small pvp guide/ mid lvl combos (59)

Acceptanc - Harshlands
Posts: 27 Arc User
(after reading it, i noticed it may be annoying and long for some people, so if you wish to just blame me on commentaries, go ahead^.^)
As 59`+ im proud learner of higest sins skills in game ^^.
I know this dont give me right of talking from all assasins, but it makes forum grow, and people arround lvl 60 know about their new skills and how to use them.. or at least gives them something to think.
Well, so have been trying against all classes combos that suit new skills
allways start at max chi. ive tried combos to get sure chi is enough to stack them. and they wont fully work with 288 chi points. also its guest for charmed fights, in duels etc the stun lock one shall do the job.
at my lvl: (60-6x)
STUNLOCK: (kwl on anything that aint Heavy Armor)((guessing CoD is on, i maxed damage on normal skills)(arcanes charms shouldnt b a problem, as long as you dont let them escape):
shadow teleport (get the first hit) +tackling slash +throatcut (silence+seal=stun; basic math, lesson 3) +dragon strike + slipstream + headhunt + rib strike + puncture wound + deep sting (let bleed^^) inner harmony +double spark (while they asleep) +spam (if those arcane/light armor aint dead by then.. ckeck if you wielding a plastic dagger)
use ur genie skills when they weaker to finish them off.
-This combo wont max dps, and probably you will kill target before it ends.. but wont let them move from place in whole combo (with an average connection), nor do massive damage (care with wizards teleport)
-If you fighting an archer, and miss a stun / silence. jump to next stunning move (never try to use with elven alacrity)
-allways use shadow teleport first. head hunt keeps the damage focus active, while shadow teleport does no damage and may let their charm relax
AoE Combo: double spark, inner chi, subsea strike, earthern riff (any aoe skill like tangling mire will help a lot)
this is just to random to make any commentaries..
Damage combo: (i used the 2 genie skills i got to max damage).
note:you want to use this combo to kill those Heavy Armor (or at least try) on their 10 seconds charm cooldown. its purely agressive. so put any shield, remedy on before trying it. if this combo fails, and enemys charm ticks, just hide away^^
Random spam until they are about to tick charm.
double spark (12 seconds of 300% wep damage)+ rising dragon strike (charm ticked) +extreme poison (genie skill) +power dash (22% more chance of sparked critical hit) + inner harmony + rib strike + headhunt +slipstream +thunderstorm + random skill in the 2 secs left you have.. probably if aint dead by now.. go and take your frustation to an arcane armor user or a lvl 30 barb (keel their childs before they become beasts
- if you have to decide between power dash or double spark think..: power dash= 22% more chance to hit 200% for 8 secs; double spark 300% weapon damage for 12 secs with normal crit chance)
-after some researching, i think that power dash increase crit rate affects to powerdash skill too, so use it after extreme poison and spark.
-on bms, you might want to hit maze steps instead of headhunt to avoid getting stunned.
-never fight bm nor barb in air. they can 1shot you with a high lvled true emptiness.
-you will never beat a barb better geared than you, no matter how you crit. a barb worse geared thn you can kill/survive you.
-dont waste waste 2 sparks on subsea strike for amplify damage. get extreme poison/ tangling mire.
-if all works, you will end on these bonus stats:
Wolf emblem (30% more critical damage)
Chill of the deep (must) 21% more damage.
double spark (300% more weapon damage (weapon damage, not 3 times more damage))
power dash (22% more chance to 230% extra damage)
extreme poison (he recieves 20% more DIRECT damage)
thunderstorm (finishing blow / magic damage/ high crit chance) what else can you ask for?
Important things:
Keep urself buffed, if need time hide urself, end buffing, and hit, if he hasnt flee=P
Again, chi is everything for an assasin. if need extra, again, shadow teleport will give you an extra spark^^)
Keep defense up for these few seconds, so you can focus in offence. When you are about to start a combo, use a normal pot, any remedie you may have (the ones lvl 3 apoth recover 6k hp over 30 secs, and there lvl 4 ones that absorb 3k damage. both are great for a spamming team without worries)
The pwi combo system has many fails. every time you get interrupted, stunned, or just randomneed, you will have to restart. Better do it manually to keep ur skills and reflexes sharpened.
