Boryon - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Is Sanc effected by this shutdown? A guildmate is reporting that friends can't log in to sanc. We, however, are logged on and experiencing no issues? Could it be related?
  • I was wondering if it is possible that aggro skills are not the problem. Recently i began playing on an alt. I noticed while around archo that mobs do not aggro without innitiating an attack. While i know lower levels do not aggro, I do remember being chased by dual bladed centipex. Neither the Centipex nor the venomous…
  • I was more referring to items such as apatho that only the territory holder of say 1k streams can make. I may be incorrect in this but i heard there are certain items that only the owner of the territory can manufacture. It was these items i was referring to. I agree the boutique items and even those from anni packs for…
  • I agree we need some better coin sinks. I think a sink for high levels would help with gold prices. Though many would hate it; Something like for a high coin fee you can make the specialty items for owning that land. For those that are not in factions that control the land they must give the mats and say 2 mil coin or…
  • While yes you can't get those items without gold please note they are optional. You get 1 free (but slow) aerogear, occassional emerald charms for free, and even free storage upgrades for DQ. To play the game is free. To be at the top is not. Just remember though it is also not free to host games and update them money must…
  • I don't know if Sky is DSL or cable (I don't have it here). If sky is DSL make sure there are filters on your line. At least here the phone company pings the line constantly and you will lose speed if there isn't a filter on your line. A DSL filter is just a little box that is placed on the line between the modem and the…
  • The idea is to buy them with gold. Coins can only be used if a player is selling them. Use alt+O and browse that for all things that may be purchased with gold and be on the lookout for sales.
  • Check the level of your tree of protection. With the level tweaks, my level of tree of protection is not now obtainable for the level of my genie. I have level 9 Tree of protection with a level requirement of level 71 on my genie. My genie is level 60. This happened after the nerf patch so it was legal before that patch…