Chaos_Hobo - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I agree completely. Proc descriptions should be more precise. Things like sharpen and bless don't really tell us much of anything. It boosts your stats! Yes, but how much? It'd be nice to know for deciding whether or not you want to upgrade weapons or not. Like EvilStare vs Shadow Legend. Shadow legend has slightly higher…
  • I wonder if the april fool's joke was thought about AT ALL before they did it? It's common sense if you bring everyone on the server into the same spot, then add some silly joke, something untoward is going to happen. Usually I'm on your side GMs, but this is just plain ridiculous.
  • First off. Yulk, go hide under your bridge you silly troll~~~ Secondly.../begin rant The major problem with assasins is that they were added to a game NOT DESIGNED FOR STEALTH(Yeah, had to underline so maybe the naysayers get it) In a certain Mmorpg that shall remained unnamed *cough*WoW*cough* most if not all the classes…
  • Ok, when it comes to PVE, ultimately Gorenox Vanity beats Deicides. If you get all the -int gear you can get( and honestly, if you get most of it to make deicides worth using over your bow, you can get the rest with a little hard work/cashshopping) you can go 5 aps with demon spark with either. Having both weapons refined…
  • Why not just find a way to not allow fists in TW. Then all the 5aps people can farm, and it's not really interfering with casters. Whoever said assasins are a copy of blademasters, please roll one of each. You'll notice a major difference once you get into FC. I wanna meet a non-cashshopping sin that tanks their bh from…
  • I agree with Bellarie. I've got college to deal with, and my family expects to see me alive occasionally. Not to mention my friends whom abduct me a few times a week(think im kidding, but half the time I get hauled off right out of bed). So personally I can't farm very well, nor can I aford to cashshop with college…
  • Watching the video, there is a purple bar that goes down when the pet is attacking. Is that HP? in which case the pet was getting hit incredibly hard every time it attacks. If it's mana or something, that means Mystic pet skills eventually run out so they wouldnt be able to tank because they'd lose aggro. It only went down…