Useless against Assassins?



  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lol, such an ironic statement.

    - "this be fair you can just buff beforehand and then go stealth while still reasonably far away."
    Buffing before going into stealth does not work, means you're already visible for whoever you're going to attack, o wait let me fix that, you guys can use skills while stealthed already.....and besides me never had any problem staying in vision range yet still out of attack range and just preparing (gathering chi etc)....and me am a wizard..... making the whole skill useless as they can prepare while you cast 4 different buffs.

    - "why not? you use chill to do a fast burst attack then escape."
    How stupid are you really? Chill is a buff that lasts 10 minutes, you don't use it for any "burst attack", only way of getting rid of it is relogging burst = a few hard hits.....learn to use assassin skills?

    - "you mean gain more right?"
    Another ignorant statement. Do you even know what "melee" refers to and what CotD does? Get your facts straight or gtfo. me do....+30 attack level....and 100% decrease attack speed which doesn't exactly matter as you can just chain skills...

    - "pift learn to play...fist bms can bypass barbs charm and drop them dead and they're like nerfed assassins."
    Fist BMs can't bypass charms... do you even know what it is? Bypassing a charm means doing 51-100% damage in one hit causing the target to die without any charmtick. You don't even know what half the terms you use mean, gg. And you're forgetting about a small detail... BMs have over 10k pdef, Assassins have... 4k? If a barb is stupid enough to sit there they'd probably be able to stun the sin out of triple spark or even kill them before dying. lol you be so nooby fist bms can do sustained fast and hard damage which can take out a barbs life before the charm cooldown finishes.....check out kazahana and solidsnake both of them can take down barbs pretty easily.
    10 characters
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you really has no idea what you be talking about huh....

    x.x. . .OK i will try and dumb it down for you
    mayhaps not removed just add a few negative effects such as making it take longer to cast (assassins abuse this alot).

    sleep lasts 5 seconds so unless force stealth takes over 5 seconds there will be just as much Q.Q
    this be fair you can just buff beforehand and then go stealth while still reasonably far away.

    30 second and 60 second buffs are **** no matter what way you look at it
    why not? you use chill to do a fast burst attack then escape.

    you will Q.Q even more if we didn't lose attack speed on chill of the deep and just lose some of our-not-so-great-anyway defense
    wtf? Earthen Rift= 400% weapon damage, Rib Strike= 100% weapon damage, Rising Dragon Strike = 100% weapon damage and...zmog all of them aren't even level 59 skills....besides you use headhunt to STUN them....

    earthen rift is learned at level 49
    rib strike is learned at level 29
    RDS is learned at level 49

    I said 59 skills, FIFTY NINE!

    and here, wizards favorite non-ulti skill
    Project a powerful wave of sand onto a target. Inflicts Earth
    damage equal to base magic attack plus 300% of weapon
    damage plus 4288.4 and decreases enemy's accuracy by 50%
    for 10 seconds.

    please tell me where i can find a dagger with over 4k weapon attack =]
    and yes I know sandstorm takes longer to cast than Earthen rift but it is also considerably stronger.
    see green text above.
    I was comparing assassin 59 skills with other classes 59 skills, yes some of the sin skills they learn early on are pretty nice, but most classes have decent non-two spark skills as well.
    lol whut?
    My bad, it is called Armageddon on this version x.x
    you mean gain more right?
    Do i seriously have to edit my post and replace melee with auto-attacking? I thought it was pretty clear what i meant.
    pift learn to play...fist bms can bypass barbs charm and drop them dead and they're like nerfed assassins.

    Yeah and you want us to lose defense instead of attack speed on Chill of the deep . . .
    you guys also have sleep + seal along with stuns

    So sins have
    5 seconds sleep, 50 chi ~ 15 second cool down
    4 second silence, 1 spark ~ 8 second cool down
    5 second stun, 2 spark ~ 30 second cool down
    9 second immobilize, +50 chi ~ 15 second cool down
    3 second stun, 1 spark ~ 90 second cool down

    so if timed right yes a sin can lock you, but even with all the chi gaining skills a sin, it requires all of a sins chi to keep someone locked
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    10 characters

    >.> . . .
    o wait let me fix that, you guys can use skills while stealthed already.....and besides me never had any problem staying in vision range yet still out of attack range and just preparing (gathering chi etc)....and me am a wizard.....

    good for you, what do you want, a medal?
    me do....+30 attack level....and 100% decrease attack speed which doesn't exactly matter as you can just chain skills...

    lol you be so nooby fist bms can do sustained fast and hard damage which can take out a barbs life before the charm cooldown finishes.....check out kazahana and solidsnake both of them can take down barbs pretty easily.

    No one said a fist bm can not out damage a barbs charm cool down, we are well aware that they can.

    But i said breaking a charm which as irritate said involves hitting the target when it is at 51% > 100% hp and killing it without even giving their charm a chance to tick
    As a wizard I thought you would understand that?
  • Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Earthen Rift:
    Channel 0.7 seconds
    Cast 1.8 seconds
    8 meter AOE

    Channel 2.5 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds
    Single target.

    It's faster, gets +30 attack level from Chill of the Deep, is AOE, doesn't use Chi and can be double-sparked from stealth. Hell, you can combine it with Frenzy too. In other words, you can have a +50 attack level, AOE, 700% weapon damage attack that takes 2.5 seconds to cast, and immediately go back into stealth. What the HELL are you complaining about?
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Earthen Rift:
    Channel 0.7 seconds
    Cast 1.8 seconds
    8 meter AOE

    Channel 2.5 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds
    Single target.

