don't stand a chance, yadda yadda.. ><

    it is so ****ing funny

    when sins first came out all these archers were saying they can kill sins they prob and sins won't stand a chance, try and tell them sins are built to kill kiters and all they go is

    we can just stun/immobilize you and kill you from afar

    we have WoG can't immobilize us we'll just kite you

    our melee and metal skills will kill you in 2-3 hits even if you get close

    few weeks in and they are all Q.Q we don't stand a chance
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    simply put sins < archers at pve

    in a fight of sin vs archer the archa is mildly boned

    in a general PK sense archer > sin due to their ability to actually kill HA

    for 1 vs 1 PK sin > archer (in 1 vs one both are screwed if a HA mele gets close anyways)

    for mass PVP archer > sin due to range

    meaning...THE CLASSES ARE BALANCEDb:shocked

    and mobs (triocs are the exeption) kite once cast kite again and tank you if their archers or maq so no point wasting a ton of skills that just reset their kite counter (aimed at the skill spaming sins here)

    nice to have ya back share that shiny bloodpain buff >.>
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I wonder why a sin with 16 lvls of experience thinks they can replace archers
  • Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    @Sins teleporting to Archers
    U do realise we're not gonna shoot u when u're close right(We have Metal skills,melee skills and we kite for a reason.not to mention Holy Path-ing during duel countdown)

    @Sins replacing Archers
    Try hitting off millions of HP off a World Boss(I'd like to see any class do that...with 1 skill)
    Try AoE-ing in RB/Zhen

    @Sins using Bows
    SO WHAT?U get 3hits off then u get hit.I hit the mob w/o getting hit.

    I gotta admit Sins will prolly win most of the duels/PvP with archers.
    BUT i dont see how this makes u replace us(same as u guys using bows)

    Oh b4 i forget,Sins,u guys will NEVER take over archers
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    @Sins teleporting to Archers
    U do realise we're not gonna shoot u when u're close right(We have Metal skills,melee skills and we kite for a reason.not to mention Holy Path-ing during duel countdown)

    lol . . .
    Read the archer forum lately =]?

    your 3 metal skills worth using have NO +% weapon damage
    your two melee skills have NO +% weapon damage

    I know you don't understand how much of a disadvantage this is at your level but maybe after you level a bit more you will understand.

    Have fun trying to kite a non-**** sin
    Tackling slash immobilizes you for 9 seconds and has a 15 second cool down

    lol you make it sound like only archers use holy path. . .
    and news flash, sins teleports out range ANY archer =]
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    LOL archers wont get replaced.. now quit arguing about which class is better :'<. there all excellent classes D:
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lol . . .
    Read the archer forum lately =]?

    your 3 metal skills worth using have NO +% weapon damage
    your two melee skills have NO +% weapon damage

    I know you don't understand how much of a disadvantage this is at your level but maybe after you level a bit more you will understand.

    Have fun trying to kite a non-**** sin
    Tackling slash immobilizes you for 9 seconds and has a 15 second cool down

    lol you make it sound like only archers use holy path. . .
    and news flash, sins teleports out range ANY archer =]

    yes yes you are correct b:victory. and expirenced sins wont give them a chance to make a move.. headhunt,sleep,throatcut helps ALOT
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you are gunna replace who now?

    bring yer **** sin it won't get a shot in

    i am lvl 74 pure dex archer with no vit shards but dex shards and i give you my word i will 2 shot you

    on the flipside i have made a sin and it is kinda cool


    b:angry you are arrogant b:cry. you think you,a full dex archer can two shot us? try again when a sin pops up next to you sparked already with you silenced,immoblized and then stunned.
  • Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you are gunna replace who now?

    bring yer **** sin it won't get a shot in

    i am lvl 74 pure dex archer with no vit shards but dex shards and i give you my word i will 2 shot you

    on the flipside i have made a sin and it is kinda cool


    Lol, my 66 Sin killed a 82 Archer last night. Both uncharmed. He pked me at first, but when I came back, b:chuckle. No, he's not a nub either. TT80 gold bow. Not saying it'll happen everytime, just throwing it out there. Btw, my Sin's happen to be on HL, let's play?

    And gtfo of the forum krit.

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    @Sins teleporting to Archers
    U do realise we're not gonna shoot u when u're close right(We have Metal skills,melee skills and we kite for a reason.not to mention Holy Path-ing during duel countdown)
    Archers are basically helpless against Assassins, barring a significant difference in skill, gear, or level. As in, unless the assassin is an idiot, much lower level, or has much worse gear, the archer is dead.
    @Sins replacing Archers
    Try hitting off millions of HP off a World Boss(I'd like to see any class do that...with 1 skill)
    Venomancers, Sage Soul Degeneration. Reduces maximum HP by 20%. Available at level 92; Archers at level 92 only get the 16% reduction of a L10 Sharpened Tooth Arrow.
    @Sins using Bows
    SO WHAT?U get 3hits off then u get hit.I hit the mob w/o getting hit.
    Now that's just silly. Assassins shouldn't be using bows unless it's a special situation (avoiding short range AOE, Frozen Heads or clearing Raging Thunders in FC).
    b:angry you are arrogant b:cry. you think you,a full dex archer can two shot us? try again when a sin pops up next to you sparked already with you silenced,immoblized and then stunned.
    There's a difference between "can" and "will". Yes, we can two, or maybe even one, shot you under the right conditions. No we will not unless the Assassin is an idiot. It's far more likely for the Assassin to 1-2 shot the Archer, however. We both have very low defense, and fairly high offense. Assassins have guaranteed first hit due to stealth, which normally also guarantees they'll have the last hit.

    For PvE, an Assassin is nowhere near as useful as an Archer. In solo PvP, the Assassin is far superior to an Archer. In mass PvP, both have their uses, it depends on the situation.

    Assassins and Archers are two different classes, with vastly different purposes. Just because they both use a pure dex build does not make them equal or interchangeable. Quit trying to replace one with the other.


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