Qingzi failed b/c of me?



  • Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    OK Im not sure if this is a diff., but at 46 w/ a platinum charm I soloed Quingzi. So obviously there is a prob. w/ the barb. Of course, its not the equip. sometimes, its the stats that back the equip. If he was a squishy Barb, Duh there's ur prob. He might have to much Dex. as I found out later myself.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have been doin Qingzi with my cleric w/out having IH maxed out. . .but I had higher level tanks. Maybe the barbs build was too low or as previously mentioned his equipment sucked.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have been doin Qingzi for a long time now. . .at the time I didn't have IH maxed out and I did fine. The problem was probably in your tank. . .I was lucky enough to have high tanks. Either he had his build all wrong or, as previously mention, his gear sucked ****.
  • Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    There's a simple explanation for this occurrence. The barb was clearly a full magic build with no equipment wielding broken weapons.

    How can you prove this?
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    it's not your fault. i've been to an fb29 with only the following setup:

    47 barb
    29 wiz
    3x cleric (me)

    i dont remember what my lvl was, but i kept my IH maxed at that time. i was low 30s but the barb decided to grab me anyway and went ahead with the run. my IH spam was enough to keep his hp well above 50%.

    so i dont think it's you.

    and even if the wiz wasnt tanking, he could've easily healed the barb too.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Physical classes usually have **** magic defense. So with Qingzi dishing out magic attacks every now and then, the barb is going to suffer a lot. The damage dealt could be anywhere 500~800, depending on the barb's equipment and level of tiger form. If he didn't upgrade to proper wear and skills his level, then it is most likely his problem.

    What I suggest is maxing out your wellspring surge, because although IH stacks the effect takes a while and by then your barb might have gone off the far end. Wellspring on the other hand is an instant heal. If you see the barb's hp going into danger zone, you could spam wellspring until it's above the danger zone and then spam IH.

    Random squads mean very varied players and levels, which could mean you're the highest level in your squad, the BM/barb has low hp, or they have **** equipment etc. In situations like these you often need to adapt your healing skills to suit the needs of the circumstances.

    Before going into battles you could take a look at the appointed tanker's equipment to have a rough gauge of how much heals he or she would need. Essentially you need to know the nature of the bosses to decide who's tank so the cleric's life would be easier. In Qingzi's case wizards are the best tanks, since they have high magic defence and a skill called "stone barrier" which raises their earth resistance, which is Qingzi's element.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    it is the barb fault beside ih is a major healing skill in healing while fighting a boss u shud keep spaming ih the use wellspiringsurge or blessing of purehearted then continue spaming ih for a while that it.b:victoryb:victory
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The weap might have been the problem, but at that level I imagine the difference would be too minimal to matter. Btw, if you have a level 53 wizzie in squad, let him tank Qingzi. Guaranteed it'd be much faster and safer since wizzies have those nice shields that cut damage down.

    ...This is assuming they have it leveled. Sooooooooooo many newbie Wizzies level the Water Shield instead cause it restores MP. X_X;;;
  • Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Its much simpler to walk upto qingzi and pee all over him, he then runs around while you can beat him up, he is a very simple boss maybe the tank had removed his armor by mistake.
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    OK Im not sure if this is a diff., but at 46 w/ a platinum charm I soloed Quingzi. So obviously there is a prob. w/ the barb. Of course, its not the equip. sometimes, its the stats that back the equip. If he was a squishy Barb, Duh there's ur prob. He might have to much Dex. as I found out later myself.