    It's faster, gets +30 attack level from Chill of the Deep, is AOE, doesn't use Chi and can be double-sparked from stealth. Hell, you can combine it with Frenzy too. In other words, you can have a +50 attack level, AOE, 700% weapon damage attack that takes 2.5 seconds to cast, and immediately go back into stealth. What the HELL are you complaining about?

    Yeah wizards can't Fow > spark > sleep > frenzy > sandstorm . . .
    There is a difference between complaining and you lot being **** with the stuff you want nerfed
    I have already admitted sins are OP and some changes should be made to them, but just because archers are gimped doesn't mean sins should be gimped too
  • Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah wizards can't Fow > spark > sleep > frenzy > sandstorm . . .
    Wizards can't do this then immediately become invulnerable to counterattack, and they can still be interrupted out of it by a third party. Nor can they do this to multiple targets at once. Admittedly at 89 they can Sutra -> Pyro -> Frenzy -> Ulti for massive AOE death, but you can see them coming, they can still be interrupted out of it if you're lucky, and afterwards they can be counterattacked. Notice how the Assassin is only out of stealth for maybe 4 seconds, total?

    Yes, Assassins' 59 skills aren't particularly spectacular. Neither are Archers' 59 skills. Just because something costs 2 sparks doesn't mean it's got to be useful... Stormrage Eagleon anyone? And yes, I know Archers are gimped. Complaining about Headhunt, Subsea Strike (which is great in group PvP anyway), and Power Dash being underpowered is like a wizard complaining about say, Emberstorm.

    Anyway, the only things I really think ought to be nerfed are stealth-related. Mainly, the ability to buff and spark in stealth without losing stealth, and the lack of availability of Awareness/Detection potions. While the long teleport ranges are somewhat overpowered, it's really not a big deal. A range advantage only really helps you in a sneak attack, and stealth already gives a superior sneak attack capability.
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    x.x. . .OK i will try and dumb it down for you no need to, me understand all that is being said quite well.

    sleep lasts 5 seconds so unless force stealth takes over 5 seconds there will be just as much Q.Q not quite, sleep be more of a preparation during battle/time buying skill and this be part of the chain me has seen smart assassins use so it will most likely be on cooldown and not viable to use in order to buy time for force stealth.

    30 second and 60 second buffs are **** no matter what way you look at it your be right....make essential sutra last 1 minute of no channeling time since it's only a 6 second buff (this bit sarcasm if you hadn't noticed)...and you do know that most fights should end before 30 seconds pass?......

    you will Q.Q even more if we didn't lose attack speed on chill of the deep and just lose some of our-not-so-great-anyway defense

    earthen rift is learned at level 49
    rib strike is learned at level 29
    RDS is learned at level 49

    I said 59 skills, FIFTY NINE! ......there be something wrong with your do know that even wizards use sutra + less then level 59 skills? and that just because it be a 59 skill doesn't mean that it has to be uber strong? assassins don't fit the description for hard nukes like naturally it be "weaker"

    and here, wizards favorite non-ulti skill
    Project a powerful wave of sand onto a target. Inflicts Earth
    damage equal to base magic attack plus 300% of weapon
    damage plus 4288.4 and decreases enemy's accuracy by 50%
    for 10 seconds.

    please tell me where i can find a dagger with over 4k weapon attack =]
    and yes I know sandstorm takes longer to cast than Earthen rift but it is also considerably stronger. has faulty logic.

    I was comparing assassin 59 skills with other classes 59 skills, yes some of the sin skills they learn early on are pretty nice, but most classes have decent non-two spark skills as well. has faulty logic.

    My bad, it is called Armageddon on this version x.x no version calls it "prediction"

    Do i seriously have to edit my post and replace melee with auto-attacking? I thought it was pretty clear what i meant. it be only clear in your mind.

    Yeah and you want us to lose defense instead of attack speed on Chill of the deep . . . no me wish to have a defense loss as well as the attack speed loss...but me don't expect this to happen. so instead me would prefer a % decrease on focused mind.

    So sins have
    5 seconds sleep, 50 chi ~ 15 second cool down
    4 second silence, 1 spark ~ 8 second cool down
    5 second stun, 2 spark ~ 30 second cool down
    9 second immobilize, +50 chi ~ 15 second cool down
    3 second stun, 1 spark ~ 90 second cool down

    so if timed right yes a sin can lock you, but even with all the chi gaining skills a sin, it requires all of a sins chi they have plenty..... to keep someone locked
    >.> . . .

    good for you, what do you want, a medal? nah me are looking for a try coming up with an intelligent argument please. This be child's play and instead you be allowing me to paint assassins as more OP then me argument stands as.


    No one said a fist bm can not out damage a barbs charm cool down, we are well aware that they can.

    But i said breaking a charm which as irritate said involves hitting the target when it is at 51% > 100% hp and killing it without even giving their charm a chance to tick silly noob why do you has such jealously for the wizard class? even archers can "break charms" and kill where is you getting these terminology from? since whoever taught them to you must have failed miserably.
    As a wizard I thought you would understand that?
    Yeah wizards can't Fow > spark > sleep > frenzy > sandstorm . . .
    There is a difference between complaining and you lot being **** with the stuff you want nerfed me are merely countering your would prefer to have the stealth mechanics balanced through mayhaps flares or something sold at the fireworks dealer which can reveal invisible in a 30 meter radius or so.
    also me would like a reduction in both teleport skill range as having them at 35 meters would mean that even the "flares" would be useless.
    and me would like a "skin" to be added to assassins so that they slowly fade from view instead of instantly disappear. (me am not even asking for an increase in cast time or anything....provided that the "flares" be implemented.