Things to fear:
-Mages: not a danger at those lvls.. they die faster thn you. a single stun must do. even most skilled have short versatility. if they manage to seal you, get ready to teleport (they can still hurt if have time to cast ice dragon)
-Physics: as annoying as a tide. Again, stun them before they can hit you once, or you will end suiciding or they vengance. also, be careful with soulburn. If they manage to survive the first 3 hard attacks, you dead x.x
-Cleric: they can succesfully counter your skills, if you let them, but their lack of attack skills is by your side. their shield last 20 secs, stunlock them before they sleep you, or they will shield/heal again.
Venomancers: bramble really hurts.. plan on killing them in 3-4 hits max, and survive to ur own deflect damage with pots spamming. if they bramble hood hide for 10 seconds or suicide yourself on spikes^^. Not really a tip against pets. but i could use one from clerics. focus on survive, while you get close to veno, then sleep her (for 5 seconds) use those to kill pet. if you succeed, great, almost done. If you fail veno will try to heal it, so focus damage on her (a single pet cant kill you by its own, even a nix, before you kill an arcane veno) Nothing you can really do against HA venos with good pet..
Archers: its like an archer vs archer fight. but you dont have the damage reduction, so use it. allways keep them close to you. if do that, theres no need to stun them. (gotta love tackling slash). at these lvls, i really doubt they have wingspan/pledge lvled..anyway, b careful with crits, and evasion.
Blademaster: fear em but not too much.. a well built bm deals same damage on you than you on him, but have more hp and defence. to win them you will have to be cheaper and use more pots, while focus on direct damage. remember that maze steps its instant and let you escape from their stunlock. Sadly, stunlocking them may not be enough to finish their hiero..
Barbarian: Huge HP, and skills that make them appear on every top 10 feared classes. a lot has been told about killing them or at least trying. i can tell its possible at lvl 60. An skilled and well geared friend of mine helped me on this.
same tactic thn against bms. with some crits, and better luck, they have limited chances when we are on our combo.
Assasin: (anything i say here can be copied by enemy assasin) Ppl says its one of the hardest.. i dont agree as long as you keep this in mind. first stunning, wins. of course, maze steps will save you from this. If you both are on maze, seal him, and spike damage. Luck will play a major role on these fights.
Again sorry for the speech. and hope it helps anyone.
Allright.. dats all.. let the forum burn^^
As 59`+ im proud learner of higest sins skills in game ^^.
I know this dont give me right of talking from all assasins, but it makes forum grow, and people arround lvl 60 know about their new skills and how to use them.. or at least gives them something to think.
Well, so have been trying against all classes combos that suit new skills
allways start at max chi. ive tried combos to get sure chi is enough to stack them. and they wont fully work with 288 chi points. also its guest for charmed fights, in duels etc the stun lock one shall do the job.
at my lvl: (60-6x)
STUNLOCK: (kwl on anything that aint Heavy Armor)((guessing CoD is on, i maxed damage on normal skills)(arcanes charms shouldnt b a problem, as long as you dont let them escape):
shadow teleport (get the first hit) +tackling slash +throatcut (silence+seal=stun; basic math, lesson 3) +dragon strike + slipstream + headhunt + rib strike + puncture wound + deep sting (let bleed^^) inner harmony +double spark (while they asleep) +spam (if those arcane/light armor aint dead by then.. ckeck if you wielding a plastic dagger)
use ur genie skills when they weaker to finish them off.
-This combo wont max dps, and probably you will kill target before it ends.. but wont let them move from place in whole combo (with an average connection), nor do massive damage (care with wizards teleport)
-If you fighting an archer, and miss a stun / silence. jump to next stunning move (never try to use with elven alacrity)
-allways use shadow teleport first. head hunt keeps the damage focus active, while shadow teleport does no damage and may let their charm relax
AoE Combo: double spark, inner chi, subsea strike, earthern riff (any aoe skill like tangling mire will help a lot)
this is just to random to make any commentaries..
