Alt ponderings

Saphinna - Dreamweaver
Saphinna - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Tideswell (East)
I've recently started playing PWI, and am thinking of making an alt for this venomancer to support (since she seems to have a really easy time collecting mats and making coins). So I am curious, which is more rare on the server, Barbs or Clerics?

I enjoy both playstyles, and have done both in other MMOs, so figure I can get the hang of doing so here easily enough! Just not entirely sure WHICH to play!
Post edited by Saphinna - Dreamweaver on


  • DTK - Dreamweaver
    DTK - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Barbs are the rarest on server for sure, but I wouldnt recommend having an alt so soon. Yes it is easy to make money in your 30s but you'll get a huge shock once oyu hit 90. Personally its going to cost me 250mil just for half of my end game build b:cry but who knows you might end up likeing barb more than veno
  • Saphinna - Dreamweaver
    Saphinna - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Kinda what I was thinking. While veno is fun and so far I can solo anything except my dungeons, they seem....shall we say a bit unpopular? :)
    Almost seems like they have the Huntard reputation that hunters did in WoW. Which might not be far from the truth, considering the classes play much alike.

    I do prefer group roles, and tank or healer pretty much are those! Plus it lets me be a bit more social, which is half the fun of an MMO to me (that and RP, but I don't see a large RP community in PW, oddly).
  • Daggoo - Dreamweaver
    Daggoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    In most mmorpgs I've played, the only people I've ever seen talking about RP are the ones claiming that their scamming/ganking/ksing/generally being a t*rd is just RP...b:chuckle.

    OT: It seems rather early to start an Alt just to waste some coin on it, but I think the point you make about party play is rather valid. Also, I find that in most games playing alts makes you a better player on your primary char.

    Edit: reread my post and realized it sounded like I was accusing you of that lol, which was not my intention. WoW may be different RP-wise, but that's one that I haven't played.
  • Saphinna - Dreamweaver
    Saphinna - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    <chuckles> Your point about RP in most MMOs is not a bad one. WoW is the exception, because several servers have very active RP communities, which can range from the abysmal to folks who are actually decent writers.

    And yes, I do acknowledge the fact that starting an alt this early is not always a good way to see the game. Though, like you said, it can make you better at a class because you see how it plays from a different angle as well as how other classes play/interact with it.
    I've mostly been thinking about it, because as easy as veno is, it is a tad...boring. It can be fun, but soloing 99% of the time is kinda old. I do solo a lot, just cause I move faster and don't have to wait for someone else (and I can just up and go afk if things need doing IRL :) ), but it is really hard to find a faction as a veno. Heck, she still has FB19 sitting in her log, as well as the new one!
    Classes that are more group focused, like tanks and healers (and some types of DPS too), though don't have that as much of an issue. If you put up that little sign over your head that you are looking for a group for a quest or FB or whatever, people snatch clerics up (barbs too, I am sure) :)

    But this is not just a complaint about that. I've done quests on the veno that I KNOW a solo barb could not handle. Cleric maybe cause of the self healing. But some of the elites? A barb of my level won't have the armor my pet does (which does not seem to help him much sometimes :) ), and no one spamming heals on him while tossing damage on the target, so I don't see them soloing the 'elite'. It is fun, but...there is not as much of a challenge to it. I'm sure this changes as you increase in level, but it sure seems at the moment that venos just walk all over their quests! My biggest concern is getting slots for pets (darn hay drops) :)
  • Daggoo - Dreamweaver
    Daggoo - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    From what I'm seeing, venos do tend to look for help for the 39ish quests. And yeah, some of the 30ish bosses are hard to handle for a solo barb, although a chaos powder here and there can work miracles ;)

    I haven't seen finding any faction being so much of a problem for venos. Finding a somewhat higher one, or one that you actually like can be tough however.

    Fb19 shouldn't be hard to get done though. Done it together with my gf's cleric at 32 or so and was pretty easy (but not fast lol). And yesterday did it on my 25 archer with her 40 veno (walker pet), which was even easier. Unless we are occupied with other things we'd be happy to help you :)
    Fb 29 is another matter I think it took the first 3 mobs in the instance less than 5s to get rid of me and both the 39 and the 41 venos in my party haha...we kinda ran in unprepared though xD

    Trying to remember which mobs were recently dropping me all that hay I found in my inven lol...I know the rhinodrakes outside Arch drop it but they are already rather low for you.

    Anyway, I'm already finding what a money sink being a barb can be lol...whatever I make in DQs and other drops tends to go straight to armor repair haha. So if you're looking for a money sink, start a barb ;) Although I guess clerics are pretty good at burning coin as well xD
  • UkyoTachiban - Dreamweaver
    UkyoTachiban - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm brand new to PWI, too, and for whatever it's worth, I've been giving all of the different classes a whirl and Barbarian is fun as hell. Then again, I love playing tanks, so.. :P
  • Islamey - Dreamweaver
    Islamey - Dreamweaver Posts: 586 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Barbs are great if you can afford them. It'll be fine until level 70. Then the TT70+ repair bills will be like a slap in the face. Then the lvl90+ expenses will be like a punch to the stomach. Then you might as well an hero when you're lvl 95.
    The chillum is sometimes referred to as a chalice, based on a quote from the Biblical book of Deuteronomy. Thanks and praises are offered to Jah before smoking the chillum.