Daggoo - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Are you in fashion mode? There's some check marks at the top of the inven window to switch view, don't know (@ work) what they are called though.
  • Seems to me you will end up with too little strength for your gear that way, and probably too much dex. Some higher/better barb please correct me if I'm wrong but I think the most common 'pattern build' is 6str/3vit/1dex per 2 levels.
  • Okie thanks for explaining :) And although you're right it's a little early, it's good to know: I tend to stat the dex a little early since I haven't run into hp problems and I don't have Armageddon yet anyway. But I'm considering when at 36 or so dex (for gear req) to go ahead and make it 40 by "borrowing" a couple of…
  • Can I ask why you don't agree with it?
  • Not worth restarting: from lvl 6 it's easy enough to fix your build (unless you put points in MAG). If you want that build Yulk proposes, just don't put any more points in dex for now. If you put all in str and vit from now until lvl 11, you can have 35 str, 19 vit, 11 dex...which is just one point off. Skip the dex you…
  • From what I'm seeing, venos do tend to look for help for the 39ish quests. And yeah, some of the 30ish bosses are hard to handle for a solo barb, although a chaos powder here and there can work miracles ;) I haven't seen finding any faction being so much of a problem for venos. Finding a somewhat higher one, or one that…
  • In most mmorpgs I've played, the only people I've ever seen talking about RP are the ones claiming that their scamming/ganking/ksing/generally being a t*rd is just RP...b:chuckle. OT: It seems rather early to start an Alt just to waste some coin on it, but I think the point you make about party play is rather valid. Also,…