Drakva - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I had the same issue when I reinstalled XP on this computer. Are you updated to the latest version of the OS? Do you have all your drivers up to date? Do you have the correct version of the Microsoft .NET Framework installed?
  • Everything I know is wrong! b:shocked Edit: Alright, misunderstood the post. I suppose that would work, but wouldn't that be killing your ability to heal when you want to be serious? You might be able to get away with "the damage must have kicked in before the healing ticked" btw. b:laugh
  • I suppose the skill was meant to make them good water tanks, however the fact that you can't use any skills while in tide form pretty much quashes any benefits you get out of it. Good for running away in the dragon temple, though.
  • Yes. Each of those crystal-like icons represents 100 chi (commonly referred to as a spark). Lending hand is a venomancer skill that transfers one spark from the caster to the target.
  • Great because they're cheap and their stats are decent for the price. Have to remember the OP doesn't have much cash to get some of the better stuff (which you don't have to nit-pick over so much since it's just PVE). And to the OP: you might find better random drop gear being sold for a cheap price if you're lucky. If so,…
  • Can't say I quite agree with this statement, however they're very useful in those situations. Their main purpose, as has been stated, is to keep you alive longer. One of the main reasons a cleric is invited to parties is to try and prevent death, and occasionally this is hard to do which is where charms come in. As for the…
  • Wouldn't you have to target yourself or a mob to cast spirit's gift on yourself anyway?
  • I used my TT70 weapon until I was 89 when I could use a requiem blade and it served my PVE purposes just fine. Most of the leveling was in BH, RB, or FC though, so I never actually did any soloing, and I used an Ashura's sign with a few refines, which may explain why it was adequate for so long. Definitely upgrade your…
  • Love to see the support for the healing class~ I've had it happen a couple times where I had to leave for a restroom break or something else, and one person complains that they have to wait. It's as if clerics aren't allowed to have biological functions like DD classes... b:sad
  • As far as your stats go, you're in pretty good shape. Definitely check out the stickied guide and sell all your DQ items. Once you reach level 40, you'll have bounty hunters available, which nets you a good chunk of exp and some chances at decent gear and molds, which generally sell for fair amounts at the higher levels.
  • If you're going without a significantly higher-leveled person, the squad just has to know what to do and things are simple. Solo healed a level 70 BM for his fb69 and we didn't have any deaths; people just need to know how to play their toons. And nice to the above post! Was fox form used on Guarnob or was he not even done?
  • If there's just one cleric, simply IHing would be safer than using a BB (as well as less painful on your charm) provided there's only one person getting hit. 5 IH stacks will heal a lot more than a BB would. The only thing to be careful of is those magic attacks that can deal some high spike damage, most of which you…
  • Yep. I'd definitely recommend against doing an 89 unwined (ESPECIALLY brimstone) unless you've got a rolling zhen squad going.
  • It may not be as efficient on mana when healing someone else, but when soloing it's great. 100 net mana per cast for 1200 hp + 35% of your magic attack vs. 229.5 mana for 714 hp +30% of magic.
  • Just fight it in the water. With level 50/60 gear, you'll only take about 150 damage from his attacks. You'll likely kill him long before you'll need to heal. As for wines, unless you get a squad who knows what they're doing (I'd only recommend doing this with high-level squad of friends) you'll need 2 afterglow wines.…
  • Or crazy. b:laugh
  • Macros? What macros? b:avoid But seriously, when I'm healing a tank, it's heavily dependent on the situation. If it's a simple tank 'n' spank, I'll just pop a focus powder (concentrate orb works, too, but focus is cheaper) and throw on my IH/wellspring combo and kick back, or afk for a short while after notifying the…
  • The site in the above post is the same I used to check on the skills. You don't have too worry too much about choosing right now though; I didn't finalize my decision until level 88 at 90% b:laugh You've got plenty of time, so just look at your playing style and see what versions of skills you think are the most useful.
  • Don't forget the cleric-hunting assassins and those evil stunlocking BMs! b:angry
  • I don't know about the magic attack boost, but the -chan seems to help the wizard heal more because of the long channel time. IH only has a 1.0s channel, so -10% isn't very noticeable. I really should roll a wizard one of these days...b:surrender
  • I was asked to transfer chi to a barb in a BH69. He was level 84...b:surrender
  • I neglected to mention earlier that I haven't made my 90 armor yet (I've been holding off until I decided whether or not to go with LA) and that I went with demon. I appreciate the input guys. I think I'll stick with my vit build for now and shard for pdef while refining physical ornaments as I can--seems the most…