2,5 questions from a healer

Aya__ - Heavens Tear
Posts: 336 Arc User
yesterday i had pretty unlucky run in 2-3 and decided id try asking if what happened is a norm or was it unusual...
1) do you often tank on macros, and without really paying attention? i know tt bossess have sick hp and spammimg like 3 skills over and over again can be boring... but
1a) if yes: do you do it also on hard bossess, like wurlord or ape?
2) do you expect cleric to keep you alive regardless of what happens?
i ask this because when tank dies on me i take it quite personally, i understand barb - cleric relation as: you shield me and i keep you alive... besides im usually next one to go down unles someone else sacrifices to buy me time to res and rebuff tank
And ofc i try to keep everyone in squad healed, buffed, purified and so on, with tank being first priority, but when im only cleric sometimes i need tank to pot or turtle... to give me time to spark or something, to have better safety margin for when boss crits... and afk and on macro barb cant see his health is only 25% and doesnt do any of that and if ape picks exactly that time to 'spark' himself and land a nice top of his range hit... b:cry
so.. afking on macro and expecting cleric to do whatever it takes to keep you alive is a norm now? should i expect this in the future and come prepared and/or demand second cleric for a run? or it was something most barbs dont do and wont do and i can go to tt trusting barb will help me out from time to time when it gets rough?
i really need answer to that pls...
1) do you often tank on macros, and without really paying attention? i know tt bossess have sick hp and spammimg like 3 skills over and over again can be boring... but
1a) if yes: do you do it also on hard bossess, like wurlord or ape?
2) do you expect cleric to keep you alive regardless of what happens?
i ask this because when tank dies on me i take it quite personally, i understand barb - cleric relation as: you shield me and i keep you alive... besides im usually next one to go down unles someone else sacrifices to buy me time to res and rebuff tank
And ofc i try to keep everyone in squad healed, buffed, purified and so on, with tank being first priority, but when im only cleric sometimes i need tank to pot or turtle... to give me time to spark or something, to have better safety margin for when boss crits... and afk and on macro barb cant see his health is only 25% and doesnt do any of that and if ape picks exactly that time to 'spark' himself and land a nice top of his range hit... b:cry
so.. afking on macro and expecting cleric to do whatever it takes to keep you alive is a norm now? should i expect this in the future and come prepared and/or demand second cleric for a run? or it was something most barbs dont do and wont do and i can go to tt trusting barb will help me out from time to time when it gets rough?
i really need answer to that pls...
Post edited by Aya__ - Heavens Tear on
Most barbs that I know do not AFK while tanking. I'm sure there are a few that do, but most don't.
Sorry this happened to you.
As far as expecting cleric to keep me alive, it is always helpful. b:chuckle But I am ready to pot, turtle, solid shield, ToP, 3spark, or whatever it takes to keep me alive.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
lvl10XAssassin0 -
I think it's clerics that macro the most (wellspring, ironheart, wellspring, ironheart... =P) I certainly marco on mine!
I also macro on my barb occasionally, but I'm normally watching the screen and only macroing to save my mouse.
Tabbing out while tanking is pretty lame, in my experience most barbs don't do it. Of all the bosses to tab out on, I would go for ape though, it's stupidly easy for the barb. Wulord is another story for lower level barbs, they pretty much have to cancel or pot, I've never had much luck making a cancel macro that stays in sync with a boss... they work for a minute or two but slowly the cancels will get slightly too early or late.
You'll probably find that your barb lied and said he was tabbed out to save face.0 -
TYSM for your repliesGimlett - Lost City wrote: »I think it's clerics that macro the most (wellspring, ironheart, wellspring, ironheart... =P) I certainly marco on mine!
I also macro on my barb occasionally, but I'm normally watching the screen and only macroing to save my mouse.
