LingBanamu - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Aggro seems to be mostly restored to what it was before. I still don't know if mobs are still spawn aggroing though. I'll check later when I grind on my veno. -Ling
  • Your math is a bit off there; 100% exp is the normal rate. A rate of 1300% would be 13x normal exp and a rate of 2400% would be 24x. This being said, it would be 24*500 = 12k exp. -Ling Edit: dang I'm slow lol
  • The only way to check loot distribution is when you join the squad. The loot can only be set by the leader before the squad is started and cannot be changed once the squad is formed. You can watch drops as they go to people for an indicator of loot distribution. If you suspect that it is on free and didn't check before you…
  • Nowhere in the TOS does it say that a user cannot have more than one account. Information regarding accounts is located under section 5 here. Also, there is no cross account transferring of anniversary mounts and/or bound items in general. There never has been that option, and never will be. -Ling
  • I've had to tank Zimo on my lv. 68 veno before. She is a LA build with about 2.2k hp; I had robes on to squeeze a bit more Magic def in. I had a pair of mid 6x clerics spamming IH on me; I only had a few charm ticks, not an absurd amount. I have no where near 7k Metal resist, it's more like ~3.6k(maybe around 5.5k after…
  • This, is what I did. Life is so much better when you don't know when a 7x veno is going to sick her nix on you while you're questing. Really, it's been fun. My first goal was to reach 30. Since I reached 30, I've been competing with friends to level up. So yeah, if you're really that bored LC might be the place for you…
  • eeeeeh... I'll give you a 4/5. Overall you did a pretty good job, especially on her facial structure, but imo the lips and eyeshadow are a bit too dark and the hair a bit too washed out. The hair part is just me being picky though. b:chuckle I got bored after maintenance, so I made this preset. I like to call her "Weeping…
  • b:shocked What is this forum coming to???????b:shutup *hides* The thread should have ended here, but since it didn't: the bolded part sums up the rest of the thread after the third post. -Ling P.S. Is it bad that I lold irl? I almost fell out of my chair. I guess that's the sign that I need to go to bed. b:surrender
  • I agree with DrunkWizard, you seem like you would be a veno or cleric person. Venos are great for their soloability and debuffs; while clerics are great for their healing and buffs. Both are great on their own and are useful in squad situcations. That being said, either should work great for you. If you really don't like…
  • This. And this. If you don't want to read a guide when there are 3 venomancer build guides readily available, I'm going to tell you to go read them. They are located here, in case you didn't know where to find them. They all present more than enough information for you to decide on which armor to use and tons of other…
  • It swawns in the tideborn area, but I forget exactly where. In the southern part of Land of Whispers if I am remembering correctly. -Ling
  • GMs have already commented on this subject. A short search would tell you that. Here Here Here Somewhat here Probably somewhere in this thread Maybe in here You get the point. This subject has been beaten to death; search before you post. If you want a GM response send in a ticket. -Ling
  • This thread will be locked. original post And here not to mention here If you have a question that you want a GM to answer, submit a ticket or send them a pm via the forums. -Ling EDIT: as Airyll said search is your friend, this topic has been discussed more than a dozen times since this game launched. All of the…
  • It largely depends on the volume of ticket traffic at the time you submit yours. In my experience, it generally takes 5-7 business days; but as I said, it largely depends on the volume of tickets being submitted at the time. Also, any repeat tickets will bump your ticket to the bottom of the queue and will subsequently…
  • A level 68 cleric with a broken weapon and half of her gears missing, and the gear she had was either close to breaking or broken. Does this count as a mistake? Or was the mistake on my part to think that she could heal my barb in bh39? -Ling
  • I've had a cleric almost insist that I buff her with strength of the titans on my barb, because she though that it would increase her plume shot attack. Luckily I managed to spell it out and convince her otherwise. >_< -Ling
  • I prefer the old system for a simple reason; I spent about 7 hours running bhs on only my characters on Wednesday. That alone was enough for me to dislike the new BH system. In addition to that, 5/6 of the squads I was in were horrible. I had every type of horrible in one day. Barbs with huge egos, fail venos, incompetent…
  • I can only say that it will be fixed "soon". It is a known issue and has been reported to the GMs several times. I can only assume that they have passed the word on the the Devs. With any luck it will be fixed within the next 2 patches. AH issues are common when there is any changes made to the AH system, and in the past…
  • This. I was baffled when I saw it.
  • This is what I am mainly concerned about. If the exp from the BHs get nerfed to the point that it takes two or all three of the new BHs to equal what one of the old BHs gave exp/spirit wise I'll have to quit BHing completely and start grinding and paying for Crazy Stone again. I haven't had fun with grinding since my late…
  • It's going to be great until 80+. Unwined 69 here I come. T_T -Ling
  • The best that I came up with in a search was this thread. The most relevant information is on page 2-3. Hope this was what you were wanting. -Ling
  • I'm wear mask under a mask behind a mask shrouded by a hooded robe. That being said, I am confused about who I am sometimes. b:shocked This sums it up. Hiding behind an alt avatar is pathetic. If you're flaming and want to protect the "reputation" of your main, it's best to not flame. If you have information to offer,…
  • Ah, my bad, it's been a while since I have looked at or purchased skills for pets and got the two switched, thank you for clearing that up. Agreed, once you're 60+ it becomes a lot easier to steal aggro from your pet. That's the sign that your pet needs better skill levels. This is one of the main reasons behind why I said…
  • This little exchange you had with Lenn_? -Ling
  • Honestly, you just need to calm down for a bit and realize not everybody plays the same way, and not everybody levels at the same rate. Take me for example. I have been playing this game since the end of October 2008. My highest level toon is this 74 Cleric, but I also have a 68 Veno, a 57 barb, a 35 bm, a 30 psy, and…
  • OMG, the horror! b:shocked I don't see how that would even work out. But then again I've been able to solo heal in fb69 since my mid 60's using IH and purify. So maybe, somehow, an 8x cleric out-heals a 6x-7x cleric so much that purify isn't needed. >_< Also a lol out to the BBaholic clerics, they are "fun" to be with in…
  • I would say keep the ice attack and roar, remove tough, add bash and add either shriek(decrease opponent's Mdef) or pierce(decrease opponent's Pdef). You can buy most pet skills from Mrs. Zoologist in the southeast corner of Archosaur. -Ling
  • Assuming that I understand your question correctly, There is only 1 legendary weapon in the Sword/Blade category near that level range. This one. The other types of weapons you could consider are weapons make from materials in the Twilight Temple. You can look at the stats on the weapons and the materials needed to create…
  • Bad DDs give everybody in the squad doing their job right a bad name, especially the barb and cleric I've had people try to tell me how to play my cleric before. The best time I remember was on Wurlord. I don't remember if it was 2-2 or 2-3, but I am feeling pretty sure that it was 2-2. The other cleric is the squad was…