Kendaichi - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • No there isn't, sometimes it gets pushed back a day, sometimes we don't have it for a week, but usually there is an post giving us said update so we aren't caught off guard about it/continue doing what we normally do during these times. -- We even use to have warnings in game about maint. (red messages warning us about…
  • As others said thanks for the L A T E warning, I am sure you had your reasons, you are human after all, they are probably very good/valid reasons none of which you have any obligation to share with us all.
  • Nothing :$ i'm just rambling, i'll kindly refrain from replying again... entirely too easy for topics to go slightly astray. -- Back to topic: Its all just speculation, but if my fears aren't dumbfounded... rip even more melee classes. (They're far too scarce as is.)
  • My experiences leads me to believe differently. :$ Aye it is very true that my experience may be wrong, but I do know what I saw while in the same gear... the barb to me has more survivability especially thanks to the invoke/other shields. It is also true it very much so depends on who is behind the barb, if they…
  • You are indeed correct about the barb being in the same boat more or less as a bm, albeit a barb does have cornered beast, etc, and are still pretty difficult to take down in human form. -- As for the last bit. Same gear? Yup. Same stats? Nope, my bm had more vit than the barb, the barb is indeed far more tankier, and the…
  • *face palm at the bit about bm* People still don't get it that bms use an insane amount of chi, all of their gap closers cost chi, furthermore, they can't tank damage like barbs can, ergo it is way too easy for a bm to die especially when there is a gear gap. Whats more is that pesky *** purify proc is still running amok,…
  • While that is possible, via a seeker/archer, you do also realize... that it is also possible for a bm to get one shot by an magic attack with magic marrow up... right? Yes it has to do with their gear, but it is still more than possible, hell a little too easy even. Obviously they shouldn't be invincible, and the issue is…
  • The anti cc and CC skills do not do enough to compensate bms while undergeared they get smoked way too fast and way too easily. Range is superior to having to get up close take hits from every which direction, and in most cases having to expend chi just to get close, (which bms do have to do, which makes it hard for them…
  • I feel the exact opposite. I think people really underestimate just how useful it is attacking at a distance. Sure bms have their plethora of stuns, and a few other things that are a bit notable, but with the amount of chi those skills to take, and how difficult it is to close the distances especially while…
  • Works both ways. (If they can 'have' help so can you.) This skill put quite the hindrance back on people soloing 20 people with a stupid ridiculous amount of ease thanks to a broken purify proc. (though sadly without someone there to put a stop to it,... both with the paralyze skill, and someone, or even multiple people…
  • First off the skill is ridicolous, however, so was, and (arguably still is) the purify proc. HOWEVER. While being unable to break out of it at all, is just plain stupid/ridiculous, so is.. err was... what happened with the purify proc. If you are focused fired, you SHOULDN'T be escaping a insanely idiotic amount of times,…
  • Most Balanced : Hard to say with how much gear imbalances things, not to mention how much ranged attacks seem to rule the game/how much this game is in the direction of mass pvp. It's extremely difficult to get into a consistent 1 on 1 fight with EVERY class to see which one might be the most 'balanced.' Most Powerful :…
  • The ramifications this would have in a pvp setting.... is truly astronomical. It's hard to say exactly how much this would effect pvp play, such as nw/tw. Also seriously... about the phys class comment? Sad that people say something like that regardless if it comes from a phys class saying 'no magic class' reply, or…
  • Yea your probably right. :P b:avoid
  • While they're at it, make fists/claws for blademasters only, axes for bms/barbs only, swords to bms/seekers, and Heavy armor to Seekers, Barbarians, and Blademasters. Light armor for assassians/archers. Arcane Armor for Veno's, Cleric, Mystic, Wizards, Psychics. EDIT: Yes make the magic based weapons for caster class…
  • I do believe (undergeared) bms do struggle the most to do anything. (I have experienced mass pvp on multiple characters, in the exact same gear in some cases even, bms have the most to overcome.) Yes that is an opinion, and obviously others disagree yourself included, but meh that is my opinion/belief, and it will likely…
  • ASININE insults aside. Its so getting old hearing/reading about people making stuns out to be far more useful than they actually are... yes in 1 on 1 they are useful, hell they are even quite useful for sins and their ability to stealth/force stealth. The simple matter of fact is that... not everyone is in epic gear and…
  • ^ This, though I wouldn't call it spam, tbh I rarely seen the message am guessing it was like on an 4 hour interval or something.
  • hmm isn't the question just asking us to name competitors games? o-o Ps3... Devil may cry game series ftw!
  • I thought of that myself... making another thread like that, but tbh I wanted to give this time so sink in. You are more than welcome to start your own, but if you don't I likely will eventually. (like by end of weekish) I do have other ideas about other threads similar to this/that, but I don't want to go on a thread…
  • Its definitely Barb's and bm's that scare me least as far as damage against me goes... but as far as being hard to kill its undoubtedly barbs that are far harder to kill... their defense is far better than bms even if both are in full end game gear. I even find more sins that tend to hurt more as far as damage goes and…
  • it is very possible to get interrupted while setting up vortex. (Even with blade affinity up if the skill isn't leveled up, it can so still very much get interrupted easily.) Though the more defense you have/hp, the easier it is to 'recover' from a potential interruption of setting up vortex. NOTICE I said DEFENSE... hp…