Damage combo: (i used the 2 genie skills i got to max damage).
note:you want to use this combo to kill those Heavy Armor (or at least try) on their 10 seconds charm cooldown. its purely agressive. so put any shield, remedy on before trying it. if this combo fails, and enemys charm ticks, just hide away^^
Random spam until they are about to tick charm.
double spark (12 seconds of 300% wep damage)+ rising dragon strike (charm ticked) +extreme poison (genie skill) +power dash (22% more chance of sparked critical hit) + inner harmony + rib strike + headhunt +slipstream +thunderstorm + random skill in the 2 secs left you have.. probably if aint dead by now.. go and take your frustation to an arcane armor user or a lvl 30 barb (keel their childs before they become beasts

- if you have to decide between power dash or double spark think..: power dash= 22% more chance to hit 200% for 8 secs; double spark 300% weapon damage for 12 secs with normal crit chance)
-after some researching, i think that power dash increase crit rate affects to powerdash skill too, so use it after extreme poison and spark.
-on bms, you might want to hit maze steps instead of headhunt to avoid getting stunned.
-never fight bm nor barb in air. they can 1shot you with a high lvled true emptiness.
-you will never beat a barb better geared than you, no matter how you crit. a barb worse geared thn you can kill/survive you.
-dont waste waste 2 sparks on subsea strike for amplify damage. get extreme poison/ tangling mire.
-if all works, you will end on these bonus stats:
Wolf emblem (30% more critical damage)
Chill of the deep (must) 21% more damage.
double spark (300% more weapon damage (weapon damage, not 3 times more damage))
power dash (22% more chance to 230% extra damage)
extreme poison (he recieves 20% more DIRECT damage)
thunderstorm (finishing blow / magic damage/ high crit chance) what else can you ask for?
Important things:
Keep urself buffed, if need time hide urself, end buffing, and hit, if he hasnt flee=P
Again, chi is everything for an assasin. if need extra, again, shadow teleport will give you an extra spark^^)
Keep defense up for these few seconds, so you can focus in offence. When you are about to start a combo, use a normal pot, any remedie you may have (the ones lvl 3 apoth recover 6k hp over 30 secs, and there lvl 4 ones that absorb 3k damage. both are great for a spamming team without worries)
The pwi combo system has many fails. every time you get interrupted, stunned, or just randomneed, you will have to restart. Better do it manually to keep ur skills and reflexes sharpened.
Things to fear:
-Mages: not a danger at those lvls.. they die faster thn you. a single stun must do. even most skilled have short versatility. if they manage to seal you, get ready to teleport (they can still hurt if have time to cast ice dragon)
-Physics: as annoying as a tide. Again, stun them before they can hit you once, or you will end suiciding or they vengance. also, be careful with soulburn. If they manage to survive the first 3 hard attacks, you dead x.x
-Cleric: they can succesfully counter your skills, if you let them, but their lack of attack skills is by your side. their shield last 20 secs, stunlock them before they sleep you, or they will shield/heal again.
Venomancers: bramble really hurts.. plan on killing them in 3-4 hits max, and survive to ur own deflect damage with pots spamming. if they bramble hood hide for 10 seconds or suicide yourself on spikes^^. Not really a tip against pets. but i could use one from clerics. focus on survive, while you get close to veno, then sleep her (for 5 seconds) use those to kill pet. if you succeed, great, almost done. If you fail veno will try to heal it, so focus damage on her (a single pet cant kill you by its own, even a nix, before you kill an arcane veno) Nothing you can really do against HA venos with good pet..
Archers: its like an archer vs archer fight. but you dont have the damage reduction, so use it. allways keep them close to you. if do that, theres no need to stun them. (gotta love tackling slash). at these lvls, i really doubt they have wingspan/pledge lvled..anyway, b careful with crits, and evasion.
Blademaster: fear em but not too much.. a well built bm deals same damage on you than you on him, but have more hp and defence. to win them you will have to be cheaper and use more pots, while focus on direct damage. remember that maze steps its instant and let you escape from their stunlock. Sadly, stunlocking them may not be enough to finish their hiero..
Barbarian: Huge HP, and skills that make them appear on every top 10 feared classes. a lot has been told about killing them or at least trying. i can tell its possible at lvl 60. An skilled and well geared friend of mine helped me on this.
same tactic thn against bms. with some crits, and better luck, they have limited chances when we are on our combo.
Assasin: (anything i say here can be copied by enemy assasin) Ppl says its one of the hardest.. i dont agree as long as you keep this in mind. first stunning, wins. of course, maze steps will save you from this. If you both are on maze, seal him, and spike damage. Luck will play a major role on these fights.
Again sorry for the speech. and hope it helps anyone.