    I have already admitted sins are OP and some changes should be made to them, but just because archers are gimped doesn't mean sins should be gimped too who said me wanted assassins to become "gimped" like archers? doesn't look too gimped to me. (yes this be a link) just because you be bad at your class doesn't mean that you be "gimped"

    also basically what Brigid has said....just because it cost 2 sparks doesn't mean it has to be as powerful as wizard's BIDS/BT....
    what you want be the damage of a wizard, the attack speed of a fist bm, and the inherently overpowered stealth which has no in game counters.

    now please come up with a decent argument or send someone who can come up with one.
    instead of writing large quantities of posts which contain not much intelligence.
    also....silly trolls....why is you comparing wizards and assassins?
    this be a thread about how archers be currently "useless" against assassins.....mainly due to the imbalanced stealth mechanics of this game.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Emberstorm rocks the socks at Demon yo...
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Emberstorm rocks the socks at Demon yo...

    yesh it does
    me are sad me are not going to get it
    being anti assassin or melee classes in general would be easier with a 50% chance insta 3 second stun.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    A chill of the deep that don't remove attack speed but lower the defence...the dream buff b:dirty

    Try to figure: full attack speed whit an incredible bonus damage while you stun your opponent = total destruction b:dirty

    Please don't do it again, my hearth is weak b:laugh
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    also basically what Brigid has said....just because it cost 2 sparks doesn't mean it has to be as powerful as wizard's BIDS/BT....
    what you want be the damage of a wizard, the attack speed of a fist bm, and the inherently overpowered stealth which has no in game counters.

    now please come up with a decent argument or send someone who can come up with one.
    instead of writing large quantities of posts which contain not much intelligence.
    also....silly trolls....why is you comparing wizards and assassins?
    this be a thread about how archers be currently "useless" against assassins.....mainly due to the imbalanced stealth mechanics of this game.

    I never said it had to be as powerful as a wizards BIDS or BT
    again I never said sins should have skills as powerful as a wizards but seriously would a 200% weapon attack + static damage ulti be that bad to give a sin x.x

    You tell me to come up with a decent argument but then you call me a troll? make up your mind, trolls don't have decent arguments

    Yes it was a thread of how useless archers are too sins, and I think everyone agreed that archers are useless and this was now a Q.Q sins are OP thread
    no need to, me understand all that is being said quite well.
    If you say so
    not quite, sleep be more of a preparation during battle/time buying skill and this be part of the chain me has seen smart assassins use so it will most likely be on cooldown and not viable to use in order to buy time for force stealth.

    It just means they change their combos around if the fight is going badly and use sleep to stealth, seriously not that hard you guys would still Q.Q about stealth.
    your be right....make essential sutra last 1 minute of no channeling time since it's only a 6 second buff (this bit sarcasm if you hadn't noticed)...and you do know that most fights should end before 30 seconds pass?......

    please tell me you don't actually think having no channel time is equal to +30% crit damage or to a 25% chance to take one damage. . .
    ......there be something wrong with your do know that even wizards use sutra + less then level 59 skills? and that just because it be a 59 skill doesn't mean that it has to be uber strong? assassins don't fit the description for hard nukes like naturally it be "weaker"

    coming from someone who pretends to be a hamster
    Yes i am well aware classes use skills besides their 59 skills, btw sutra is a 59 skill has faulty logic.
    oh please tell me how you think my logic is faulty =]? has faulty logic.
    what are you trying to say? that most classes don't have decent 59 skills?
    seriously just saying my logic is faulty without any reasoning to why is just stupid
    no version calls it "prediction"
    I already admitted I stuffed up on that one ok? I was tired and like all humans sometimes I make mistakes
    it be only clear in your mind.
    Irritate sure seemed to understand it
    no me wish to have a defense loss as well as the attack speed loss...but me don't expect this to happen. so instead me would prefer a % decrease on focused mind.

    see all you lot want is over the top nerfing until sins are more gimped than archers lol
    they have plenty.....

    duh. . .
    I'm well aware of the skills sins have, maybe you should take another look at them?
    nah me are looking for a try coming up with an intelligent argument please. This be child's play and instead you be allowing me to paint assassins as more OP then me argument stands as.

    Your the one who said I'm a troll, trolls don't have intelligent arguments
    and btw your arguments aren't that intelligent either
    silly noob why do you has such jealously for the wizard class? even archers can "break charms" and kill where is you getting these terminology from? since whoever taught them to you must have failed miserably

    Yeap REAL intelligent argument you have here
    btw I'm not jealous of wizards, my first main was one
    me are merely countering your would prefer to have the stealth mechanics balanced through mayhaps flares or something sold at the fireworks dealer which can reveal invisible in a 30 meter radius or so.
    also me would like a reduction in both teleport skill range as having them at 35 meters would mean that even the "flares" would be useless.
    and me would like a "skin" to be added to assassins so that they slowly fade from view instead of instantly disappear. (me am not even asking for an increase in cast time or anything....provided that the "flares" be implemented.

    yeah that and you want us to lose defense AND attack speed while using chill of the deep and you want focus mind to be a lower %
    who said me wanted assassins to become "gimped" like archers? doesn't look too gimped to me. (yes this be a link) just because you be bad at your class doesn't mean that you be "gimped"

    oh yeah, archers aren't gimped at all after 90
  • Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    - "o wait let me fix that, you guys can use skills while stealthed already.....and besides me never had any problem staying in vision range yet still out of attack range and just preparing (gathering chi etc)....and me am a wizard....."
    You're also dumb, so I doubt you'd comprehend what "element of surprise" means.

