JoHnNyPh - Sanctuary Arc User


  • im not giving em out that easy, could have at least tried to throw a bribe out there, no pics for you!!!
  • if your giving lloyd, ill take em, while i browse thru the many many hawt females on enel's picture forum b:victory
  • thx for the fun nef, 42 mins of fighting was well worth only 100k of charm :), and thx to tmmhmm or rainyrice (forgot which) for letting me solo kill them inside 5 secs one time in there. pew pew, cya next time, and grats lg on your land.
  • since nef no longer appear to think they can defend regi, i congratulate regi early on winning archosaur this weekend, and i await nef's top guns again, same as last week
  • ayano, if you came on sanc to see nef take the last land, come on next weekend, watch them lose or forfiet arch, since they never defend regi anymore, even in thier best timeslots
  • Territory Wars Friday May 21st - Sunday May 23rd Friday May 21st 20:00 Enelysion attacking The Deserted Sea COLOR="red"]Nefarious[/COLOR 20:03 Legendary attacking Sanctuary COLOR="red"]Nefarious[/COLOR 20:06 Regicide attacking Hidden Orchard COLOR="red"]Nefarious[/COLOR [/QUOTE] ummm, wrong way wrong, regi is 20.00, lg…
  • Why does this matter, we all have diff opinions, we will never agree. Some members stuck up for themselves, discussed getting milyen and other officers removed, milyen found out, rage quitted factiona nd lead, big deal, next leader pls. Rules were not followed again and he got re-invited 2 hrs later, so rules for some, not…
  • they never said they were a nef alt, one of the names of who repsonded was the person who leaked it in the first place, prob a discontented nef, simple looking would determine who is leaking, but yes, had this person not leaked it, many others could have got the info easily. Im just waiting to see if nef really believes…
  • you mean exsert? Also this is old news, a nef member posted in on several forums, just changed name from thread to me, so any member can look and see who first leaked it, nef can say they will give lands, but atm they cant seem to stop anyone anyway, regi beat them 1 v 1 twice yesterday, and lg won aswell.
  • ermmm, thier own side? they never help any other factions, so must be on thier own
  • and regi held nef is prob the longest fight ever that didnt last the full 3 hrs, 5 secs left im told, sounds like fun, wish i could have been there.
  • Nef will prob go for regi, purely because they lost sutra's to regi, and wont want regi flooding the market with them, and nef loses there apoth advantage.
  • oh i remember, using a bow and you had around, 5k hp WITH barb buff, using lvl 70 gear at 90 unrefined, unsharded. Was when regi won ether the first time, cause the members wouldnt be smart and give up to RR and hold regi, so they lost to both regi and RR, sounds like last week actually. Anyway, for those who wanted the…
  • hehe, well, speaking of nef's forums, should i reveal that sinangel is quitting the game? I could post his leaving msg, but no point, ill miss his moronic posts on here, was fun to watch his mind try compete in a battle of wits, and fail miserably. Also GOW, i didnt reveal who wrote it, cause i had nothing against you…
  • ooo, lemonade yummy, oh, and by, just for the hell, here's a bit of WHY nef is hated by ppl, cause of there attitude This is a post by a nef bm on thier forum A major part of the problem was the Monday morning timing of this triple defense for many of our members, depleting our numbers for 3 wars. The other factions could…
  • err by, i said some of our players couldnt make it, when we actually had our highest sign ups since facing outlaw, i see that as fun for all, plus, correct me if im wrong, but since when did I plan this slot? i thought leaders did the bidding not exec's.....just because nef throws leadership around for bids, doesnt mean we…
  • lol, maybe the girls do love my accent viv, but i must be one of the most hated in nef now, and i relish it, glad the backstabbers hate me, cause i hate em aswell, more reason to kill them.
  • Arrogance, nah, its a joke, maybe you should learn them, we know we will lose when you come for the land this coming week, so dont worry your little head about me. About the fake bidding, yea it comes from everywhere, i just somehow doubt nef will ticket about there own fake bids like you guys keep posting about on your…
  • Well enel are recruiting ppl to take nef out, we did it in 10 last night, we go for 9 next week lol, apply at to apply, come join the faction with the most awesome picture thread out there!!! Also nef, whats with 46 ppl to defend RR and enel? saw your squad list for us, what a waste, poorly set up…
  • we are sry, we didnt want green either, personsally a dark blue be much nicer, but thank you nef for letting you ego's try to defend 3 instead of 2 lands b:victory. Even the mighty ironfist leader told you give up to enel, with a snippit from your guys forum that milyen said i quote, I had told the TW officers /…
  • nothing wrong with my math, i never mentioned shards, i mentioned refine only, and if yours was +6, then the +5 should be less hp, so youll gain not a lot from the upgrade of shards, maybe 500 hp at most, thats maybe 1/4 of an attack from our wiz's lol Oh and as for nef's forum saying submit 50 tickets per fake bid, pls…
  • Feeling hurt? nah, not a chance, its a game, so feelings aren't gonna get hurt over it, just like to set straight some ppl that are short on brains. And +5 TT99 plate tmhmm, not gonna change a damn thing lol. Since its what,, 30-40 more hp than +5 tt90, and losing some decent stats.
  • What doesnt help is when the factions try to work together, your leader goes against them all the time. Ive seen 3 different occasions where skuttle has flaunted the attempts to beat nef by selfishly going for his own glory. Also add to the fact the slotting this week was good, until nef's fake bid was thrown in late on.…
  • wow, i missed a bit by not reading forums, lets see, vahn, you were always an idiot, RR's 3rd biggest, get real, ask your leader who the 3rd biggest faction is, and it wont be rr, or lg, or r3n3,(sry, know i have to narrow it down for you). We all know nef buys loyalty from members, but every other faction that has…
  • tbh, i only died once and it was my own fault and showed nothing of the tw, thats why it wasnt in. you have to remember that we had 60-70 ppl, with a lot around lvl 90-95, while we faced 80 lvl 100+'s, so i feel we did a good job, also the software i used isnt the greatest, getting some better stuff for next time.
  • first ever tw vid made by me, quality is kinda poor, and had no time add flashy bits or sound, but it shows enough.
  • lol, who's bringing my videos in other threads. Yes that one nef barb used an exploit, and he needed use against maybe 60 ppl? how nice, but really, he was the only one i saw exploiting, though who's to say more of them weren't. I can guarantee templar didnt since he got banned in the past for it.
  • yes witch, yes you will, $2,000 pls b:cute
  • lol witch, thats only a 40 sec clip i pulled out, ill post the whole 17min tw or however much it was, cut up a little without the boring entrance and spawning.
  • well here is the link if any gm's (or anyone lese) wanna take a look, after work ill upload it on youtube for better visual's and access for everyone. Seems templar has been banned for this in the past, according to a friend sigh, need a better program for posting vids, anyway, here is the youtube clip that is sent in lol…