Allright.. dats all.. let the forum burn^^
Post edited by Acceptanc - Harshlands on
if any assassin gets to 59 and doesn't already know any of that then they really should go back to school x.x. . .
but thank you for taking the time to write it all down, i'm sure some one might appreciate it0 -
same lv bm (idk around 97-99 on my unbuffed archer, i think not really hurt on 10k bm and 20k+ barb with similiar or more mdef than my archer) withthunderstorm (finishing blow / magic damage/ high crit chance) what else can you ask for?0
People would take this more seriously if you spelled correctly.Full power to the Vagiroscope!0
Acceptanc - Harshlands wrote: »Things to fear:
-Mages: not a danger at those lvls.. they die faster thn you. a single stun must do. even most skilled have short versatility. if they manage to seal you, get ready to teleport (they can still hurt if have time to cast ice dragon)
-Physics: as annoying as a tide. Again, stun them before they can hit you once, or you will end suiciding or they vengance. also, be careful with soulburn. If they manage to survive the first 3 hard attacks, you dead x.x
lol you is right
Physics be scary.
now go calculate the self inductance of a solenoid of 10^4 turns that has a length of 15 centimeters and placed in a decreasing magnetic field of dB/dT of -25 T/s
also um vengeance is not the scary part. (only deals like 100-300 damage per vengeance tick)
most likely they hitting you with soulburn and you just don't realize it.darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
Hawk:Do this. closing thread
frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
58% chance to get tokens
41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
i agree, the stunlocking its obvious, i just filled the time between stuns with higest damage per second, while keeping him locked. i noticed there isnt combos this explained, and took me some time to eficiently lock target for 14-15 seconds (with sleep).
same goes for the damage combo. few people seemed to face real barbs fights, so i wanted to give some hope, at these lvls
thunderstorm and extreme poison are skills that get better with a dex build, not str, anyway its true, at my lvl a maxed thunderstorm with dex build and extreme poison would hit 1.2k without crit, 2.36k crit.
Well built and geared barbs at my lvl wont have more thn 7k hp. 5.6k with bloodbath (and other buffs, ofc). i think it kinda helps taking away 41% of his health, and its instant damage, while you are using another skills with hight crit chance. Barbs can die at my lvl, this is what i wanna say.
xD sorry about my english
and hamsta, I was studing industrial science too ^^ (languages aint my speciality..huh? x.x) Ill explain myself again (Q.Q) that 300 tick damage hurts if you are getting hit 1k damage with the other hand. Aint cool how they just copied bramble guard and good and wrote the word "soul" ?0 -
Acceptanc - Harshlands wrote: »and hamsta, I was studing industrial science too ^^
physics(the science of matter) =/= psychics(fishies with powers of the mind)
but physics really do be scary..
anyway, good guide! esp for noobs like me..
looking forward to using it..b:victory"male sins all look like **** bags. they need to take out that hunched-over-emoing-at-ground-fidgeting-like-you-have-a-potato-up-your-**** pose."
- Varscona
priceless! and quite true b:chuckleb:chuckle0 -
It's been my experience that Bm's usually use Altermarrow Physical during a duel or 1v1 pvp against we sins. Popping an Apoth poison can aid in turning their "advantage" into a huge weakness as it gives X% elemental damage to a Bm who has anywhere from (at lvl 10 alter phys transfers 120% of their elemental defense into their physical) 0 - 117 ele resists if their buffed by a cleric. And knowing a bm, I learned to watch for the red ring before I judged if I should use an apoth poison or not.
Its cheap, I know but it helps deal more damage where we lack elemental damage.
I'd assume Barbs would prey victim to similar circumstances, being in heavy armor
Robe wearers, typically in duels will almost always try to run or cast and kite. What I've started doing is:
I see them channeling and cant get to them in time knife throw, Shadow jump/tele, stun if needed, Puncture wound (if a veno), Throat cut (if a cleric), Tackling slash (if a wiz). and once their asset is taken from them (veno with bramble, cleric with heal, Wiz with distance shrink) I terrorize them with heavy attacks (or with a veno Puncture wound stun,sleep,stun tackling slash). Good for shock and awe, but smarter or differently armored casters it typically doesnt work out too nicely, and need to configure something differently.
Mind you this is assuming you get the drop on them, and they dont have holy path to kite away, but everyone uses holy path in a duel, even if its a "fair no genie duel."