    It's also fairly simple just using Multiflavor Jiaozi if you can get the timing needed to cancel him down. With decent/up-to-date gear (or wines), the only problem mobs in the rest of the instance should be Lanterns and Cairn's Guards (Which you should only have to kill 5 of combined if you're careful), and can be done with the pots that drop and maybe a bit of meditation/genie skills. Or Sutra... b:dirty
  • Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I would propose that the barb might have just sucked =\

    this. don't blame yourself every time a boss goes wrong. it might be your job to heal, but you can only do so much if it's a crappy tank.
    heaven's tear ~ 100 cleric / 97 veno / 91 barb ~ soy lider de la faccion venganza
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I solo healed qingzi for my fb at the start of the server and had no problems. I vote the barb had **** gear or wasn't built for tanking.
  • Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I just turned level 40, and the first thing i did was find a bh29 squad (which took less than a minute) aside from usual random squad problems everything went fine until Qingzi...
    As a pure mag cleric with ironheart maxed for my level (6 or 7), why can't i keep up w/ heals on Qingzi? I.e.- he damaged the barb (lvl 46 i think) too fast for me to keep the barb alive. (spamming ironheart as fast as i could)
    Do i need to level up my heal skills before trying this BH again? What gears/shards will increase my heals?
    thx in advance

    I vote in favour that the barb sucked. Bad barbs do exist, and I've run into some on random bhs. I was, in fact, in a similiar situation. At the time, I was wearing decent armour, wielding an pretty good weapon, had ironheart maxed and had a considerable amount of experience in this particular bh. It was bh51, barb was tanking wyvern. Bad idea. I had to spam heal ironheart CONSTANTLY Just to keep his hp stable, and after a while my mana couldn't handle it and I was forced to slow down. Barb died, and it all went downhill from there.

    As Favu said, you can only do so much with a bad tank. Even with good healing, barbs can fail miserably if they don't do their part properly. b:surrender
    Syredrae ~ lvl 100 Cleric (main character)

    Auryl ~ lvl 100 Venomancer

    Mainas ~ lvl 80 Barbarian

    Suirune ~ lvl 2X Psychic
  • Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    you know, Qingzi could have just gotten mad from everyone lvling quickly, so he decided to pwn for a change. I mean, it has to get lonely seeing everyone pass you by b:sad
  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I also think the barb was just fail.
    I healed at my FB29 (at lvl29) with just a lvl34 Barb and no Problems.
    I also helped at lvl29 with an FB39 of a friend with just a lvl40 barb, also worked like a charm.

    Maybee it was the famous Arcane Armor Barb?
    Or like that lvl60 veno on Harshlands who didnt knew how to get a pet....
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hmm you said you waited 5 seconds to re cast IH? It shouldn't take that long for the barb to get argo from quinzi...I say spam IH before he gets argo, as you've done AND just IH as soon as you see he has argo(don't wait lol). And spam it as much as you can :x If he still dies well you know it really isn't you.

    Some people feel that with a cleric in squad, they shouldn't use HP pots which is wrong in my opinion. We can only help as much as they can help themselves. Don't get me wrong, I spam my behind off in any runs I go on, but its just annoying to hear "Cleric I have no HP pots, heal me," when I'm in a friend's squad ~.~
    I also think the barb was just fail.
    I healed at my FB29 (at lvl29) with just a lvl34 Barb and no Problems.
    I also helped at lvl29 with an FB39 of a friend with just a lvl40 barb, also worked like a charm.
    mmm yeah I agree it works-clerics keeping tanks alive.
    Maybee it was the famous Arcane Armor Barb?

    mmm i think that in this case, it would of actually helped the barbs def lol cause I think that quinzi's attack is magic and not mellee o_o (I could be wrong =P)

    EDIT: mmm yeah thanx for the correction. Wasn't thinking about the up close and personal barb to quinzi ~.~ which would be melee. Meh he probably was failed.
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mmm i think that in this case, it would of actually helped the barbs def lol cause I think that quinzi's attack is magic and not mellee o_o (I could be wrong =P)

    Actually, he's a mix of both Physical and Magic. And has other tricks to boot at certain milestones in his HP.
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Actually, he's a mix of both Physical and Magic. And has other tricks to boot at certain milestones in his HP.

    yup, melee attacks if your in his face of him
    magic attacks if your at range
    sometimes he uses magic even if your in his face thou
    and he stuns you sometimes aswell


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