    - "burst = a few hard hits.....learn to use assassin skills?"
    Learn to play an assassin? CotD changes your whole playing style once you turn it on, if it lowers defense then that's a 10 minute reduction in defense. Good job making a squishy class prone to being oneshot by blue names?

    - "me do....+30 attack level....and 100% decrease attack speed which doesn't exactly matter as you can just chain skills..."
    So how does this improve the ability to melee? LOL. Chaining skills isn't meleeing. Do you have any clue how important melee damage output is and the fact that the second you turn on CotD you won't be able to use it for the next 10 minutes?

    - "lol you be so nooby fist bms can do sustained fast and hard damage which can take out a barbs life before the charm cooldown finishes.....check out kazahana and solidsnake both of them can take down barbs pretty easily."
    Right, I'm "nooby".. I've 1v1d Kaza and seen him 1v1 many barbs/BMs. Out DDing a barb's charm isn't so easy, not many barbs are stupid enough to try tanking it. Ofcourse there's worthless people around that think they can tank.. but there's not much point in taking them seriously. Assassins have the added problem that if a barb fights back they might be the first to die. Ever tried tanking a barb with demon onslaught or triple spark?

    - "and you do know that most fights should end before 30 seconds pass?......"
    lmfao, lowbie.

    Remind my "nooby" self to kill you on sight for being ignorant. Even in other posts you haven't been able to come up with anything worth much, so please stop being a hypocrite and telling others they need to come up with something "intelligent".
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    30 second and 60 second buffs are **** no matter what way you look at it

    i agree but maybe changed, whatever sutra more sucks because u need only a little lag and u already lost more than 1sec from that 6 when a skill at least 1-1.8sec

    you will Q.Q even more if we didn't lose attack speed on chill of the deep and just lose some of our-not-so-great-anyway defense

    earthen rift is learned at level 49
    rib strike is learned at level 29
    RDS is learned at level 49

    I said 59 skills, FIFTY NINE!

    and here, wizards favorite non-ulti skill
    Project a powerful wave of sand onto a target. Inflicts Earth
    damage equal to base magic attack plus 300% of weapon
    damage plus 4288.4 and decreases enemy's accuracy by 50%
    for 10 seconds.

    missing part:
    Channel 2.5 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds

    somebody tryed use gs or ss on bm or sin who use antimovement skill? no? then gl.

    about dmg, fist bm similiar than sin so lets check there lv49 skill

    no comment (lol compareing a very high attack speed class with a slow casting magic in dmg term in pvp)

    please tell me where i can find a dagger with over 4k weapon attack =]
    and yes I know sandstorm takes longer to cast than Earthen rift but it is also considerably stronger.

    tell me how many magic weapon got berzerk effect ?b:surrender

    I was comparing assassin 59 skills with other classes 59 skills, yes some of the sin skills they learn early on are pretty nice, but most classes have decent non-two spark skills as well.

    if somebody watched another class during 3rd spark and fist then can understand the many small dmg>1big what slow

    So sins have
    5 seconds sleep, 50 chi ~ 15 second cool down
    4 second silence, 1 spark ~ 8 second cool down
    5 second stun, 2 spark ~ 30 second cool down
    9 second immobilize, +50 chi ~ 15 second cool down
    3 second stun, 1 spark ~ 90 second cool down

    so if timed right yes a sin can lock you, but even with all the chi gaining skills a sin, it requires all of a sins chi to keep someone locked

    for wizz to give a shorter lock need 399 chi (if dont have then have seal+sleep what 6-7sec totally since sleep breakeing after 1st skill what do dmg, like 79 debuff) and still can fail and dont have max 0,5 spark/min and cant hide from sin for getting chi :)

    whatever this si archer section so i really dont have ideea why we talk about wizz vs sin
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    chill > autoatack unless the sin has -.35 interval or more

    and even then it alows fo charm bypass unlike DPS

    archers vs sin is rather simple

    does the archer have a survival build geni?

    if so archer can ride out lock WOG stun and kill the sin with a lightning combo

    just what i've seenb:surrender
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    once the teleport stun is over, all you have to do is move around, stupid pwi engine doesnt allow hit while moving
  • Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    rikako wrote: »
    once the teleport stun is over, all you have to do is move around, stupid pwi engine doesnt allow hit while moving

    pwi? its everywhere same in perfect world.
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wel what is it then.(played both) and sin just sucks idk what thos ppl in the makers of game think but the sin the make sucks moor then a sin in guild wars or so. if i kil a foe (lvl 47 hehe higer never maked) i would kil foe faster with archer then with sin and the stealth isnt that good at all yes you can sneak up ppl at kost of alot of mps then and sin dont got any aoe like BoA(not that BoA is good coz its not only for rb or zhen squed or if nead to kil en mob where en tank is in) then and i seen dat blood paint isnt good for self heal (lol shadow refuge works better then it) then even when sin got better dps it stil dies faster (melee less time to run a way) i stil say archer is better in dual the are same with the def high dex then high evsion(with wings of protection archer got moor) then even when the cant think thos makers the stil done somting good keep archer good at pve

  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I never said it had to be as powerful as a wizards BIDS or BT
    again I never said sins should have skills as powerful as a wizards but seriously would a 200% weapon attack + static damage ulti be that bad to give a sin x.x chill of the deep + power dash makes all your attacks do 230%+ damage already.

    You tell me to come up with a decent argument but then you call me a troll? make up your mind, trolls don't have decent arguments err you really don't lol. besides you be not the original troll, _Tsunami_ was the one that started including the wizard class in this.

