hamsta b:cry wish u luck now its my turn ^_^
Hamsta, Konari and Reds for mods *hides behind the bank in west archo* (no1 can find me there >:D) b:avoid
SS or didnt happen
you think game is not dead? o.o
+1 b:victory
*roll eyes* ...he can bann me 100x times but i can make 100x acc for forums =]
youre not helping them when u bann them =]
WC=70+ xD
stop with that mad face xD its rly funny
he play only from 7 he dont know anything about the game problems..he cant just bann ever1 bc they said the truth... this is just .. :X...
ok ok... b:shocked
66 lvl mod ...7 months?...this is.. lol...
no ary! u cant leave us... are the best forum protector ever! the forum will die b:cry we will miss you so much b:cry
how did u know that is BearClaw not Bearclaw like its on the image?
this is my mains thread :O aww im so happy that ppl are necroing? my threads ^_^ QQ Koteto - Harshlands Banned
u got dw, isnt that a lvl1 terr? Go Go Zulu! Go Go Zulu! b:victory
name of the game! in pm! NOW! b:cute
cant turn it off? or atlease we could change it only friends to see it? b:cry i dun like it >.< half of the achievements r for CSs...
i wanna make fisted LA Bm >.> idk what will happend , but ill get alot of -interval
aww they didnt nerf anything with this patch =/
now i remember why i made it! i wanned to submit a ticket abt these mobs :D
nuu u cant kill me!
2 PVP charecters spent $30k for PVP weps in PVE server >.> dont do this! clerics arent the best pvp class but if u gonna pk and wanna get a warsoul switch to pvp server
i love that idea! once i got 1 token of best luck few sockets,teles, ponytail and normal tokens but the guy did it bc he was borred not bc he wanna quit
make fun o.o?x6 HP O.O? x_x
The big thing in this meintenance: b:cry
Perfect international" part of the server data exchange announcement - "Perfect International - Fairy Magic unbounded" official website In order to optimize server configurations to further enhance the "international version of Perfect World," the quality of service, but also give players the opportunity for mutual…
zulu,kl...they paid alot of money for the lands in HL. Im sure that Nurfed gonna kill every person on hes way. He gonna be really mad. I dont care abt KL becouse they would end like KD.
Whatever it is, im 100% sure that most ppl wont like it! And if Fliiick is right many ppl gonna quit.
maybe if the guilds lost a territorie they gonna get a %/coins from the week reward that the new holder of that terr will get?