Heavy veno's still are a challenge as their air pets can hurt bad while they go into fox form, but I'd assume they'll fall to poisons like a bm/barb. But they do lack the hp of the latter classes, so with some planning it could be tackled.
Psychics are annoying with soul of stunning b:angry Need to launch an all out attack while you can and use maze steps intelligently. But normally they use that voodoo that gives them more attack sacrificing defense.
Being careful and well supplied is key. Think about their weaknesses and exploit them.
Habits I've noticed in Dueling:
Bm's usually try to conserve chi for stunning, sutra, stunning (I know I said it twice) or will quickly attempt to gain a spark with marrowing if they lack chi pots. They also come in 4 different varients luckily I've only fought 2 so far, fist and axe, the fist dps is painful but if you can keep them locked up it shouldnt be too much to different than your own. Axe they usually try to stun stun stun stun stun you. I'd assume if I saw a pole bm attacking me I'd be sol due to heavy bleeds dots and range. While a sword bm would use that skill that reduces damage dealt, which would make chill practically useless.
Clerics typically will to heal out your damage, then sleep debuff chi up then tempest.
Barbs well, they'll just bleed you, and immobilize you, which in that case range is key, so using a bow would benefit moreso. Just dont let them go tiger form... they'll never die then b:surrender
Archers, tele in beat on like a bm, tough if they're smart but ususally they'll try to out dps you and or kite, then complain about you being OP. Beware the archer Damage over time skills X.x we dont have enough hp to buffer a lot of dot skills like that and 2 really quick dots are painful, along with their melee and metal skills.
wizards will run... ALOT. Distance shrink, DOT, Holy path, *insert random seal slow or hinderance skill here* Distance shrink.
Venos specifically if their kiting you, you're ignoring their pet, the main one to beware is a phoenix try not to out DPS them as you'll only suicide. Also they have a lot of heals X.x Lock them up and DOT them usually works well.
Other Assassins, well.. we all know our weaknesses, and why would we want to pick on eachother? b:chuckle I see you other classes looking through this!! b:angryApparently its more difficult to milk a smurf than originally conceived..0 -
power dash gives rage damage not crit %. and sins do get sins.. max your aware >.< , its hilarious to see a sin that you can see in stealth try and kill you0
Psudeotrophe - Dreamweaver wrote: »It's been my experience that Bm's usually use Altermarrow Physical during a duel or 1v1 pvp against we sins. Popping an Apoth poison can aid in turning their "advantage" into a huge weakness as it gives X% elemental damage to a Bm who has anywhere from (at lvl 10 alter phys transfers 120% of their elemental defense into their physical) 0 - 117 ele resists if their buffed by a cleric. And knowing a bm, I learned to watch for the red ring before I judged if I should use an apoth poison or not.
Its cheap, I know but it helps deal more damage where we lack elemental damage.
I'd assume Barbs would prey victim to similar circumstances, being in heavy armor
Robe wearers, typically in duels will almost always try to run or cast and kite. What I've started doing is:
I see them channeling and cant get to them in time knife throw, Shadow jump/tele, stun if needed, Puncture wound (if a veno), Throat cut (if a cleric), Tackling slash (if a wiz). and once their asset is taken from them (veno with bramble, cleric with heal, Wiz with distance shrink) I terrorize them with heavy attacks (or with a veno Puncture wound stun,sleep,stun tackling slash). Good for shock and awe, but smarter or differently armored casters it typically doesnt work out too nicely, and need to configure something differently.
Mind you this is assuming you get the drop on them, and they dont have holy path to kite away, but everyone uses holy path in a duel, even if its a "fair no genie duel."
Heavy veno's still are a challenge as their air pets can hurt bad while they go into fox form, but I'd assume they'll fall to poisons like a bm/barb. But they do lack the hp of the latter classes, so with some planning it could be tackled.
Psychics are annoying with soul of stunning b:angry Need to launch an all out attack while you can and use maze steps intelligently. But normally they use that voodoo that gives them more attack sacrificing defense.
Being careful and well supplied is key. Think about their weaknesses and exploit them.
