Lleela - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Your dead on right Sonnestark, The current version of Radiance is nothing more than a few old core players, a few late comers such as myself, and many other recent members. The current version of Radiance in no way resembles the Radiance that once dominated the TW map. Thing are however bright and we are happy to have TW…
  • Why do I always see you posting drivel?
  • The server scheduling of TW battles leaves much to be desired. I am disappointed in the way it schedules 3 fights in the same time slot one night, and leaves another day completely free. There is not one faction on this server which can field 240 members at the same time, those factions who feel their only opportunity to…
  • K sorry Kon ... Did not mean to high jack your thread. For the record I agree they should have tried for Arch, which would have made their previous weeks push up to that position make sense. Just feel Triad attack this past week shows they have no overall strategy other than pick off every scrap of map they can get before…
  • Me drama? Did you bother reading the previous pages, there is your drama. Regarding my comments about Triad, let me translate this for you so you will understand my critique of Triad TW strategies. Originally Posted by Detharos - Heavens Tear View Post Well, unfortunately we're a bit lacking on good catabarbs to make the…
  • Yeah good plan, while Ceaser, Tao, and Enrage square off for competitive TW, you guys can pick off the "easy" lands. Guess that will firmly pace Triad as #4 TW faction with the most easy lands for the taking, great spot to be in. Big factions mopping you up for some light snacking and every aspiring TW land wanting faction…
  • Certainly defending 3 lands in same time slot will put stress on any factions roster. During last week Rad v Evo battle, we waited for Evo to finish other 2 fights prior to engaging them, this ensured a good competitive TW for both sides. I don't anticipate anyone will be giving Radiance, nor Enrage that kind of…
  • OMG, I cant believe im saying this. I agree 100% with KillerByte...
  • The prospect of a Radiance Evolution merger seems unlikely IMO. Both factions have long history's on the server and faction identity is strong with those members who chose to stay with their respective teams. My opinion, the current version of Radiance is a faction which also participates in TW, rather than TW'ers who also…
  • Another option is view the quest items in your inventory. Each book has a description of who wants it. After doing WQ a couple times, it will become like being on autopilot for you. b:laugh
  • Very cool Hisui, I hope this thread continues. Apparently level 3 guilds can change their little icon as an option in guild management. Would be cool to see folks running around using these Chinese character representations.
  • Lick my Love Pump - Spinal Tap Really pumps my Bikini bottom nads
  • I suspect Rad will show up tonight and do our best... That Enrage vs Triad fight must have been a real charm ticker. Would have liked to had seats for the show. Edit*** To folks below who cant seem to stop living in the past... Lazyness, Thanks, we are most certainly NOT the Radiance of the past, if your looking for them…
  • The weekly predictions are a must read for me, thanks Hisui for the entertainment.
  • Misc, to think any guild is giving Radiance safe haven now is beyond ridiculous, i.e. the joke. Least now that most of the former Rad land is gone, there will be upcoming battles that are more evenly matched, and the current version of Radiance can get back to the business of building a new core of future TW'ers. I like…
  • OMG Thread derailment... Back on topic, I want to know what the new power couple names will be for the press, ala Bradgelina ClunkerBii, Rawfected, Dethorned???
  • As an in-law would I get a break on flames from Cat and Crystabella? Im starting to get used to them now.
  • Will you be wearing white defected?
  • Already have let it go, Lleela is my alt now... Sorta Gonna stick it out to bitter end to shut of the lights if needed. Meantime, leveling up new main character and will remember not to take the blue pill this time. I dont hate Lemmings, just feel sorry for them having set themselves up for another round of failure.
  • huh?? that made no sense at all. welcome back from your fake bid ban btw. Edit***theHate nope, my solution would have been to accept leadership and choose to work through conflict in an adult manner, not disband and take several people to a new faction to become undisputed Queen of the lemmings. Getting back to the so holy…
  • Your right we knew better with bookman and desi, many did not want to invite them due to their past history. A large group of their "friends" who now are their current guildmates put the pressure on to let them in. I hope they are all happy together until the guild bank goes missing. Cat, the triad spy happened about 2…
  • so happy Cat got the first flame in. Lets see if I can respond. recently we had fivealive, from triad show up to count numbers then drop in middle of TW and then flame forums next day how Rad sucks because he just left, bookman, mostly just a trouble maker for a week, forp, sad little kid this past week, the list goes on.…
  • Hmm, thought the current destroy Rad strategy was a map reset. Tactics have been quite brutal, send players to a guild recruiting, have them create mass amounts of drama and dissent till others get tired of it and leave too. Massive propaganda threads in PW Forums about how Rad sucks, from players who haven't been in…
  • NM forgot what I was going to say.... yawn
  • pulls defected's pictures from backup tapes...
  • SushiFishy makes awesome signature images.
  • How can they be the new Radiance? I thought they were the old Radiance. Well to get technical, they are 30% of Radiance after it was weakened by previous member exodus. So lets say 30/160 = 18% of the old Radiance. Tao the next HT powerhouse? Very unlikely, they will end up on the map perhaps but are no competition for the…