    Yes it was a thread of how useless archers are too sins, and I think everyone agreed that archers are useless and this was now a Q.Q sins are OP thread

    If you say so

    It just means they change their combos around if the fight is going badly and use sleep to stealth, seriously not that hard you guys would still Q.Q about stealth. Q_Q learn to understand? me don't care about the current cast time or anything me would just have a viable anti stealth tool in place for everyone to use.

    please tell me you don't actually think having no channel time is equal to +30% crit damage or to a 25% chance to take one damage. . .hence why me stated it was sarcasm.

    coming from someone who pretends to be a hamster
    Yes i am well aware classes use skills besides their 59 skills, btw sutra is a 59 skill yep who said sutra wasn't?

    oh please tell me how you think my logic is faulty =]?
    try to figure out why you think assassins are not currently overpowered with their stealth. then come back.

    what are you trying to say? that most classes don't have decent 59 skills?
    seriously just saying my logic is faulty without any reasoning to why is just stupid *sigh* me will spell it out for you, 1. you be asking for a 4k damage dagger....obviously sarcasm here but if you knew what your skills did you wouldn't bother to say this. 2. you be comparing a wizard skill to an assassin skill.....there be the first mistake in logic...wizards = hard hitting but slow to shoot would make more sense to compare archer skills to assassin skills.

    I already admitted I stuffed up on that one ok? I was tired and like all humans sometimes I make mistakes

    Irritate sure seemed to understand it

    see all you lot want is over the top nerfing until sins are more gimped than archers lolnot really most of the "nerf" was sarcasm on me part. and ignorance of your class on your part.

    duh. . .
    I'm well aware of the skills sins have, maybe you should take another look at them? it seems me know more about them then you.

    Your the one who said I'm a troll, trolls don't have intelligent arguments
    and btw your arguments aren't that intelligent either they be intelligent enough to stomp on your arguments.

    Yeap REAL intelligent argument you have here
    btw I'm not jealous of wizards, my first main was one me can see why it's not your main anymore.

    yeah that and you want us to lose defense AND attack speed while using chill of the deep and you want focus mind to be a lower % it would be nice but me won't push for it.

    oh yeah, archers aren't gimped at all after 90
    - "o wait let me fix that, you guys can use skills while stealthed already.....and besides me never had any problem staying in vision range yet still out of attack range and just preparing (gathering chi etc)....and me am a wizard....."
    You're also dumb, so I doubt you'd comprehend what "element of surprise" means. as far as you don't look away while me try to figure out how to beat you (T.T)' b:chuckle

    - "burst = a few hard hits.....learn to use assassin skills?"
    Learn to play an assassin? CotD changes your whole playing style once you turn it on, if it lowers defense then that's a 10 minute reduction in defense. Good job making a squishy class prone to being oneshot by blue names? gasp~ you appear to have missed teh part where me said me don't expect this to happen and would rather prefer a % decrease on focused mind!

    - "me do....+30 attack level....and 100% decrease attack speed which doesn't exactly matter as you can just chain skills..."
    So how does this improve the ability to melee? all skills do 30% extra damage....o dam~ and with power dash they'll be dealing 230% damage almost consistently with every attack! LOL. yes that be right! LOL!! Chaining skills isn't meleeing. Do you have any clue how important melee damage output is and the fact that the second you turn on CotD you won't be able to use it for the next 10 minutes? b:surrender yeaah because skills don't cooldown until the buff runs out~ b:surrender

    - "lol you be so nooby fist bms can do sustained fast and hard damage which can take out a barbs life before the charm cooldown finishes.....check out kazahana and solidsnake both of them can take down barbs pretty easily."
    Right, I'm "nooby".. I've 1v1d Kaza and seen him 1v1 many barbs/BMs. Out DDing a barb's charm isn't so easy, not many barbs are stupid enough to try tanking it. Ofcourse there's worthless people around that think they can tank.. but there's not much point in taking them seriously. Assassins have the added problem that if a barb fights back they might be the first to die. Ever tried tanking a barb with demon onslaught or triple spark? they also have the added bonus of dealing out more damage then fist bms can.

    - "and you do know that most fights should end before 30 seconds pass?......"
    lmfao, lowbie. yesh yesh me hear that you can kite BMs and stuff for like half an hour or something. X_x'

    Remind my "nooby" self to kill you on sight for being ignorant. Even in other posts you haven't been able to come up with anything worth much, so please stop being a hypocrite and telling others they need to come up with something "intelligent". (O.o) sounds like fun. but do you honestly think that Lusca's posts were intelligent? or is Kristoph Lusca's former main?

    b:surrender 10 characters
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This thread passed the line, and will be neverending.

    MagicHamsta again, first to call someone troll (if you know what this mean, but i don't really think so) read what people write, this will make you look smarter, or simply less dumb.

    I started putting the wizards inside the thread cause here there wizards talking not just archers, are you able to do 2+2?

    If you don't want me to talk about wizards just as wizard shut up! Don't know if you have an archer alt but if you have one u need to talk as an archer because this is why the thread was made! If you (not you MagicHamsta, you all magic users) write "i'm not able to sleep cause...interrupt my channel because..." it's normal for me talk about wizards as well!! As said 2+2, but someone here isn't able to do it.

    Mine was just ANSWER.

    Please, PLEASE read everything first to talk my dear MagicHamsta-brain dude.
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This thread passed the line, and will be neverending.

    MagicHamsta again, first to call someone troll (if you know what this mean, but i don't really think so) read what people write, this will make you look smarter, or simply less dumb. get out troll. From wikipedia "In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion." learn yer terminology first. also technically me are not a troll as me stay on topic nearly all the time, only to stray off topic due to troll bait from people like you. which be fun to do. (^.^)

    I started putting the wizards inside the thread cause here there wizards talking not just archers, are you able to do 2+2? you think class has to do with the opinion we put u dumb.

