Canuk - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I use the AH for all my $$ transfers between my alt characters - I deposit my excess funds into to my AH account and then withdraw when needed. I have three Alt characters - and this works fine - no 1 hr delay!
  • You will also notice that "they" will "help" with your FB's and if you have the tabs - you get the drops - they are really after the reputation points. So remeber - if its your FB - you are in control - ask your guild first for help - then go to your "friends" list. You should not have a problem building a squad for your…
  • I would agree - if you are in a squad - they are your first concern - if you are just grinding - then requests from friends. As for random WC requests - only if I am in the area! I will not go out of my way to rez - simply to find that they have already been attended to by another cleric in that area. As for charging a fee…
  • The only way I know of is if you go into the System Settings and then -> Game -> Auto Reply , click that and let the system inform ALL players that your are AKF or just not available - you would not have to reply to each and every "wisper"
  • 11 - This is just a "good" way spend the time I need to take to do this World quest! - Reading the New posts - and enjoying! b:chuckle