Dreamscape_ - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Grats dude at least you tried....and no it's not failing ...failing is finally getting your vana daggers getting 5.0 then losing your place to live, selling laptop, selling everything but phone and iPod lmao..and thinking back to the fact that you just bought vana daggers like 2 days prior xD...coulda saved that $200 lol
  • Is it just me or is mostly everyone complaining that pwe staff are stupid? And that the dont understand certain well said perfectly clear statements... While not reading a dam thing in this whole thread..... If you're going to complain about a rule pay attention...if your going to complain about a gm being stupid then know…
  • Lmfao yeah im a casual player now (well not atm lol) i used to be on when i woke up till when i went to sleep....but i had to stop that lol....ive been playing since it came out lol i tend to take 2-5 month breaks here and there
  • I actually did have an issue with this the other day... I had a bunch of tokens i was liquidating to pay for the last raptures i needed for my daggers and when ilooked in invent i only had 4mil instead of 15 mil...i relogged and everything. But i also had a 10 mil note in my bank that i sold off after i wrote a ticket and…
  • Ima highly known person where i live, i dj parties and have a pretty decent social life. Though i still like to maintain friendships in the game. Just because i dont know them doesnt mean there not my friends lol and in refrence to your game...ill try it out when i have a laptop again and not my stupid phone lol
  • If your not going to answer the question why post and try to flame? Though i truly dont care why and will not be checking your reply since i already answered the best i could. Enjoy your post count.p
  • Lol ikr unfortunately i am stuck on it...mostly for friends than anything anymore though
  • QFT umm i do not believe it is out yet though, i could be wrong though if its in the newest event. I havent been able to play for the past week :)
  • Im just wondering what the long term issues are going to be for pwe if this server issue doesnt get fixed soon... It could take away a lot of money from them....i also have to ask if the got the cheapest **** they could get to pocket more or did they logically think and get a reliable server/isp that was a little more per…
  • You in pk....my life would be complete...
  • Spankwire......my phones swype knew that lol..thats sad.....or rl women ftw
  • So you assume its him and that he is from out of country..couldn't possibly be pwi...that just went down the other day due to isp problems and multiple people have been complaining about slowness and connection issues lately...lol Sent from samsung vibrant And oh god does my phone hate this forum lol Though he does have…