    If you don't want me to talk about wizards just as wizard shut up! me think you should be the one to "shut up" as this be an archer vs assassin discussion. Don't know if you have an archer alt but if you have one u need to talk as an archer because this is why the thread was made! If you (not you MagicHamsta, you all magic users) write "i'm not able to sleep cause...interrupt my channel because..." it's normal for me talk about wizards as well!! As said 2+2, but someone here isn't able to do it. you cannot add 2+2? okies...

    Mine was just ANSWER. you mean trolling yesh?

    Please, PLEASE read everything first to talk my dear MagicHamsta-brain dude. teh scary part be me do read everything.

    10 characters
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    whatever this si archer section so i really dont have ideea why we talk about wizz vs sin
    b:surrender 10 characters

    I hate both of you and your colored text that I can't quote properly

    ok shadow first
    i agree but maybe changed, whatever sutra more sucks because u need only a little lag and u already lost more than 1sec from that 6 when a skill at least 1-1.8sec

    uh huh, and?
    missing part:
    Channel 2.5 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds

    somebody tryed use gs or ss on bm or sin who use antimovement skill? no? then gl.

    My first character was a wizard, I am well aware of their cast times
    about dmg, fist bm similiar than sin so lets check there lv49 skill
    Deals base physical damage plus 100% of weapon damage plus 2558.5. Gives a
    no comment (lol compareing a very high attack speed class with a slow casting magic in dmg term in pvp)

    people were saying there melee damage was similar not there skill damage
    tell me how many magic weapon got berzerk effect ?
    and were are these daggers with berserk?
    if somebody watched another class during 3rd spark and fist then can understand the many small dmg>1big what slow

    uh huh, and?
    for wizz to give a shorter lock need 399 chi (if dont have then have seal+sleep what 6-7sec totally since sleep breakeing after 1st skill what do dmg, like 79 debuff) and still can fail and dont have max 0,5 spark/min and cant hide from sin for getting chi :)

    I never mentioned wizard seal and sleep, people were complaining sins just lock everyone and they never get a chance to fight back and I was mentioning that in order to lock someone you have no chi left for triple spark or power dash

    Ok now the guy who thinks he is a hamster
    chill of the deep + power dash makes all your attacks do 230%+ damage already.

    not all, 60-80% for most players
    and you were complaining sins just lock you and you can't do anything, were are we pulling this extra chi for power dash from?
    err you really don't lol. besides you be not the original troll, _Tsunami_ was the one that started including the wizard class in this.
    what and you do?
    Q_Q learn to understand? me don't care about the current cast time or anything me would just have a viable anti stealth tool in place for everyone to use.

    and I never once said stealth shouldn't be changed in some way, I simply said increasing the cast time won't make their any less Q.Q
    .hence why me stated it was sarcasm.
    I noted you saying it should last 1min was sarcasm, I still see no problem making wolf emblem or focus mind last longer
    yep who said sutra wasn't?
    x.x . . .
    try to figure out why you think assassins are not currently overpowered with their stealth. then come back.

    i have NEVER said sins are not OP if you pay attention you will have noticed I have already mentioned several times I think they are OP and that some changes should be made
    *sigh* me will spell it out for you, 1. you be asking for a 4k damage dagger....obviously sarcasm here but if you knew what your skills did you wouldn't bother to say this. 2. you be comparing a wizard skill to an assassin skill.....there be the first mistake in logic...wizards = hard hitting but slow to shoot would make more sense to compare archer skills to assassin skills.

    archers are gimped because their skills are ****, along with other reasons
    not really most of the "nerf" was sarcasm on me part. and ignorance of your class on your part.

    I'm a cleric not a sin, I haven't played my sin for ages.
    I just use my sin avatar cause it gives me an excuse to act like I have a massive ego and so on and so forth -insert other **** here-
    it seems me know more about them then you.
    obviously not
    they be intelligent enough to stomp on your arguments
    whatever helps you sleep at night
    me can see why it's not your main anymore.
    oh really? and what exactly do you know about me huh?
    it would be nice but me won't push for it.
    lol . . .
    all skills do 30% extra damage....o dam~ and with power dash they'll be dealing 230% damage almost consistently with every attack!

    dam yeah you defiantly know more about assassin skills than i do . . .
    yeaah because skills don't cooldown until the buff runs out~

    how hard is it to understand that melee - auto attacking
    and using skills is skill spamming
    (O.o) sounds like fun. but do you honestly think that Lusca's posts were intelligent? or is Kristoph Lusca's former main?


    I never once told you to post something intelligent, you just keep telling me my posts aren't intelligent, which I never said they were

    but your posts are no better than mine lol
  • Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lol dude u are the greatest troll ever than!!!

    You always point the finger, you often aswer whit silly pictures and now u started a flame. GOOD JOB T R O L L

    If for you answer mean become a troll then take care of your community whit just an opinion.

    Many times i said sorry, many times i said that i reconize the point of many archers valid, but people like you simply can't understand.

    I'm maybe a troll but for sure not the only one here my dear comrade (hope your cave is quite far from mine)

    bye Hamsta (now i know why you choosed this nick name)
  • Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    - "gasp~ you appear to have missed teh part where me said me don't expect this to happen and would rather prefer a % decrease on focused mind!"
    K, so everything you said about CotD might as well be ignored? Because you obviously have no idea how it affects an assassin. One second you're whining about CotD and the next you say they can outdps a barb's charm... breaking news; once you turn CotD on you're incapable of killing heavy armor users.