You'll probably find that your barb lied and said he was tabbed out to save face.
that barb never admitted to being afk... its my guess that he did, because when he died i used domain, ressed him (planned to quick heal, buff and res wizzy who took aggro) and he didnt accept that res. or next one. and didnt respond to squad chat either. so all still alive ran to teleport, and i came back for ressess when ape reset.
i never made heal macro... so its 11111111 or 113211411... that forces me to pay attention, and if boss lands two crits in a row or debuffs in different pattern than usual i see it at once and can react... i do have macros for buffs and attacks tho, even for normal grind because i AM lazy ^.^
and when i go afk in bb / rb / attack macro i always tell the squad... safer that way and common courtesy[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Never used macros here.
And never been afk while tanking.
I know that tank can be boring sometimes cause lot of bosses are not a real challenge but only a 20-30 mins of FLESH REAM - ALACRITY - HIT - HIT - FLESH REAM ..........
But if a barb is pro and want to keep squad alive he can't go away from pc.
And same thing is for cleric. I hate when i have to turtle - ToP and spam pots cause the cleric stopped to heal.
We play in the same server Aya, if u want add me to f list and tell me something when u need an old style barb that play without macros b:laugh
b:bye0 -
will do.
btw - i dont think im a real pro, but i believe im quite good, and what happened really upset me...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I don't macro... I did for a little while 'till my macro effed up when that patch came out a while back. I would watch the screen, only macro'ed as one of the above poster's stated - to save my house/keyboard lol.0
the key thing here is knowing your tank and knowing what you can do as a cleric.
i never went afk on anything (even gv) and still rarely do unless for a drink of water or something. too risky.
however, i do solo macro heal on all bosses in 3-3 and other instances and have tabbed out for moments. however, i know those that i am running with and know how to heal the tanks (this includes archers, wizards, etc). heck, all my 3-3 tanks run without a charm b:cute
the point is there are though that start a boss, hit the macro key and leave.we have all been in those fail squads. b:surrender
if you have a good squad overall, there should be no issue and many of the issues happen because of aggro"issues" anyways.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
afk tank?? wtf?
Ive tried experimenting with a looping cancel/fr macro by testing it solo on Krixx. It canceled him two or three times quite nicely but beyond that it would get out of sync or else i'd be interrupted and my macro would quit. Hence id never go afk tanking on anything and trust my squads life to a macro that is susceptible to being stopped.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Retired..0 -
That to me just sounds like a bad idea....another game I used to play game you 12 hours to beat a boss. 12 hours of no afking, battle to the death :P
It would never even occur to me to go afk/macro while tanking, like I said that just sounds like bad news.0 -
I often macro tank in TT but only on certain bosses or certain modes where i can afford it (like 3-1).
With that being said, I never go afk during that time unless I absolutely have to. Most of the time I just sit back and watch the screen, while saving my hand the uncomfortablness of spamming FR over and over for 20 minutes. So, if something does go wrong I can still react immediately.
On bosses like Wurlord, I always manually tank him. Regardless. Usually because I'm tanking him with a single cleric so I have to pot and turtle a lot to keep my **** alive, but also because out of all the TT bosses, he and Drum in 1-3 are the only two that often crit, and wreck havoc when they do.Some people risk to employ me
Some people live to destroy me
Either way they die0 -
ty all
thats very useful info
and pretty reassuring too
So macroing - yes on easy bossess, afking - no, afking withiut telling anyone - very big NO.
still dont think ill make healing macro, even to save keyboard...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
1) do you often tank on macros, and without really paying attention? i know tt bossess have sick hp and spammimg like 3 skills over and over again can be boring... but
I suggest you find some other barb.
While I do QQ a lot when my charm ticks b:avoid even I don't afk tankingRegardless. Usually because I'm tanking him with a single cleric so I have to pot and turtle a lot to keep my **** alive,[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I AFK tank sometimes with a macro, depending on the boss. Come back every few minutes or so to make sure nothing bad has happened, never had a problem.
First boss in 2-3 I AFK tank, wurlord I dont obviously, gotta cancel his magic attack or it's game over, Feng if we do him (usually do, always someone that needs for past quest or his mats for gear) I'll stick around until he starts to AOE, then make sure everythign is good before I go AFK. Ape I don't afk. Dog boss I go AFK. Astral I'll go AFK depending on how we do him, keep track of the bosses HP and make sure I'm around when mobs spawn to make sure everything works out. Ancient Evil I go AFK of course.