Habits I've noticed in Dueling:
Bm's usually try to conserve chi for stunning, sutra, stunning (I know I said it twice) or will quickly attempt to gain a spark with marrowing if they lack chi pots. They also come in 4 different varients luckily I've only fought 2 so far, fist and axe, the fist dps is painful but if you can keep them locked up it shouldnt be too much to different than your own. Axe they usually try to stun stun stun stun stun you. I'd assume if I saw a pole bm attacking me I'd be sol due to heavy bleeds dots and range. While a sword bm would use that skill that reduces damage dealt, which would make chill practically useless.
Clerics typically will to heal out your damage, then sleep debuff chi up then tempest.
Barbs well, they'll just bleed you, and immobilize you, which in that case range is key, so using a bow would benefit moreso. Just dont let them go tiger form... they'll never die then b:surrender
Archers, tele in beat on like a bm, tough if they're smart but ususally they'll try to out dps you and or kite, then complain about you being OP. Beware the archer Damage over time skills X.x we dont have enough hp to buffer a lot of dot skills like that and 2 really quick dots are painful, along with their melee and metal skills.
wizards will run... ALOT. Distance shrink, DOT, Holy path, *insert random seal slow or hinderance skill here* Distance shrink.
Venos specifically if their kiting you, you're ignoring their pet, the main one to beware is a phoenix try not to out DPS them as you'll only suicide. Also they have a lot of heals X.x Lock them up and DOT them usually works well.
i dont get what are you trying to telll other sins to do.b:surrender right now.. all im getting is that your just telling them to lock them in place with tackling slash and shadow teleport . in open pvp if you pop right next to someone they will do their defensive skills.. so if you tackling slash them and they put up a plume shell/distance shrink/bm, stun/bramblehood/winged shell and then nukes you.. what are you going to do?b:chuckle0 -
"Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk0 -
Kriticalhitz - Raging Tide wrote: »power dash gives rage damage not crit %. and sins do get sins.. max your aware >.< , its hilarious to see a sin that you can see in stealth try and kill you
please, please don't post when you don't even know what your own skills do =[
I was one of the first sins who visits these forums to reach 59 without oracles and i spent a lot of time messing around with power dash trying to understand if it was rage damage or crit rate
and I am positive it is crit rate, a lot of people disagreed with me saying that the skill description said rage damage.
Well the description in the skill tree is crit rate and the little buff icon you get is crit rate, I spent hours and hours spamming that skill every 30 seconds and I am positive it is crit rate and not crit damage.
Feel free to go test it your self and if you think it is crit damage and you can PROVE that you are right, I'll admit defeat. Until then try and stop posting about a skill you obviously have no idea what it does.0 -
There are pots that make you get lesser damage
,that is the answer for you and
If i get out of stealth
I start with deepsting,tackling headhunt
nearly dead xĐon heavy ppl maybe a ribstrike and slipstream and they are too close to death
O.o oopppss i can use headhunt againNothing is true, everything is permitted
To every assassin class mate...always focus your minds b:chuckle0 -
Blide - Lost City wrote: »There are pots that make you get lesser damage
,that is the answer for you and
If i get out of stealth
I start with deepsting,tackling headhunt
nearly dead xĐon heavy ppl maybe a ribstrike and slipstream and they are too close to death
O.o oopppss i can use headhunt again
head hunt has a 30 second cool down genius0 -
and?30 seconds are not that much try it in real not just in words and you shall see
but everyones taste,only you know what you want to do,I just said what I do and interesting I survive in 95% of mob and RPK encounters hehe...Nothing is true, everything is permitted
To every assassin class mate...always focus your minds b:chuckle0 -
Lusca - Sanctuary wrote: »please, please don't post when you don't even know what your own skills do =[
I was one of the first sins who visits these forums to reach 59 without oracles and i spent a lot of time messing around with power dash trying to understand if it was rage damage or crit rate
and I am positive it is crit rate, a lot of people disagreed with me saying that the skill description said rage damage.
Well the description in the skill tree is crit rate and the little buff icon you get is crit rate, I spent hours and hours spamming that skill every 30 seconds and I am positive it is crit rate and not crit damage.
Feel free to go test it your self and if you think it is crit damage and you can PROVE that you are right, I'll admit defeat. Until then try and stop posting about a skill you obviously have no idea what it does.
just let them think what they want. we know what it really does b:laugh0 -
Cholla - Harshlands wrote: »Hello there!
woops.... *clicks shadow stealth* >:D
(even most skilled mages, no versatility agen x.x)0
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