    - "all skills do 30% extra damage....o dam~ and with power dash they'll be dealing 230% damage almost consistently with every attack!"
    Grats for pointing out the obvious. Still doesn't disprove what I said? Melee =/= skill spamming. Do you have any clue where damage endgame comes from? I doubt it, you probably have trouble imagining what it'd be like to have more than 5k pdef and 5k hp.

    - "they also have the added bonus of dealing out more damage then fist bms can."
    Uh... assuming..
    - You aren't using CotD
    - You have a few thousand dollar to spend on the game, because you're gonna need nirvana
    - The BM doesn't use cyclone heel, 'cause otherwise they're going to have a permanent 20% atkrate boost which sins don't have... unless you think triple sparking in pvp is something you can do often
    And lets ignore the fact that BMs have 12k pdef and mdef and 8-9k HP with that damage, where an assassin will have 5k pdef and mdef and 6-7k HP.

    - "yesh yesh me hear that you can kite BMs and stuff for like half an hour or something. X_x'"
    Maybe you'll realize when you're not horribly low leveled. Serious 1v1's often last much longer than this, fights that last over 5 minutes happen more than ones that end within 30 seconds.

    - "(O.o) sounds like fun. but do you honestly think that Lusca's posts were intelligent? or is Kristoph Lusca's former main?"
    loludumb? I haven't said anything about his posts, I'm simply pointing out where you sound ignorant. I could care less about nerfing assassins, as it's impossible to see whether they're overpowered or not. Nixes were a big deal before... now they die in 1-2 hits to most classes with a good weapon or genie.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    okies Tsunami first, (me excluding Lusca's posts as that would be way too much text and there really isn't much point in remedying his confoosion.)
    Lol dude u are the greatest troll ever than!!!

    You always point the finger, you often aswer whit silly pictures and now u started a flame. GOOD JOB T R O L L me rarely point fingers, please back this up with evidence. me just singled you out due to teh sheer amount of fail in trolling.

    If for you answer mean become a troll then take care of your community whit just an opinion. Clarify. you be making no sense here.

    Many times i said sorry, many times i said that i reconize the point of many archers valid, but people like you simply can't understand. understand what? that stealth in it's current form be broken in the game? all you, Lusca, and others be saying is roughly that assassins do not require a are providing evidence of why they require a nerf and possible suggestions, all you guys do be pathetically compare other classes.....

    I'm maybe a troll but for sure not the only one here my dear comrade (hope your cave is quite far from mine) mah cave. b:infuriated

    bye Hamsta (now i know why you choosed this nick name) gasp you be onto me ebil secrets b:avoid

    - "gasp~ you appear to have missed teh part where me said me don't expect this to happen and would rather prefer a % decrease on focused mind!"
    K, so everything you said about CotD might as well be ignored? yesh me has included an ignorance clause in there for a reason.... QQ moar? Because you obviously have no idea how it affects an assassin. One second you're whining about CotD and the next you say they can outdps a barb's charm... breaking news; once you turn CotD on you're incapable of killing heavy armor users. teh gasp~

    - "all skills do 30% extra damage....o dam~ and with power dash they'll be dealing 230% damage almost consistently with every attack!"
    Grats for pointing out the obvious.Had to do it, there be those who don't even know what their skills be capable of. Still doesn't disprove what I said? Melee =/= skill spamming. Do you have any clue where damage endgame comes from? yesh me depends on the class, fist bms and archers have most of their DPS come from their normal don't just go to the forum solely for teh lulz. I doubt it, you probably have trouble imagining what it'd be like to have more than 5k pdef and 5k hp. d(^.^)

    - "they also have the added bonus of dealing out more damage then fist bms can."
    Uh... assuming..
    - You aren't using CotD
    - You have a few thousand dollar to spend on the game, because you're gonna need nirvana an equal level and geared fist BM will be inferior to assassins.
    - The BM doesn't use cyclone heel, 'cause otherwise they're going to have a permanent 20% atkrate boost which sins don't have... unless you think triple sparking in pvp is something you can do often 5 atk per second limit.
    And lets ignore the fact that BMs have 12k pdef and mdef and 8-9k HP with that damage, where an assassin will have 5k pdef and mdef and 6-7k HP.

    - "yesh yesh me hear that you can kite BMs and stuff for like half an hour or something. X_x'"
    Maybe you'll realize when you're not horribly low leveled. Serious 1v1's often last much longer than this, fights that last over 5 minutes happen more than ones that end within 30 seconds. yes me be low level T.T' just give me a few more months QQ. me know me still be missing out on alot of end/late game stuff.

    - "(O.o) sounds like fun. but do you honestly think that Lusca's posts were intelligent? or is Kristoph Lusca's former main?"
    loludumb? I haven't said anything about his posts, I'm simply pointing out where you sound ignorant. the quality of me posts be on purpose as one cannot reason with those of lesser intelligence without putting oneself on equal footing. I could care less about nerfing assassins, as it's impossible to see whether they're overpowered or not. Nixes were a big deal before... now they die in 1-2 hits to most classes with a good weapon or genie.

    (^.^) at least Kristoph be putting up a decent argument here. Unlike Lusca and Tsunami.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    (^.^) at least Kristoph be putting up a decent argument here. Unlike Myself, Lusca and Tsunami.

    fixed for you =]

    I'm really over arguing about nothing here, seriously go back and read the argument we just had. It is pathetic.

    Any of your points I try to argue against you claim you were just joking.