I only tab out though it it's a boss that I know is incredibly easy and that I don't have to cancel, such as the first boss in 2-1/2-2/2-3[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
Aya__ - Heavens Tear wrote: »ty all
thats very useful info
and pretty reassuring too
So macroing - yes on easy bossess, afking - no, afking withiut telling anyone - very big NO.
still dont think ill make healing macro, even to save keyboard...
I have 2 healing macros setup. Bascially one big heal macro, one small with purify. I don't use either of these to go afk unless absolutely necessary. The main reason I have them is for the times I'm trying to have a conversation while fighting a boss. I'd rather let the macro take over a min while I type, than try to spit out a few words in between heals.
As a bonus I've found if I use a concentrate orb with the small macro (IH,WS,IH,pure), I can actually regen my mana while healing. Usefull for when I'm draining mana on adding dps, without tearing up a bunch of herb to keep mana up. (I'm sure not everyone will find that as usefull as I do)0 -
Macros? What macros? b:avoid
But seriously, when I'm healing a tank, it's heavily dependent on the situation. If it's a simple tank 'n' spank, I'll just pop a focus powder (concentrate orb works, too, but focus is cheaper) and throw on my IH/wellspring combo and kick back, or afk for a short while after notifying the squad. If there's aoe or walkers may crash our party, I'm there 100% of the time. Same for if the boss has a big bad magic attack or someone in the squad (*cough*archersandassassins*cough*) has a chance of pulling aggro. I'll actually sit there if the macro can't heal enough to stop a charm from ticking.
On my barb, I tend to be lazy and do a simple FR/5 attack combo for those TNS bosses. Cancellable magic attacks? I'm there! In my opinion, as long as there's no chance of things going wrong, macros are fine to use. The only types I've ever considered going afk on were Chientien-type bosses. Sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation. b:cryUsing macros is like drinking...do it responsibly.
Also, did you know clerics can heal themselves? b:puzzled0 -
would depend on dd / boss.
obviously cannot use macro with those annoying high dps fist ppl.
outside of TT i wouldnt macro, cos bosses dont take long, and aggro steal too easy happening.
but unless boss stun/sleep/random aggro i usually set macro. but i am at the screen.
sure like wurlord can do good dmg with mag cos of no alacrity, but im not ticking, so **** that.I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender
102 - Archer - Heartz0 -
1)No never, I tanked my fb29 myself and we squad wiped at the beginning because I only had one hand free(was eating a sandwich) so I decided to always give it my full attention whilst tanking.
3)Well it's my job to keep the party and the cleric from losing health, so yes I typically expect the cleric to keep my alive unless the situation becomes exceedingly bad, when I know I and the party is going to wipe for whatever reason I typically tell the cleric and squad to run, I invoke, roar, alpha male and anything else to make sure nothing chases the party and I will be the only one to die.0 -
u say u did a 2-3..and from what I remember of 2-3s, the ape guy starts hitting pretty hard at around last 35-40%...which makes me think there's a possibility that ur tank wasnt really on macro & afk even if he did die. Even good barbs in range of lvl 85-92/95 but with low phy/mag res & those who've just started farming their tt90 gear...there's a chance of them dieing at ape boss..even with a bb..if there's only one cleric in squad & who's BBing obviously.
TT2-3 squads normally take 2 clerics just to be safer at Wurlord, Cosmoforce & Ancient Evil0 -
i have never used a macro on my barb, i though about it a couple times. but its much easier to just press buttons in different orders than to have a bunch of macros on my # pad and and real skills and everything its just isn't worth it.Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.0
Kwandelan - Heavens Tear wrote: »u say u did a 2-3..and from what I remember of 2-3s, the ape guy starts hitting pretty hard at around last 35-40%...which makes me think there's a possibility that ur tank wasnt really on macro & afk even if he did die. Even good barbs in range of lvl 85-92/95 but with low phy/mag res & those who've just started farming their tt90 gear...there's a chance of them dieing at ape boss..even with a bb..if there's only one cleric in squad & who's BBing obviously.
