Or... OR.... OR!! Someone could give mods the ability to edit titles :/
More like, do we actually ever get this going again? There haven't been anyone handing out titles for years...
Found PWI staff's forum account.
Pfft whatcha need the Russian for? Item names don't match PWI even translated (but pwdb can help), and most of the interface is numbers and shop names. I can understand some Russian but my wife can't, we both use it occasionally without any problems.
My duskblade is in the 50 level range, so I cannot say I've played much of it, but it has really good speed grinding abilities with the teleport skill. It cools down as soon as target dies (within 20s), so you can literally spam teleport, spending almost no time moving between the mobs. That being said, I've never really…
Remember Smiley Central? As for on topic, I think I know what website is being talked about. Yes, it's in Russian, but it shares item IDs with pwdatabase so you can just search up the needed item there and paste the numbers after "items/" into the URL there (for instance, tokens are 24721). I don't see any harm in it,…
oh snap!
Hahaha so much this. To Slivaf - surely, folks have opinions, but it does seem that on this forum, people will pull each other's hair out over opinions, as most arguments tend to devolve into accusations of being inferior somehow (inexperienced, stupid, greedy etc), basically just name-calling.
Start Arc. login your ingame account, select Redeem Code, rest is self explanatory I hope.
"[Updated 3/17]" I guess it's been more than a year since anyone gave a ****. As for maintaining and titles, if possible, set mine to "Burn, drown and bury". I remember making that joke ages ago and the wiz a few posts above just reminded me of itb:victory
@echo off setlocal if defined ProgramW6432 goto 64bit if not exist %SystemRoot%\system32\bcdedit.exe goto withoutbcdedit :withbcdedit bcdedit /set increaseUserVa 2560 if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( 'program returned 0 = success echo Memory increase successful ) else ( 'my batch file skills are rusty, not sure if the () are needed,…
So I just shard citrines and eventually transition to vit stones when I get rich? Mine still doesn't have the full tt90 set but has a nice +5% hp neck (from a mold I found for 500k).
I've also gotten fairly decent results grinding with a wizard as you can have a permanent mp regen boost and most prey dies before it gets to you. As far as I recall, at 39 was when you got one of your best kiting skills (Will of the Phoenix) which saves your *** if things go pearshaped. offtopic: what was your lvl 92…
>Hemple Great place to smoke I assume. Let me go, let me go, crazy golden herb.
I had all these, too. However, we both missed one that was critical: - Don't have Arc running
To be honest, running taskkill /F /IM Arc* killed 1 Arc.exe and 4(!) ArcOSBrowser.exe. It's almost like a virus...
My testing has shown killing Arc helps. Also, by the time the thread is made, the "damages" have already occurred, so it is pretty pointless to clutter the threads with duplicate posts. I probably missed the most recent thread, and solved the problem myself on accident. There's also the issue of "necro" threads, make a new…
While I agree with the OP that the item is completely useless, it's still a QQ thread and should go into the Official QQ Sticky Thread (whenever mods make one).
Actually, I let my wife log him in, she clicked Fill Check and it worked.
Don't worry... I've arranged for one of the walls in my place to be padded with a soft material for head bashing purposes :)
Actually, since I've had 2 toons with the problem, and I expected some weird stuff to happen, I tested another toon first (don't care for it much as it has like 3 A cards already). No dice. So yeah, to support with me.
I recall someone saying that if you do 100/100/105 (reawaken twice at 100 then level to 105) you will stop gaining any EXP whatsoever and miss out on the remaining stat points. Might've been wrong/fixed by now, though. Also, in terms of fastest possible gain in the beginning, I think it's better to be 100/100/100, then…
Well, that's very nice. I specifically did some searching, to see if I could solve it without posting here, and also to avoid an army of posters telling me to use the search with a foaming mouth. Neither of the suggestions did the trick there, so should I just like send a ticket? Or just wait for someone helpful to post in…
Getting an "internal error" of sorts. At least I stocked up on my sin...
Hahaha, we're still not done with sin QQ. And that was literally the first (or second, no order here) "new" class after the original six. Speaking of sins, used mine to do some !!SCIENCE!! with a SB I managed to convince to go along with it. R8 weap, no particular refines. Teleported from 25m range (range of the cast).…
I just saw the above mentioned skill in action. WTF?!
How bad is it, actually? Some Frankenstein was doing science on a tread, something about oneshotting anyone with comboing 3 sparks, metal debuff and some chi gain, then having someone move the target around (reel in etc).
This starts making less and less sense as it goes.
I want to QQ about that.
I admit to posting a QQ thread about the molds not being tradable some good while ago. Nowadays I take this game a lot less seriously, and now I don't give a damn (<inb4 wordfilter). Mentioning that, I haven't gotten any more molds mostly because the only boss I ever deal with is Snake as I am still not convinced I've…