    Any of your points that actually matter like claiming sins are OP I had already agreed with before we even started arguing.
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Silly Lusca this entire "argument" arose from teh fact you misunderstood Ignation and ElderSig.
    this be the starter post which me has argued against which you has thus far failed to defend.
    you want
    our force stealth removed
    our teleports range reduced
    for us not to be able to buff while in stealth
    AND you want us to lose defense when using chill of the deep?

    i can understand not wanting us to be able to spark while in stealth, but i believe our buffs should be given longer timers, otherwise the only time they will be used in pvp is in duels

    i can understand wanting the teleports range to be reduced

    i can understand having a problem with the forced stealth

    but messing with chill of the deep as well? you ****ing kidding me?
    look at all the sins 59 skills, ONLY one of them has +% of weapon damage and that is headhunt and it only has 100% at level 10

    every other class has a hard hitting 59 skill
    bm > Myriad Sword Stance/Heaven's Flame(yes i know the damage from this isn't as good as head hunt but the amp effect is waaay better than the sin amp)

    wizzie > blade tempest/black ice dragon

    barb > prediction

    veno > parasitic nova

    archer > barrage(yes i know you can't use it close up and you all QQ you just get stunned out of it, but it has it's uses(pve/tw)

    cleric > tempest

    psychic > red tide

    now i know sins are OP and you all want them nerfed but seriously, try not to get **** about it

    we lose all melee ability with CotD for 30 attack levels and then our only skill that really has a chance to break someones charm isn't all that great damage wise AND it is one of our two only stuns that we have, our other stun having a 90 second cool down and only lasting 3 seconds

    yes there are some points about sins that could be changed to make things seem a bit more fair, but chill of the deep is not one of those things
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    fixed for you =]
    Any of your points I try to argue against you claim you were just joking.

    you can't take a magic hamster seriously...come on...
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you can't take a magic hamster seriously...come on...

    Me are agree with this. Me be exceedingly difficult to argue against as me cover everything. Teh best and most likely way to win is if me initial stand be incorrect (Which it rarely) *we be working on infusing teh natural empathy we has into our new system probably won't be available until years later.*
    mayhaps me should have a sign on me that says
    "Take Seriously at Your Own Risk."
    or something.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    - "gasp~ you appear to have missed teh part where me said me don't expect this to happen and would rather prefer a % decrease on focused mind!"
    K, so everything you said about CotD might as well be ignored? Because you obviously have no idea how it affects an assassin. One second you're whining about CotD and the next you say they can outdps a barb's charm... breaking news; once you turn CotD on you're incapable of killing heavy armor users.

    - "all skills do 30% extra damage....o dam~ and with power dash they'll be dealing 230% damage almost consistently with every attack!"
    Grats for pointing out the obvious. Still doesn't disprove what I said? Melee =/= skill spamming. Do you have any clue where damage endgame comes from? I doubt it, you probably have trouble imagining what it'd be like to have more than 5k pdef and 5k hp.

    - "they also have the added bonus of dealing out more damage then fist bms can."
    Uh... assuming..
    - You aren't using CotD
    - You have a few thousand dollar to spend on the game, because you're gonna need nirvana
    - The BM doesn't use cyclone heel, 'cause otherwise they're going to have a permanent 20% atkrate boost which sins don't have... unless you think triple sparking in pvp is something you can do often
    And lets ignore the fact that BMs have 12k pdef and mdef and 8-9k HP with that damage, where an assassin will have 5k pdef and mdef and 6-7k HP.

    - "yesh yesh me hear that you can kite BMs and stuff for like half an hour or something. X_x'"
    Maybe you'll realize when you're not horribly low leveled. Serious 1v1's often last much longer than this, fights that last over 5 minutes happen more than ones that end within 30 seconds.

    - "(O.o) sounds like fun. but do you honestly think that Lusca's posts were intelligent? or is Kristoph Lusca's former main?"
    loludumb? I haven't said anything about his posts, I'm simply pointing out where you sound ignorant. I could care less about nerfing assassins, as it's impossible to see whether they're overpowered or not. Nixes were a big deal before... now they die in 1-2 hits to most classes with a good weapon or genie.

    hate to say it but sins have fast casting skills with up to 400% weapon adds that stack with sparks

    so yet...again

    chill+3 spark (when they get it)+ skill spam is quite honestly their best damage untill sins clear a high -interval marker

    and even then the only weapon with a know attack speed cap is fists (seriously why do i have to keep reminding yall of this >.<)

    because fists can reach 5 aps does not mean every other weapon can with enough - interval we need a int stacked 100 sin to test that via chi gain to prove it as viable

    also cyclone actually reduces DPS past a point do to its long animation/cast its far better to just auto attack since it only adds -.05 ever if you have max int for level

    so yes sins best damage DOES come from skill spam unless they cash shop like mad and have non existant sparks

    (44+base crit rate)% of sin skills with COTD and wolf would do 260% more damage

    sins are made for spike and their damage will eventually increse to the point that they can hurt BM's and barbs the way wizzies hurt other casters

    example 3 spark 500% stacks with rift 400% add exe poison (20% amp) COTD 30% amp under most situations and your personal def debuff of choice

    on a crit thats (3x sparked base +900% weapon add +50%) x 2.6b:surrender

    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Me are agree with this. Me be exceedingly difficult to argue against as me cover everything. Teh best and most likely way to win is if me initial stand be incorrect (Which it rarely) *we be working on infusing teh natural empathy we has into our new system probably won't be available until years later.*
    mayhaps me should have a sign on me that says
    "Take Seriously at Your Own Risk."
    or something.

    Um... what? b:surrender


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