TT2-3 squads normally take 2 clerics just to be safer at Wurlord, Cosmoforce & Ancient Evil
If there's just one cleric, simply IHing would be safer than using a BB (as well as less painful on your charm) provided there's only one person getting hit. 5 IH stacks will heal a lot more than a BB would. The only thing to be careful of is those magic attacks that can deal some high spike damage, most of which you should be able to cancel because you're an awesome barb. In this situation, neither the cleric nor the barb can afk, btw. b:pleasedUsing macros is like drinking...do it responsibly.
Also, did you know clerics can heal themselves? b:puzzled0 -
i never could figure out how to macro, lolb:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Kwandelan - Heavens Tear wrote: »u say u did a 2-3..and from what I remember of 2-3s, the ape guy starts hitting pretty hard at around last 35-40%...which makes me think there's a possibility that ur tank wasnt really on macro & afk even if he did die. Even good barbs in range of lvl 85-92/95 but with low phy/mag res & those who've just started farming their tt90 gear...there's a chance of them dieing at ape boss..even with a bb..if there's only one cleric in squad & who's BBing obviously.
TT2-3 squads normally take 2 clerics just to be safer at Wurlord, Cosmoforce & Ancient Evil
Kwan, you know me... and you were with me in few TTs too. I could solo heal you on 2-2 several levels ago... with other tanks i solo healed ape for 2-3 too before, also before sage culti, with my old gear and even once with veno who never got purge b:shocked so imo its not my lack of healing power, and i hope not lack of skill either...
umm... i never bbed on ape. he doesnt aoe and sparked ih and stream heal more, even if you factor in damage reduction
that barb never admitted to afking. its just my guess, i was trying to reason wth happened... when he died on both bossess i used absolute domain, shell and channeling powder and tried to res him asap. and he didnt accept that res... on ape he didnt accept two in a row, i had to give up and run to teleport after that and return later to res him and wizzy. i went to that 2-3 sure it will be a standard run and i died 3 times b:cry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I use macros on ape in 2-3 at the beginning of the fight, but I keep PWI open and keep an eye on things. Then when ape gets to ~50% I stop using the macro.
Falaqiua or however you spell it is easy with a macro.
Feng once he starts using AOE can be done with a macro
Wurlord should never be done with a macro
Doggy can be done with a macro
Astral can be done with a macro provided you watch the screen in case all the mobs suddenly decide to attack you at once (happened to me before)
Ancient Evil obviously can't be done with a macro.
Generally during my TT2-3 runs I'm only paying attention on average 40% of the time.
Never had anyone die on any of my runs though. Except a few times where people died to hands. And once where a sin decided he was John McClain and charged into a group of mobs at the beginning.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."0 -
I know I'm lower level than most replies, but for me, I never afk macro. I do one to just hold aggro, and ask my party to hold off till I have it, but then revert back to manual skills for the rest to save my cleric.
I regularly play with a psychic who has big DD skills, so as soon as I see an agro switch happening, I do a roar or run my macros again so I can regain the aggro on me.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Fast question:
If u have to play PWI with macros (that is an automatic series of buttons pressed by game)..... why do u play here? Where is the fun?
b:bye0 -
Macro's are a feature, so why not use this feature to play HOW YOU WANT TO, so experience PWI the BEST for you.
Sometimes it's a bit boring to keep 1 key pressed down for a longer period of time.0 -
Macro it's a feature to HELP players.
Not for REPLACING them.
If u don't like press buttons during a run change game and try a 1st person shooter, so u can have more adrenaline.
b:bye0 -
Baalbak - Dreamweaver wrote: »afk tank?? wtf?
A barb going AFK tank... fail, no wonder why they lose arggo easy and marcos are for lazy wimps b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool
HA > LA > AR... GG
HA + VIT = win b:bye0 -
I usually don't marco during tanking, but on rare cases and some bosses I do.
Usually when I'm eating at the desk, taking a phone call, or had to go to the bath room while the boss is still at like ~50%... Or just feel lazy.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ok, what is macroing? and NO ONE should go afk during TT. unless like the whole squad is in a safe place and you let them know.0
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