Kuniam - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Theirs lots of different ways you can place your stats. All depends weather or not you want to be tank or a damage dealing barb.
  • I gotta say all of the above for 1 reason. Dexterity will be their main point. So plenty of crits + Evasion. I'm sure it will add up to just about anything. I'm not saying Assassians are over powered. Its just my personal opinion that Sins can put up a half decent fight with all.
  • When you do your FB 19 you will get a Call to duty tab which you use at a pillar for the boss to give exp and spirit when its dead. As for doign fb19 at level 19 yes you do it then. When I mentioned level 34 I was referring to the thread makers post of "Because its almost impossible to evolve 1 skill at lvl 34 archer"
  • Can a barb vote on this too? I mean cmon, we rarely get crits and when we get a nice one its like "OHHHH YEAH TAKE THAT!"( Note I only have 4% crit)
  • Well, I decided to read this thread and I noticed it said Archers suck at pvp. At the only time an archer may suck at PVP against a melee class is if the archer doesn't kite therefor having damage reduced to half, Archers are a really useful class, and not to mention a difficult one at the same time. I mean... Yes I've…
  • I understand what you mean, I too would like to see it go by turn to make sure everything is split evenly. But if all else fails, you can always just see the drops at the end and split 50/50. It can be a little annoying when your in a party helping kill and stuff drops and the other person gets every one of the drops
  • As a warrior class, yeah I would say BMs do the nicest damage, also they have a nice variety of AoE attacks which makes it even nicer
  • I see your point as to having a hard time choosing the right Class. But at the same time, the forums are here to help people choose just the right class, and not to mention if they wanted some insight to see skills and what not of each class and the game play of each, their are many videos on youtube
  • Would love to see some more barbs come in. Feel welcome to introduce your self, Talk amongst all the other barbarians and just have fun =) Look forward to seeing more and more people come into the thread b:pleased
  • Hello. First off I would like to say I have never done Territory war so I do not know much of the information but I will try to help as much as possible. 1.A faction can succesfully win a territory by destroying the defending teams Tower( I think someone with TW experience please confirm or give right answer ) 2. From what…
  • Hello, Doing Tabbed FB runs (that you can do as level 34 can only do fb 19,29 and get exp and spirit) And also Crazy stone will earn you some spirit. Their may be some other ways, but for your level those are the only 2 ways I can think of
  • Hello, and welcome to Perfect World. For a list of abbreviations I would like to suggest this thread http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=941 As for Perfect world international. You can connect from anywhere but the following places: These countries CAN NOT play Perfect World International. China Hong Kong…
  • Eh, I suppose I'll join in on the counting 327
  • Congrats Sticky, be sure to let all us other barbs know how it is. I am personally thinking of going heaven myself, still got quite a ways to go till then
  • Meh our damage is low, but it makes up for it in defense
  • Tank build barbs attack is rather low, but in my opinion I did not find it hard to level, as you get higher your attacks hit more, Especially when you get true form leveled up more. But to answer your question, personaly opinion I dont find it harder yes it will go slower because of the decreased attack in tiger form, but…
  • Yeah I was going to, but then read that it says: "Looking for more information on your class? Trying to decide how to build your character? Hit up the Class Discussion forums. " So just thought since it wasn't like trying to get information about barbs or what not, or how to build a barb or something that it would be a…
  • Anyone else hoping for duke rose set to be put in again any time soon? b:pleased
  • I dont know exactly what "FB" Means but its just a dungeon you have to go to in order to progress through the game, you get the FBs at levels 19,29,39,51,59, etc hope this helps at all
  • Hi, The barb class is known for being a tank, which means high hp, high physical defense, but the damage is not so great at times especially if your a true tank in tiger form.I'm not a PvP type person so I dont know weather or not a barb would be good, but I would say because of the high hp and physical defense, they would…
  • 1. As a Veno. You should have a skill to learn from the pet skill trainer ( look in you r inventory for a Pet revive skill book ) If you have that book go to the Pet skill trainer in lost city, and click tame pet I believe the correct button is. 2. To decompose weapons, your mastery levels need to be leveled, I think with…
  • And whats yours dark x_x! Lol I think we've passed the 10k mark xD But yeah 10,000 deffinatly sounds good
  • Haha okay thank you for the response =)
  • The first True form should be one of the early levels, I cant remember exact level 9 I believe. If you dont have the first true form, Make sure you do your spiritual cult ( Dont flame me if I'm wrong I dont know the beginning spirit cult req anymore ) But from there your next True forms are at level 39 and 59
  • Well I'm level.. Well I forget now, 47 I think, and I have 4300 in tiger form ( no hp shards...yet) When i'm able to get to those bosses even though i go there with faction mates every once in a while, I will probably have close to 6000 if not more.. But hey. As long as you have a good cleric! Thats all that counts =)