Khadja - Lost City Arc User


  • Well If I could rez my self when im dead... Wow Awesome lol ! I hate dying during Fb, Bh TT or whatever cuz I normally can't get a rez. Same when im grinding, I dont think about getting a rez lol It's an habit lol This kinda suck cuz cleric are good in grinding alone but Hell, they are so slow ! Losing 4% or 6 % exp is…
  • I think i'ts a good idea, it could be more interesting and surprising to see that ur hitting a lvl 90+ XD when you think he or she is lvl 60 XD Well for pk this migth make some trouble, but I like the idea ^^
  • yeah gold are the best way to gain a lot of money fast, so... im not sure peoples will agree ^^ but I know what you mean lol sometimes, gold are way too expensive :P
  • Im sorry man, Im canadian, normaly I speak french ^^ So im sorry for the mistakes :S
  • Look at this in another way... U want to explore the map and u fly so slow or u are affraid of flying monster... So u use water... with a water mount it could be great... and If u don't want a water mount...don't buy one lol...
  • Sending more than one item would be my Christmas gift !!! Oo Im so sick of paying 10k to mail my things !!! b:angry I approve ! Adn yes they could take out the timing transfer. or just make sending fee cheaper... And Another thing, expend the characters limits -_-... 200 characters is not enough... Why do they open a big…
  • Oo lol KING KONG ! could be great yeah ^^
  • Lol so much ppl will lose rep by killing lower lvl. So much red dame are random pk on lower lvl. Like a lvl 80 kill every lvl 40 he see... Or maybe it will stop the random pk on lower lvl !Oo That would be nice... Ho and btw, If u stay in defense mode (shield) u'll not kill lower lvl by using aoe... ^^
  • We (cleric), most of the time, want to help. so we do revive people without even think of our rez lvl. We I see a death, I revive him or her. what they could do is a little revive sytem. When someone die, in the window that remember you that u're dead (lol) its can have an revive option. He or she can choose wich rez can…